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Posts posted by jojo12100

  1. 10 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    Cool thanks!

    I don't think any of the posts above refer to bingo pokemon?

    The Draco and Charmander are Bingo Pokemon (.xdpkm) but as I thought they were PID static.

    Don't forget the 'XD Beta starters too ^^ You're doing a great job, thanks!

  2. Ok, discoveries about 'XD beta starters are around here. I missed an interesting post of StarsMmd about them but my computer crashes.

    On 02/05/2017 at 3:46 PM, StarsMmd said:

    Alright, already got them loaded in ram so will dump and extract them shortly :)

    Edit- Here you go:


    pokespot geodude.xdpkm

    XD demo jolteon.xdpkm

    XD demo vaporeon.xdpkm

    On 02/05/2017 at 5:26 PM, HaxAras said:

    Finally! Something to do.






    Edit 2: Hopefully I can just use my GC AR, enter the code and use it as a region free disk and the code will work. After that, all I have to do is boot up XD: and extract my save file. 

    Discoveries about Japanese Crystal here

    On 03/05/2017 at 0:45 AM, jojo12100 said:

    I found something interesting in the Japanese Crystal Debug Menus. I hope someone will be able to get it. Unfortunately PkHex stil can't read the Jap saves.


    Source: Here

    Plus, apparently Mobile Trainer ROM contains leftover of the Odd Egg Event. We should dump it too.


    On 03/05/2017 at 1:53 AM, jojo12100 said:

    There are also 3 other Debuggers Pokemon to get in the Debug version of Japanese Pokemon Crystal (unfortunately I tried but didn't succeed for the moment).DebugGen2.PNG.1778f8d4571ed8f28765cddc3f0f5490.PNG

    Plus some Bingo

    On 03/05/2017 at 4:36 PM, jojo12100 said:

    Ok  first I have another bad news all Bingo Pokemon are also PID and IV static. But it can be cool to collect them. Some people interested?

    Then, nobody want to test the special Pokestar Pokemon in order to know the issues with the saves? I have the Demon crypted and decrypted for tests.

    And finally the crystal debuggers Pokemon are a really big challenge. For the moment my game crashes but I still keep hope to get them. But we'll have to wait the PkHex compatibility to share them.



    Edit1: I got all of them. Unfortunately the Typhlosion is bugged. I don't know if we'll be able to export it later. I hope the PkHex compatibility soon.



    On 29/05/2017 at 8:26 PM, jojo12100 said:

    Ok, back in business but having a bad news: the computer my father rent me was sold during the 3 weeks I was gone so I'm unable for now to continue my dumping and researches in 'XD (Bingo and Munchlax).

    I can take new projects for now but don't ask me to dump trainers Pokemon, I'm focusing about unreleased/beta/prototype only.

    And remember that we need your help for Studiomons too.


    Edit: thanks to @Kaphotics finally the Japanese Crystal Debuggers Pokemon. I was really worried that my computer died before I can dump them.

    063 - タマゴ - FDDA.pk2

    157 - バクフーン - 5EB3.pk2

    154 - メガニウム - DC20.pk2

    160 - オーダイル - 708F.pk2



    • Like 1
  3. Hey @theSLAYER can you upload too the other discoveries we made?

    I mean 'XD beta starters and beta geodude, Crystal debuggers Pokemon, Stadium 1 trainers Pokemon based on Japanese championship, the 3 other Studiomons I uploaded and the 2 other Bingo Pokemon I uploaded too.

    Thanks in advance I hope it'll help our visibility.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, SwagKey said:

    Thanks for the input. Here's the dumped Pokemon from the PGL sample teams.

    While most of them had the expected "From PGL" as the get method, the Salamence was apparently from ORAS through "a Pokemon event" and the Aegislash was from X also from "a Pokemon event." Pretty odd if I say so myself.

    PGL Pokemon.zip

    Yeah, that's pretty strange. I first thaught the Salamence was from the Pokémon Center Mega Evolution Distribution but it should be in a Pokéball not in a Scuba Ball.

    The most probable thing is a miscorrect coding of the Pokemon location or Pokeball but it can also be unknown events.

    The same for Aegislash it should ben in a CherishBall (Worlds 2014 event).

  5. 8 hours ago, SwagKey said:

    Sorry to bump this up, but I managed to get access to what I think are some Pokemon you weren't meant to access the normal way.

    Remember the Global Mission where you needed to get BP from the Battle Tree? Well if you didn't have a team prepared for any of the facilities, the PGL hosted two sample teams for Singles and Doubles. After recording a battle video with both teams, I dumped the extdata to get access to them. Their internal information is...odd to say the least, but I'm not sure if they are classified as unreleased. I also saved the QR codes for the teams for preservation sake.

    If they are classified as unreleased and are needed for the project, I'll put the download up.

    I think it's more beta rental teams than unreleased but anyway you can dump them if you want if you think they have any interest ^^

    With USUM I think that we'll have another "Totem" Quest and probably with the demo too other quests soon.

    Finally, remember we're still looking for the Studiomons of B2W2 and the Bingo Pokemon of 'XD.

    • Like 1
  6. 9 hours ago, DuoForce said:

    I hope it will come to the switch since the switch is supposed to have WiFi VC games

    I hope not because WIFI will not be free in the Switch.

    Actually I think that Crystal will release in 3DS (Poketransfer compatibility) in Q2 2018 and there'll be a Pokemon Bank compatibility between the Switch Pokemon Game (Gen 8?) and Gen 7, by transfering the data of the 3DS Pokemon Bank app to the Switch.


    Ps: Do you think they'll distribute the Odd Egg event and the other events to VC Crystal too?


    Here my predictions for Poketransfer limitations in Gold/Silver:

    -Celebi (all for the moment)

    -Odd Egg event

    -Special moves only obtanaible in Crystal (TriAttack, move tutors, Water Gun egg move ...)

    -Farfetch'd/Gliglar from Stadium 2

    -Special event Pokemon with event moves

  7. 9 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    Which site & translation confirms this?

    Serebii says :


    In this issue, it confirms that Marshadow will be distributed with the movie on July 15th 2017 in Japan

    And the original Corocoro speaks about but I'm waiting for complete translation.


    Edit: Do you think we'll get Marshadow or Ho-oh event in Japan Expo? It'll be amazing!

  8. I think that GF has finally found a good distrib method.

    Nobody noticed that we still ignore the Marshadow distrib method?

    I'm pretty sure it'll be by the same method, probably in SM but it can be in USUM too like Magearna after all.


    Edit: According to the Corocoro Marshadow will probably distributed by local wireless sadly. But wait and see.

    Ps: Who want to meet me at the Japan Expo2017? I'll be at the premiere and the opening of the temporary Pokemon Center.

    • Like 1
  9. As said in January I have a theory explaining why VC Crystal will not released this year:

    Japanese Crystal had a unique compatibility with Mobile trainer (ancestor of Wi-Fi services but with the Mobile phone in 2G) which was used to trade Pokemon to distribute events (such as Celebi GS Ball or Odd Egg event), to battle online or access other functions.

    And my theory is that GF is actually working translating this in Wi-fi technology. This is a very hard thing to do and to make profitable of that they'll sold the game separately keeping the GS Ball event for that too.

    What do you think about? Are you also over hype by the GS VC release?

  10. 3 hours ago, BlackShark said:

    If I see that correctly Pokewood data is just flags with only the necessary information about the Pokemon. At least I couldn't find much more by comparing before and after saves.

    So is it possible to directly export the Studiomon .pkm files from the sav? It can allow us to progress quickly in the dump.

  11. 2 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    I say it'll be good if we can find a way to dump and backup the movies,
    so it'll be easier to check back on different information,
    As opposed to replaying the entire part.

    I agree with that but we need to know the locations of the movies in the sav.

    Maybe we can directly extract the .pkm from the sav?

    • Like 1
  12. 26 minutes ago, BlackShark said:

    What exactly needs to be done here? And how can I encounter the Studiomons? I've only seen regular Pokemon there....

    You only encounter them when you watch the movie. You can keep only 4 movies in memory.

    Then just dump the wild pokemon. There are 35 to upload.


    Edit: Here the Doors from my sav



    Edit2: And F00(4)


  13. Ok, back in business but having a bad news: the computer my father rent me was sold during the 3 weeks I was gone so I'm unable for now to continue my dumping and researches in 'XD (Bingo and Munchlax).

    I can take new projects for now but don't ask me to dump trainers Pokemon, I'm focusing about unreleased/beta/prototype only.

    And remember that we need your help for Studiomons too.


    Edit: thanks to @Kaphotics finally the Japanese Crystal Debuggers Pokemon. I was really worried that my computer died before I can dump them.

    063 - タマゴ - FDDA.pk2

    157 - バクフーン - 5EB3.pk2

    154 - メガニウム - DC20.pk2

    160 - オーダイル - 708F.pk2

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