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Posts posted by jojo12100

  1. 1 minute ago, HaxAras said:

    My memory failed me. I honestly thought they were just up in the corner. Either way, I doubt it though. I've never heard of there being cut promos and if there were any, we'd never be able to know. 

    I know I posted this elsewhere but I thought I'd post it again. I purified trigger_death's E-reader mons on my Japanese save I think it was. It maxed out at 51 Pokemon, even when I purified my own Pokemon afterwards. 

    As they planned 67 shadow pokemon, 51 you can catch + 13 we know the existence. That means they are 3 we don't even know yet ^^

  2. 2 minutes ago, HaxAras said:

    When you scan the regular E-reader cards, they eventually fill up the entire screen. I think the 2 promo cards are the only ones and they just used the original template from the regular E-reader cards.

    I have them, they don't. They open 2 special slots. I must had pictures of that at that time.

  3. 56 minutes ago, StarsMmd said:

    So I had a look and there is no sign of any secret shadow pokemon. I loaded up all the trainers in my GUI and inspected by eye and there wasn't anything unexpected. I also wrote some code to parse all the pokemon data (in case some pokemon weren't assigned to a trainer) and there were no hidden shadow pokemon. My code found exactly 48 shadow ids. All I can say is that the shadow ids go from 1 - 44, 55-57 and 67. So it's likely there were other shadow ids at some point in time but they no longer exist. At this point in time I'm 99.9% certain the data doesn't not exist.

    However, the data for the e-reader pokemon is not part of the main game files so there is a remote chance of something being hidden elsewhere. However, since those pokemon have story text, they were clearly meant to be encountered in game and for that to happen they would have had to be with the other story data. If there was data hidden in a different file chances are it would more like a cut e-reader pokemon rather than the shadow pokemon mentioned in the unused text.

    As for the game text, don't know if you've seen it but I thought you might be interested in a dump of all the game text by @Tiddlywinks including the japanese version.

    pokemon colosseum/xd text dump

    Anyways, I'll dig a little deeper into the game scripts and stuff at a later date but for now I'm concluding that the pokemon do not exist :)

    Okay thanks, I'm a bit sad.

    I'm pretty sure that there are cut E-reader trainers for the games according to what I saw when I scanned the 2 promo E-card (blank space for other events) but I think we'll never know.

    I hope that somebody will be brave to translate us all the unused text to understand what was plannified.


  4. 34 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    so in those mock battles, the offset changed? darn that won't be too easy..

    No, that will be very very hard. The offset are known of changing in Gen5 but what I found with Pokestar mons is highly worst!

    Edit: I hope @BlackShark will be more lucky and can find the offset for us ^^

    • Like 1
  5. 28 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    I've got a program that can read their data:

    I suppose we can create a new thread to monitor the dumping progress

    Yes definitively. Actually I don't think your tool can be very usefull. The first difficulty I saw is that the Pokemon are not in the same offset of the party and the wild normally. If we find where maybe we can dump them.

  6. Note for later: The Pokestar studio contains 84 normal Pokemon and 35 special Pokemon. The question is do we have to dump them here? The answer will be only if they are IV random. If they are IV fixed I'll let you do that.

  7. 2 hours ago, BlackShark said:

    No, sorry. When I try to use 8F all I get is a white screen.

    Try to use the 5F.

    But I think we'll have to do as for debuggers Pokemon. Create a Rom with a moddified Potion offset ¬¬

    Edit: @BlackShark The good news is that I did it for Pokemon Red, the bad news is that I don't know how to dump them now


  8. I'm honnestly too nice. Here's Cal's Pokemon.

    160 - FERALIGATR - 467D.pk2

    157 - TYPHLOSION - 8DF0.pk2

    154 - MEGANIUM - AB4A.pk2

    159 - CROCONAW - 62F5.pk2

    156 - QUILAVA - 29E4.pk2

    153 - BAYLEEF - 8DB4.pk2

    158 - TOTODILE - CD69.pk2

    155 - CYNDAQUIL - 71DB.pk2

    152 - CHIKORITA - 8971.pk2


    Edit: Hi @BlackShark I found another debugger Pokemon here but I'm unable to get it for the moment. A little helping hand?

    Edit 2: There is a lv20 Rhydon for Red/Blue/Green!!!

  9. 25 minutes ago, HaxAras said:

    THANKS! I checked the .rar a while back and it was a nightmare and I just download the stuff I find interesting as it gets uploaded so I never checked it again. 

    For me, I couldn't care less about the IV's. To me, all these Pokemon are just interesting talking pieces or trophies. I find interest in these the same way I find interest in buying a collectors edition of a game and having the statue or figure on display. Even if I'm the only one who gets to see it.

    The appeal to me, with Pokemon like Steven's space center mons and the gen 4 ally mons and this Butterfree. Is knowing they were in the games for years and 'knowing' I'd never be able to own them. I get to see their stat screens and see them in battle but I will never get to own them. Until now.

    With Pokemon like the NFE mons at the trainer house. I always found data you're not supposed to see fascinating. So getting these Pokemon to see the light of day for the first time since creation is amazing to me.  

    Will see what can I do. What I'd love too with this thread is the autonomy of the contributers. That's why I described my methods.

    To not be submerged by requests where it can easily be done. There is a lot of unreleased contents. Gotta get them all. But not alone.

  10. 3 hours ago, HaxAras said:

    Am I the only one who remembers the Teachy TV from Fire Red and Leaf Green? The old man gives it to you and it has tutorials. There's a video of a guy with a level 30 Butterfree. Am I the only one who is interested in this? I don't know the first thing about what you guys are doing or I'd rip the data myself. 

    Edit: @jojo12100 I remember hearing that the Pokemon Gold and Silver trainer house had un-used, lower evolution Pokemon for the rival? Or somebody. From what I heard, it was assumed you could get to the Trainer House earlier in the game but that was scrapped. Those could be some interesting Pokemon to rip. 

    I already add the TV pokemon just check the .rar

    Speaking about unused lower evolution Pokemon. I also know that. But as they are trainer Pokemon they are pretty useless (IV-set ...). In fact if we add them one day it should be with the correct format to load them like E-trainer card. Same can be true for Cindy's Pokemon.

  11. 4 hours ago, HaxAras said:

    The Japanese Colosseum Pre-order disk is in the Colosseum data and it's only half translated. I managed to gain access to it using codes from the Cutting Room Floor. Maybe that's what you discovered? 

    Yes, but there is so much more to discover.

    Even if this project is a failure (which I don't hope) we can still transform it into a huge success if we translate all the unreleased japanese text to discover what was the initial story of Pokemon Colosseum. I love that Enigma Men mentionned based on the Riddler. I also think that the Shadow Pokemon Grass King can be related to the unreleased ribbons.

    That's also why I want so much to dump the beta Tyranitar picture from Mobile Trainer Rom, for Pokemon history.

  12. There is a lot of other files to add. Here for the Nosepass.

    I think about the Proto E-card I found; there are also 3 unused Egg moves Pokemon in Gen 2 (Smoochum, Staryu and Oddish?).

    299 - TARINOR - 895C5035E8B1.pk4

    Edit: Here @theSLAYER the Charm Oddish and the Lovely Kiss Smoochum. I can't get for the moment the Staryu.

    238 - SMOOCHUM - 48F7.pk2

    043 - ODDISH - E4B7.pk2

    Edit 2: And the holy Staryu which was pretty hard to get without external device (I used glitch, same for the Nosepass, I learned a move to a Ditto thanks to a glitch and bred it that's all).

    120 - STARYU - 07FB.pk2

    • Like 2
  13. 26 minutes ago, StarsMmd said:

    The text is meaningless unless the actual data is there for the trainers. It'll be really obvious if it's there or not because all the trainer data is in the same place. Without the data it's not possible for the event to be there. If the data is there, then the event may still be there too and accessible. However, even if the event isn't accessible it's very simple to just swap the trainer data around so you can still fight the trainer without the event.

    Hope that you'll find something interesting. Really. That text really exalted me.

    And yes you're right for the event.

    Edit: there is a lot of untranslated japanese text in the english version. The first one I saw is about Ageto.

    Edit2: There is a lot of cut trainers according to the japanese text :(

    Edit 3: Nihonbashi reference? Isn't a Tokyo Pokemon Store location? This game is full of treasures.

  14. Just now, StarsMmd said:

    All the trainers in the game and their pokemon are stored in a big list. All I have to do is load up the files in my tools and it'll show me all the trainers. Like I mentioned in my PM, I have looked through colosseum before and didn't see any such trainer but that was the US version. So I'll try on the Japanese version this time and see what I can find. If the trainers aren't in there then it's pretty much impossible for those pokemon to exist.

    Ok, so the cut trainers I've found is a good news? Or they can just be mentionned but have no team or Pokemon?

    Can you look at events too when you'll do your researches? Maybe there is something too there.

  15. Just now, StarsMmd said:

    Don't worry, I already have the necessary tools. Will take a look shortly. If they're there, It'll take me minutes to find them. 

    I've found the leftovers in the text and the cut trainers, now the question is what to do now?

    Is there leftover events? Can we force-load this content?

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