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Posts posted by jojo12100

  1. Still busy with this unfamous underleved SM Kadabra but I have ideas for new projects.

    1) Modify the 10ANNIVdistrib rom to get the Pokemon in other languages. Dissassemble the ROM, find the language check, change it, reassemble. Here

    Any volunteer?

  2. 5 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    I don't think there's any research done for Pelago mons yet, so save file comparisons will need to be done, before such tool can be made

    Thanks, so for now I'll try to get it legally and wait if I'm still unlucky that this tool to be made.

  3. On 24/02/2017 at 1:06 AM, suloku said:

    I have a question of my own: is rufflet/vullaby available in the pelago for moon/sun respectively (they are version exclusives, but I'm not sure about the pelago...)

    They are available in Pelago but are same exclusive than versions according to Serebii and Bulbapedia.


    Yesterday there was a Kadabra in my Pelago but it fled I'm so sad, I tried all tricks I found but none worked.


    @theSLAYER Do you know if there's a tool that can load/dump Pokemon from the Pelago? Like in "DreamForest" in BW ?

  4. Apparently there is a glitch changing your 3ds time to 31/01/2017 23:59 when it becomes 01/02/2017 all your activities are done.

    But it doesn't work for me, don't know why.

    Edit: It's because I'm using a Gateway. Any app to change the time?


  5. Hi,

    do we know how wild Pokemon are generated in the Pelago?


    I'm searching a fast way to get the underleved Kadabra but I'm also curious to know how to generate or even encounter the others ^^


    Thanks in advance.

  6. 9 hours ago, zeropain said:

    For me even this would be enough. But they were only distributed in Japan, right? So someone needs to pop up here who went to the event in Japan and contribute the save file. Sadly this will likely not happen.

    I have a set of each Pokemon (obtained by trades in GTS) but I keep it for me for the moment.


    Edit: Finally got this Parasect! Oh god now let's find this Kadabra.

  7. Distribution Title

    Easter Eggs Promo





    Local Wireless?



    18/3 – 9/4



    Eggs of Drampa, Turtonator, Passimiam, Goomy, Oranguru and Mareanie






    Eggs so 1 when hatched


    Source: Serebii/Twitter


  8. Still crying when I see XY Demo videos and this holy Mega-Mewtwo Y lv100 I want it so much.

    But I'm pretty sure there are lot of hidden Pokemon we still don't know (like the Bidoof someone spoke earlier in this thread).


    Edit: And you what are you dreaming of?

    • Like 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, thaleskpl said:

    I think I can't get the pokemon in kiawe team, but I'll look into it.

    I got a pretty rushed week, so I couldn't look into Pokémon at all. My classes are coming back from vacation, so I'm looking into getting some classes this semester and will be occupied with it this next week.

    You can with NTR just dump the opponent Pokemon slot 1.1/2/3 I did it for all other "special trainers".

    So can I still count on you to get it ? Or should I?

  10. 8 minutes ago, zeropain said:

    I wished there would be a way to obtain these. Would be great if someone obtained them when they were available and could contribute the save file. But i doubt that this will ever happen.

    Unless we found the distribution system they are lost forever because it was a temporary event (sending datas to the RAM), only the caught Pokemon and items remain.

  11. Pokemon Species: Kadabra

    Held Item: None

    Level: 11 UT!!!

    Ability: Any (not Hidden)

    Nickname (If wanted): Don't care

    Trainer ID (If specific): Don't care

    Secret ID (If specific): Don't care

    Shiny (Yes or No): No

    Egg (Yes or No): No

    Nature: Don't care

    Pokérus Status: No

    Pokéball Captured In: Don't care

    EV Stats: Don't care

    IV Stats: Don't care

    Ribbons (If any): Don't care

    Location/Date Met: Poké Pelago/Don't care

    Please Legal and in .pk7

    Thanks in advance ^^

  12. @Purin Great I only have a few Gen4 distrib roms and it's not here. Maybe if you or someone else here have other roms you can extract it?

    Thanks in advance ^^


    @suloku Yep you can open a new thread for that. I'm sure other people will be interested!

  13. 17 minutes ago, suloku said:

    Are you asking about the file? It only has the ENG pokémon. I've found the thread, apparently the uploader also got one of each for the unrelesaed courses.

    Thinking more about it, maybe the best solution would be a romhack that triggers the game into generating pokéwalker pokémon when selecting a course, without actually needing a pokéwalker... If I just knew how to RE (not that it means I could do it, but it would help), and I don't think there's lots of interest in gen 4 to RE how the pokewalker works.


    To answer your question yes it could be possible for example if we find how the algorithm generates the pokemon but it's out of my actual skills.

    Personnaly I'd love to create an Android app that can hatch SM eggs by walking and send special eggs too to the games but I need more studies for that.

    Edit: @Purin we don't have it?

  14. 3 minutes ago, suloku said:

    There's a file in the forums with one of each ENG pokéwalker pkm file.
    I wanted to produce the spanish set at some point.

    It would be great if the generation method could be REd, then implement it in some android app that tracks steps (or just a pc app that produces them at random).

    Including the Japanese/Korean exclusive?

  15. 11 minutes ago, Purin said:

    Just remembered that there was also a debug "Testpoké" Wailmer holding a Master Ball in Gen 4, again with Wonder Card text from the Japanese Old Sea Map.

    Great. Do we have the OldSeaMap gba rom?

    Like Azure Flute if we put it in slot 2 ...

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