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Posts posted by jojo12100

  1. I got all Paralysing yesterday.

    And most of the Poisonning Pokemon+ some PP waster

    Some more from Burning stage (I failed it :( )

    Two more, and 2 fails too in Burning stage.

    Much more successful today ^^

    Trapping and Ice-type Pokemon (except Sneasel :( )

    I add today the Destructing Pokemon but as it seems to not interest anyone I think I'll stop here.

    [posts merged]

  2. Here we go for a huge but simple project: contribute all Battle Pike and Pyramid Wild Pokemon (6+160)


    What do you need to help me?

    VisualBoyAdvance and an English or Japanese Rom of Pokemon Emerald.

    First open your game. In cheat/cheat list/gameshark enter the anti-DMA code

    For Japanese Versions

    6ED6DA14 686DF10E
    1C7B3231 B494738C

    For US/English versions

    B2809E31 3CEF5320 1C7B3231 B494738C ?

    Then be sure you're fighting the wanted wild Pokemon, go to tool, memory viewer.

    Enter 020243E8 (Jap) or 02024744 (US) then go.

    Click on the first character, then save, add 64 to size and give a name corresponding to the wild poke. The created file should be in .dmp

    Send me in PM or publish it here and I will decrypt the file thanks to @BlackShark tool and that's all!!!


    Note that the wild pokemon can be shiny.

    The complete list of Pokemon can be found here

    Battle Pyramid
    Obtainable Pokemon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
    Paralysing Pokemon Plusle Minum Pikachu Electabuzz Villeplume Electsprint Breloom Jolteon
    Poisonning Pokemon Gulpin Roselia Butterfree Seviper Skarmory Ludicolo Crobat Gengar
    Burning Pokemon Growlithe Vulpix Magcargo Ninetales Medicham Weezing Dusclops Houndoom
    PP waster Pokemon Dunsparce Banette Misdreavus Ninetales Absol Gengar Dusclops Shedinja
    Levitate Pokemon Haunter Chimecho Solrock Misdreavus Claydol Weezing Flygon Gengar
    Trapping Pokemon Diglett1 Trapinch1 Wynaut1 Diglett2 Trapinch2 Wynaut2 Wobbuffet Dugtrio
    Ice Pokemon Glalie Sneasel Dewgong Piloswine Jynx Cloyster Lapras Walrein
    Destructing Pokemon Weezing Electrode Gengar Golem Pineco Solrock Forretress Shiftry
    Psychic Pokemon Wobbuffet Metang Exeguttor Slowking Xatu Alakazam Starmie Espeon
    Rock Pokemon Golem Steelix Omastar Luantone Shuckle Armaldo Cradily Aerodactyl
    Fighting Pokemon Poliwrath Hariyama Breloom Medicham Hitmoncham Hitmonlee Heracross Machamp
    Weather Pokemon Quagsire Tropius Pupitar Lapras Cacturne Flareon Walrein Gyarados
    Bug Pokemon Pineco Shuckle Venomoth Scizor Heracross Forretress Armaldo Shedinja
    Dark Pokemon Sableye Sneasel Crawdaunt Shiftry Cacturne Absol Houndoom Umbreon
    Water Pokemon Octillery Dewgong Pelipper Quagsire Ludicolo Slowking Starmie Blastoise
    Ghost Pokemon Duskull Haunter Banette Misdreavus Sableye Dusclops Shedinja Gengar
    Steel Pokemon Mawile Magneton Steelix Scizor Forretress Skarmory Aggron Metagross
    Dragon Pokemon Dragonair Vibrava Altaria Flygon Aerodactyl Gyarados Kingdra Charizard
    Evolution Stone Pokemon Arcanine Poliwrath Raichu Vaporeon Jolteon Flareon Ninetales Starmie
    Normal Pokemon Kangaskhan Swellow Ursaring Porygon2 Tauros Fearow Snorlax Slaking


    Battle Pike
    Rom 1-280 Dusclops Milotic Seviper
    Rom 281-560              Electrode Milotic Seviper
    Rom 561-840 Breloom Milotic Seviper
    Rom 841+ Wobbuffet Milotic Seviper

    Those that are highlighted are ones that are already obtained.

    *reserved space for jojo12100*




  3. On 09/04/2017 at 9:43 AM, coltonsmogon said:

    Any updates on the Shroomish yet?

    Still not, will try again tomorrow hope that I haven't brick my ORAS demo.

    @suloku Any update on Pokemon Stadium?

    A new method using glitches to get the Marowak ghost today (in french) : Here

    I have a new quest for you if you're interested (but I will need your help!!!)

    -get all wild Battle Pike Pokemon (Seviper, Milotic, Teraclop, Electrod, Breelom, Wobbuffet)

    -get all wild Battle Pyramid Pokemon (there 160 to get OMG!!!!!!)


    It won't be very difficult but there are many Pokemon to get. Source: here

    Edit1: The Teraclop and the Milotic, can explain the method in a new thread or PM if you're interested





    I opened a thread for that huge project, will do a list of wanted tomorrow, now I need some sleep.


    Is there any way to force-load the Nugget special mission in ORAS demo?

    I don't want too start a new game and wait another time 15 days just for it.


    I'm actually thinking of a way to encourage the contributers and anyone who will help us to get the Pokemon we hunt.

    For example for those who will hunt the Pike pokemon I'll send them the 3 Brandon's Regis.


    Plus, I still hope to get the ORAS demo's Shroomish.

    • Like 1
  4. 11 hours ago, Purin said:

    It won't work that way. The .mb files must be executed on the GBA with your Pokemon Sapphire inserted.
    But just executing won't work either. A handshake must be received from another distro GBA. But since this handshake rom is not public, the .mb files need a patch.

    I try to understand what can be the patch you talk about.

    We're very close to the aim in a way but it's a bit obsur for me all that technical terms.


    But I have a theory: if we compare the 10ANNIV Rom structure, the Aurora ticket rom structure and that Jirachi test rom structure can we "fix" it?

    And after that can we imagine finally unlock all that distrib for every language?

    • Like 1
  5. @theSLAYER Great, thanks.

    I've read this week that the Shiny Tapu Koko event will surely be released in July in USA with the TCG release.

    To contribute to this thread:

    -HA Raikou/Entei/Suicune will be released in a Pokemon Bank promo or Pokemon Scrap

    -HA Alolan starters will be released in a Pokemon Bank promo or Pokemon Scrap

    -Marshadow in the next movie distrib

    -Magearna original form will be released by a NPC changing its form in the next game

    -Shiny Celebi via GS Ball event in Gen 2 VC

    -HA Oranguru and Passimian in the next game


  6. To answer about your questions the problem is that I'm trying now to get my lv11 Drifblim in Pelago and I can't change the clock or I will brick my Pelago again and I don't want to start another party just for that Shroomish. A week to wait is a better option.

    Got the lv11 Drifblim today thanks to the GTS. Tried to use the Config App to change the date to get the Shroomish, it failed.

    Hope that I ll be able to got it Sunday.

  7. @BlackShark It's just for the collection, the only thing "special" they have is that they appear at Mirage islands at level they don't appear normally in ORAS.

    The Shroomish only appears during a special mission 15 days after the beggining of the game.


    Note for shinyshunters: The 3 stage 2 starters can be shiny whereas wild Pokemon can't (including the mega). Given Stage 3 can't be shiny too. If you get shinys starters save only once after the first mission and export your save!

    • Like 1
  8. I'll need someone else help to get the Shroomish or we'll have to wait 15 days as it's a special mission.

    For the moment I caught 9/12(+1), it'll be much simpler if I had a N3DS -_-

  9. Just now, BlackShark said:

    Here's the Metagross you wanted. I got Matt's Sharpedo and Tabitha's Camerupt as well just because they were nearly at the same place.

    Use NTR to dump the RAM when you are in the battle (NOTE: on o3DS the game will crash after battle). You will find your team and your opponents team at 0x08803F50, the Pokemon are encrypted.

    376 ★ - Metagross - 53CFAD9414D6.pk6

    319 - Sharpedo - B36E1B545218.pk6

    323 - Camerupt - 859485603230.pk6

    Wild pokemon are at 0x08803F50 too or not?

    I'll dump 2nd stage starters like that thanks ^^

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