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Posts posted by jojo12100

  1. 25 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:


    if you want me to upload the other entries you have onto our new unreleased/beta section of the Event Gallery,
    Please arrange and categorize and name the download archives properly, and re-upload them here.

    It's in a kind of messy state right now, and I intend to divide the projects up according.
    (right now, you have them mostly all chucked into one folder lol)

    Lol creative people are messy. But I will. Soon.

    Note: Battle Frontier project is tidy yet.

    • Like 1
  2. On 22/04/2017 at 10:54 PM, HaxAras said:

    Here's an idea for a Pokemon you might find interesting. It's a trainer Pokemon. Sort of. I was thinking of the old man's Weedle from Fire Red and Leaf Green and remembered the "Teachy TV" and the guy in the videos and his LV.30 Butterfree. It probably doesn't have any data in the game but it's something you could look for. 

    Will try to look. But as said Trainer's Pokemon are not interessting. IV-set ...

    Maybe we can open a new thread for the 13 Colosseum Pokemon?

    Edit: Here for you @HaxAras







    Edit2: And I got other uncatchable from RSE too (Wally's Ralts, Father's Zigza, Wild Zigza and Wild Poochyena from the beggining)






  3. 12 minutes ago, coltonsmogon said:

    Adding those to the 48 Shadow Pokémon in the final Colosseum, that means there are 61 Shadow Pokémon to purify in the code. Can we go get these 13 others you mentioned?

    First there are 3 exclusive E-reader Shadow Pokemon (Mareep, Togepi and Scizor).

    Then for the 13 other mentionned well I don't know if they exist in the final game. I mean leftover texts mentionned them. Maybe if someone can "revive" cut trainers but I don't have the skill to do it. I hope someone here has it. It could be an awesome quest. I'd love to get shadow Porygon2 ^^

  4. 5 minutes ago, HaxAras said:

    I find it hard to have a memory with an event mon. The thing about Pokemon for me is catching, personalizing and building memories with my Pokemon. Events are locked into a set ball, can't be nicknamed or shiny (mostly), etc. They're usually high level like 70 or 100 so there's less time you get to raise them as well.

    That's right (but they are changing that in SM for example with the Munchlax). By memories I think they mean "memories of the time and place you get it".

    But you understood the main "problem": OUR datas, their profits.

  5. 12 minutes ago, HaxAras said:

    "Instead of letting people get their own, personal legendary, we decided to make them worthless."

    Anybody who tries hard enough can get any event Pokemon, but casuals are just SHOL. If you just happened to not have a console/game or be a few years late, good luck getting that mon you want. I always really despised them, for the way they handle mons like Mew and Jirachi, etc. I never understood why Celebi seemed to get it worst off. 

    In fact it's a question of point of view of what Gamefreak is.

    If you think that as capitalist you see: making 2 games with exclusive pokemon is a genious thing to do, put a shiny-lock to some pokemon in order to sold other games or events later is a genious thing to do ... it gives us more money;

    If you think as Masuda-san or other employees: we want people to interact with others, to encourage them to go outside, to make memories with events;

    I personnaly think that the politics of Gamefreak is between the 2.


    But the real question now is what about us? Can players reappropriate the games? ProjectPokemon say yes, they can.

    We are not just video game consumers. We have the power to make things less unfair, we have to preserve our datas from the effects of time for example.

    ProjectPokemon is a citizen project, an activist project and that's why I love it.

  6. I'm actually watching a french interview of Masuda explaining why some Pokemon are shiny-lock and what event Pokemon mean.

    According to him some Pokemon, mostly legendaries are shiny-lock for balancing, they don't want to create an over rarest class than legendaries.

    Whereas event pokemon mean for them a memory.

    That's why they can shiny, that's why there is so much serial codes to restrict the distribution.

  7. 5 minutes ago, HaxAras said:

    Is it a trainers Pokemon or is it hidden in the data somewhere?

    Trainer Pokemon. Mt Battle Battle Mode simple trainer 77 from Pokemon Colosseum.

    About hidden Pokemon or hidden trainers in the game: I've heard that there was at least 13 other shadow pokemon plannified according to the text leftovers ( Kecleon, Minun, Spoink, Baltoy, Castform, Psyduck, Teddiursa, Wobbuffet, Wailmer, Porygon2, Xatu, Whiscash, and Magcargo ). Maybe someone should look on the cut trainers ^^ Source: here

  8. Lol the Bonsly can be traded to main games.

    Unfortunately the game crashes when you try to see its screen. I"ll try to see if you can use it in battle or Palpark it.


    Edit: Can be use in battle but the game will crash after Exp win. Cannot be palparked.

    Edit 2: It's a question mark. Cannot be trade back if you store it :(  (data corruption)

  9. 4 hours ago, St. GIGA said:

    Yes, it is Lissy's missing bonsly, which you do battle. Look up the phrase to learn more.

    I didn't find anything about another Bonsly battle. The one you use in the Bingo is apparently the one you rescued.

    @HaxAras They are Ally's Pokemon from Stat Trainer (ex: Riley's Lucario). As said Trainer's Pokemon are useless because of their IV-set.


    I'm thinking of a new quest if you're in: get the Rider Zalla's Jirachi in Colosseum which is based on the movie Jirachi and the wishmaker.

  10. Anyway did you notice Bonsly stat changes? It got a huge Attack boost between gen3 and gen4!

    I don't think you can trade from X D to main game but just got it in X D is amazing.


    Plus you can shiny hunt the Salamence of the intro ^^

  11. @BlackShark Thanks, I'll do it today

    @HaxAras I don't have the game nor the knoweldge or tools to do it. I hope @suloku can do it. Because now X D will be my priority ^^

    As I thought stat trainers pokemon are disappointing. Unfortunately my game crashes when I was looking for the Arcanine but I don't think that I'll try again. So if you want the two missings follow Blakshark's instructs and you'll get them.




    Honnestly I'm too good with you. Hope that someone will work as hard as me to get the X D ones



    =system merged=

  12. @St. GIGA If the problem is the encryption I use Blackshark's tool for Gen3 and maybe sav editor for ColoXD can be used too.

    Plus, in the worst case just put the file here and we'll find a way to decrypt it.

    I can't help you for the debug of Dolphin, did you see the video posted by Blackshark in this thread about RAM dump?

    I think it'll be a hard quest but the gift is so challenging this time!


    Edit: Reading Bulbapedia about shinys according to them Hayley's Mew in Ranch can possibly be shiny. That's a thing to check.

    I begin to watch for the Stat trainers in DP thanks to the Kiosk demo but I can't find the ally pokemon offset location @BlackShark Any idea?

    I mean we have party location and I find wild pokemon location but can't find the ally Chansey ...

    =system merged=

  13. @BlackShark Thanks, do we have a X D RAM map or do we have to find it?

    It could be an amazing quest! Not only the beggining Salamence/Metagross or the Battle CD Legendaries (Mew ...) but also maybe the Bingo Bonsly!

    Unfortunately I don't have a good PC to launch Dolphin, I'll ask if my father can rent me one but nobody here can do it for us, please?

  14. On 19/04/2017 at 8:08 AM, BlackShark said:

    Maybe Morimotos Pokemon from BW, B2W2 and SM? http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/GAME_FREAK_(Trainer_class)

    I already got the ones from BW. I had thought they might be more interesting as they actually are. They all have different ID and SID........

    I have already contributed its team from SM and its team in B2W2 is the same from BW.


    Trainers Pokemon are disappointing. They are IV-set sometimes with some EV. They are really not interesting.

    I will try to see for Steven Stone team in Space Center if it's interessting or not.

    Stat trainer pokemon in DP might be difficult to get and disappointing too (so later if I have time + code to make them reappear).

    =posts merged=

    Here's Steven's Pokemon in Space Center in Emerald. They are a bit interesting ^^

    But as I said if you want trainer Pokemon just apply the method I described in Battle Tower thread.

    When I'll have the courage I'll try to see for the stat trainer pokemon but I'll need the code to make them reappear.





    Edit: When you'll have time @BlackShark can you look if there is a way to RAM dump pokemon X D in order to get a real Salamence (or later CD Mew for example)? Thanks in advance.

  15. 28 minutes ago, coltonsmogon said:

    Shroomish, you mean? And yes, if I could help, I would...

    Yes, sorry it was Shroomish in English.

    Anyway, in fact help to contribute for exemple to Battle Frontier Pokemon is easy but takes time. To get the Sneasel you have to win the Battle Pyramid 6 times until you fight Ice Type pokemon. For the Battle Pike you have to win 40 times to get the Electrode, 80 times to get the Breloom and 120 times to get the Wobbuffet.

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