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Posts posted by jojo12100

  1. ORAS demo is much more complicated than I thought. Wanted: Starters 2nd stage, Wild Poke, Steven Shiny Metagross...

    But if we succeed we'll be able to dump XY demo pokemon using the same method (when we'll have it of course).

  2. ORAS incompatibility confirmed by its creator because of RAM adress differences.

    I personnaly don't have the skill to adapt it, maybe other members have better ideas?

    All I can do is dumping the "original" starters after the first mission+ glalie.

    I've heard that the Japanese demo is different too but I don't have it for the moment (PM me to tell me where I can find it to do researches).

    362 - Oniglali - 59C544C95E5D.pk6

    254 - Jungko - F8591195A5C3.pk6

    257 - Braségali - DBE5F5A9442F.pk6

    260 - ラグラージ - CFF65D0585E9.pk6

  3. 7 hours ago, King Impoleon said:

    without the real data of the demo are these pokemon worthless

    Yes, but most of the data are still present in the final game so doing some researches can be usefull, especially in Japanese version 1.

    I hope you got the original one but in case you do it you'll be surprised that they are not compatible with the released versions because of the changes done to the Pokemon (especially Sharpedo).

  4. 9 minutes ago, suloku said:

    I received a spanish Celebi from colosseum long time ago using the AR codes, maybe a german/french one too (on PAL, you just need to change the game language setting before receiving). I don't have a clue about how to receive pikachu, I've never seen any video/post with details and I may be dumb for never finding it in the disk (not that I tried that much, but I did try all the options in the bonus disk menu).

    Fun fact about the spanish colosseum celebi: OT name is "Ágate", and because they seem to have changed character encoding in gen 4 onwards, the first character "Á" appears as garbage in all following generations.

    Also, it went up to gen 6, haven't tried to put it on gen 7, but I assume it would pass.

    Hum, interesting.

    I received a Celebi and a Pikachu in my French colosseum version using this "trick" but they kept their japanese names (if I remember, I'll check).

    Anyway thanks for your efforts, hope that we'll do some progress on gen3 distrib roms soon.

    And still waiting for other amazing prototype pokemon informations.

  5. 10 hours ago, HaxAras said:

    I only read these messages. If you're willing to do a bit of searching, check Digiex. I've already made the Celebi and Pikachu from the Colosseum disk public.


    I'm an Xbox achievement hunter. I take breaks and play Pokemon. I try to make a name for myself while I do. But while I'm achievement hunting, I'm focused so I'm not really in this 'scene' right now. But I am a US player. I have A US, JP and PAL copy of Colosseum as well as a GameCube Action Replay and much, much more. 


    Yesterday we did a lot of progress for Gen3 events, if anyone have C programming knowledge it'll help us a lot for the universal 10ANNIV distrib but also universal Bonus Disc, Jirachi CD ...

    Finally got my lv11 Kadabra today but I discovered that Drifblim can be underleved too (too bad :( ).

  6. 19 minutes ago, suloku said:

    If they ever release gen 2 I guess they'll just fix the formula, you aren't supposed to trade back anyways, so your aren't supposed to know they screwed up.

    If you think as @theSLAYER they are lazy what will they do? Well they'll fix the formula for Gen2 only. Pretty simple ^^

    So keep your mons in Gen2 for now. And if they are stupid to keep it like that wait for Pkhex update to keep the Pokemon shyni after transfer.

  7. 1 minute ago, Purin said:

    10ANNIV actually uses 10 different client applications, one for each Pokémon. You can either do it like this and compile one client for each Pokémon, or you could do it a bit more sophisticated by sending a few parameters from the server to the client after the client application has successfully booted. That way only one client is needed for everything, while still being able to choose what to distribute from the server.

    I don't have the skills to do more sophisticated. But I'm pretty sure amazing members will have.

    • Like 1
  8. 52 minutes ago, Purin said:

    It's very easy if you have access to the GBA SDK. It comes with a C sample called "multi_boot":


    Looks familiar, doesn't it?
    The sample is complete with server and client application.

    For the most basic distribution, just rewrite the client to do the following:
    1. Check if the correct GBA cartrdige is inserted by looking at the header ("POKEMON EMERBPEE" etc.), show an error if not
    2. Read the savegame of the inserted GBA cartridge
    3. Check if the party has a free slot, show an error if not
    4. Generate your PK3 data, write it to the party (or anything else you want, such as wondercards, Old Sea Map etc., anything is possible)
    5. Fix checksums
    6. Write the savegame back to the inserted GBA cartridge
    7. Show success message


    Great, I'll try to watch if I can do something, hope that other people will try too.

    Theorically it's not difficult.

    Maybe we could do our 10ANNIV universal distrib rom like that or better the Bonus Discs (Celebi, Jirachi ...) distrib?

    • Like 1
  9. On 12/03/2017 at 2:17 AM, Sabresite said:

    Deoxyz is right.  Bond made a comment to me after analyzing the 10 ANNIV cart that it looked like they started to use standard functions to generate event pokemon.
    When we applied the same generation method to known legit specimens, they all fit.  So you could theoretically insert pokemon X and create a distribution ROM for that pokemon.

    I am in favor of making sure these cartridges are not public.  There are tidbits about 10 ANIV that you would only know if you analyzed the ROM itself.

    Hope you'll create this distrib ROM.


    I've found this today, which confirms @suloku theory. In case of it can be usefull, mostly for other event distrib (Jirachi, Celebi ...).



    Source: TCRF

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  10. 43 minutes ago, BlackShark said:

    I only have the PAL version of Colosseum and according to your link it's buggy. I could give it a try at the weekend though.

    Actually I already looked for Bidoof a few weeks ago but I couldn't find it. Maybe I've overseen it or it was only on Nintendos servers back then.

    Here's Celebi. You can also get it from the GameStop Shiny Beasts distribution cart at offset 0x5F250.


    Thanks, I only have the PAL and JAP versions personnally of Colosseum so I can't test it myself. Any US users here?


    For the Bidoof is there any possibility to access to Nintendo server archive? It'll be awesome if so. But yes unfortunately I think they are lost forever :(


    I still try to patch the Mew virus for French, get the underleved Pelago mons and search a way to bypass the language check of 10ANNIV rom but I'm not very lucky for now.

  11. 2 hours ago, suloku said:

    I'd change that to "I don't have the skills", but it seems someone has already covered the difficult part!: http://forums.glitchcity.info/index.php?topic=7861.0

    Basically, it's a custom rom that gets sent over to GBA and does stuff to the savefile. The example changes the player name's first letter to "z", but adding a pokémon to the party/first slot would be easy. The only thing really missing would be pokemon generation algorythm, the downside is that this uses gamecube/wii connection, but maybe doing it over two GBA wouldn't be that difficult for someone familiar with GBA development.
    Edit: I think it does alter the savefile in RAM, so changes only apply if the player runs the game and saves afterwards.

    Really interesting, I think we have first to try just to add a pokemon to the party before trying to emulate the pokemon generation algorythm.

    In fact what interest me the most is how they bypass the language/version/region check.

  12. It seems in fact that the level is determined before the RNG/Nature.

    I was able to reset the Nature just by saving before seeing a Kadabra but it never changes the level of it.


    Is it a good news or a bad news according to you?

  13. 1 minute ago, theSLAYER said:

    The checksum thing was a little trick I've been doing for quite a while,
    whenever I edit the save manually view hex editing for whatever reasons. xD

    I mean the checksum thing in the virus, which is something I don't really master.

    Did you try to look on our work about?

  14. @theSLAYER Did you know that you're a genious?

    I mean I was reading your advises about Dream Radar and I was thinking what if I save again my .sav with PkHex in case of the checksum were incorrect?

    And boum now I can load the game. Okay there are a lot of bugs now to find + the checksum thing to correct but we progress.


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