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Posts posted by jojo12100

  1. Thanks @BlackShark, I'm personnaly working on Colosseum Extra Shadow Quest.

    I found a similar listing of Pokemon in the ROM data so I think the mystery of 10ANNIV rom is solved. But I have also found something interesting. In the game data there is .fsys with trainers data. If we can decrypt them maybe we could solve our quest?

    Plus I'd love to see the beta Tyranitar from Mobile trainer ROM. If something know how to extract the pictures.

  2. 1 minute ago, theSLAYER said:

    Actually, the bitflags for the missions are probably stored in the save (to determine if you did it before, so you can to it again),
    so there may be a way to activate them,
    even if you never gotten the mission before.

    The question is where. For that we need to compare saves with and without. But I never got the secret mission in hand so I can't for now.

    Plus, I have so many projects for the moment (Extra Shadow, Mobile Trainer ...) that this is not my priority.

    • Like 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    @jojo12100 are you on luma?

    You can use Region emulation to set your 3DS to JP,
    then restart the entire demo.

    That way, you'll play the demo as JP region. (referring to the Steelix post)


    As for the special mission, I read that it is repeatable once done,
    so if anyone has it, they can share the save file with you.

    Nop, I'm on Gateway :( But if you have it, it's really simple just reset your ORAS demo and export the sav after the first mission.

    And yes for the 2nd mission except you can't modify the ORAS demo sav. Only the RAM. So we need someone with it and NTR.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Purin said:

    0xDF1747 doesn't exist in a GBA environment. It must be relative to some of the memory areas, such as:


      Reveal hidden contents


    General Internal Memory
      00000000-00003FFF   BIOS - System ROM         (16 KBytes)
      00004000-01FFFFFF   Not used
      02000000-0203FFFF   WRAM - On-board Work RAM  (256 KBytes) 2 Wait
      02040000-02FFFFFF   Not used
      03000000-03007FFF   WRAM - On-chip Work RAM   (32 KBytes)
      03008000-03FFFFFF   Not used
      04000000-040003FE   I/O Registers
      04000400-04FFFFFF   Not used
    Internal Display Memory
      05000000-050003FF   BG/OBJ Palette RAM        (1 Kbyte)
      05000400-05FFFFFF   Not used
      06000000-06017FFF   VRAM - Video RAM          (96 KBytes)
      06018000-06FFFFFF   Not used
      07000000-070003FF   OAM - OBJ Attributes      (1 Kbyte)
      07000400-07FFFFFF   Not used
    External Memory (Game Pak)
      08000000-09FFFFFF   Game Pak ROM/FlashROM (max 32MB) - Wait State 0
      0A000000-0BFFFFFF   Game Pak ROM/FlashROM (max 32MB) - Wait State 1
      0C000000-0DFFFFFF   Game Pak ROM/FlashROM (max 32MB) - Wait State 2
      0E000000-0E00FFFF   Game Pak SRAM    (max 64 KBytes) - 8bit Bus width
      0E010000-0FFFFFFF   Not used
    Unused Memory Area
      10000000-FFFFFFFF   Not used (upper 4bits of address bus unused)



    Maybe it's just a listing of all pokemon? But that's a bit strange there are not in the numerical order,  maybe hex order?

  5. Just now, coltonsmogon said:

    If it has to happen for that mission too, then go on ahead & SR for that one (it may take a while, so take a sandwich or 2 with you).

    I tried years ago. I don't have the patience now for that. You can SR only after the Veteran Battle Mission (every 5 missions).

  6. 21 minutes ago, coltonsmogon said:

    Try backing back up & then retrying for the special mission again like you did (or just SR for the special mission).

    The special mission you get the Nugget is different from the one you fight with May. Here


    @Purin I found mentions to other Pokemon (Jolteon,Scizor,Arbok,Murkrow,Kingdra) but I still ignore the meaning of that.


  7. 1 minute ago, Purin said:

    DF0FC0? From WRAM or IRAM?
    _BUUJ00 being the master rom or one of the multiboot roms? Which Pokemon did you distribute?

    I just opened the Ram of the main screen in Hxd like I did for Pokemon XD.


    @coltonsmogon Thanks to a backup after the first mission, I reloaded it and after 5 missions the special mission appeared.

  8. 11 minutes ago, Purin said:

    Nice find! Which offset in RAM is it? I couldn't find it.

    DFOFCO in _BUUJ00

    I don't know the meaning of that; I discovered it purely randomly.


    @coltonsmogon You have 1/8000 chance to get that special mission. I never got it. I'd like also the get the Japanese Steelix.

  9. 13 minutes ago, HaxAras said:

    I don't understand what's wrong with the demo. I have it on my console as well and could play it but I recently updated my 3DS so I can't deal with homebew at the moment. 

    It's an internal event based on time with a time-changing lock.

    Edit: It's a miracle! I finally got it! @coltonsmogon


  10. 4 hours ago, HaxAras said:

    So what you're saying is you need somebody with a complete gen 2 save/cart and access to Stadium 2 who last received a Mystery gift from the little girl? Gee, I sure hope somebody like that comes along. It would also probably be useful if they have a living dex too. 

    Let me know if somebody like that comes along. ;)


    Thanks, the problem for the moment that I don't know how to dump the opponent pokemon. I have received a sgm with Carrie's P2 I'm a bit frustrated but I'll find.

    Edit: I got them, pretty useless but I love Porygon2 (Now I want the shadow one ^^ )

    166 - LEDIAN - 9B06.pk2

    233 - PORYGON2 - E5C8.pk2

    157 - TYPHLOSION - 026A.pk2

    099 - KINGLER - C590.pk2

    101 - ELECTRODE - 3BDB.pk2

    212 - SCIZOR - 24AE.pk2

    • Like 1
  11. Another theory is that when you received an e-mail it launches an event so if we look for unused events maybe we could find something interesting.

    Because it don't think that unused text is still related to unused events.

    It's a really exciting challenge, mostly one of the hardest we ever begin.

    • Like 1
  12. Discovered tonight that there is a link between Altering Cave and Funfiesta special mission.

    According to this video GF previewed to invite players to "Wonder Spot" where they can download a Gen2 pokemon for Altering Cave. This was finally done during the unfamous Special Funfiesta Mission where players can download temporary special pokemon for their hidden grotto. Amazing


    Edit: I have a challenge for you @suloku Can you try to get for me Carrie's Pokemon (especially the Porygon2) ? Because you must have Stadium 2 and the Mystery Gift to unlock it I can't do it.

  13. @coltonsmogon As said a lot of time Trainer's Pokemon are useless because of their IV-set EV 0 most of the time.

    Actually tools exist to dump them if you want for your collection but what I'm looking for is more interesting challenges such as the 13 Extra Shadow or the Shroomish of ORAS demo or even one day the missing demos.


  14. 3 minutes ago, StarsMmd said:

    Hello there :)

    I wrote some code which extracts and edits all the trainer data directly from the game files and unfortunately no such trainers exist. There was no sign of the elusive "Shadow Grass King" either. 

    Interestingly enough, even though I'd played colosseum many times, I'd never heard of mirakle b until I saw him in the data. He was the very last trainer in the files. I had to google him!

    It's because the "Shadow Grass King" is written in Japanese and the data are just in the Japanese version I think. Source: here

  15. Ok today I begin a new quest, I'm not sure if we'll finish it.

    According to TCRF there are 13 extra Shadow Pokemon mentionned in the unused Pokemon colosseum text ( Kecleon, Minun, Spoink, Baltoy, Castform, Psyduck, Teddiursa, Wobbuffet, Wailmer, Porygon2, Xatu, Whiscash, and Magcargo).

    The question is: are they still in the final games?

    If have a theory: there are also cut trainers in the games. Maybe they are related to them?


    Hope that this quest will interest you. I'm not a specialist of this games so I won't be very usefull this time.

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