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Mewtwo Ex

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Everything posted by Mewtwo Ex

  1. Yes that is true. But whaen i really want to kill that is what i do.
  2. I have a real legendary to. Can you guess what Pokemon it is?
  3. If you are really getting tired of being beaten. Use the legendary bypass code to stick it to the in game hax.
  4. :( But at least it was considered. There were traced in tha game of it's voice and things like that. Nice 375 post - Metang Time and posts apparently fly when you are having fun.
  5. Of course not. But Samus is beautiful. You cant pick a dumb but kicking blone in her shoes.
  6. By what i see posted i see that it's hard at the battle Frontier. I can't wait to get Platinum. Another Frontier to dominate over.
  7. ...Awful i have no words. My heart started to hurt. How could Nintendo do this to us?!
  8. I haven red the manga to there. And i imagined that while in a smartness contest.
  9. Yes you mentioned Feebas had been a beauty queen. As for Mewtwo dancing... First thing that comes to my mind is how it levitates and shields itself and destroys the Contest hall...(Nice Huh wraith?)
  10. That sounds awful. Nintendo made a HUGE mistake miking it weak like you said. I dont have that game but i trust you.
  11. I saw in the web that there could be a way that the game realizes your face from others and that there will probably be an app that adds your face and Pokemon to see how much they like you.
  12. Dancing Arceus. (what a revolting thought) I actually liked the Hoenn ones.(Contests)
  13. Because i raised mine on a DS not shoddy and i prefer to see the attack images, and listen to the music that to have a plain old battle program like Net-Battle. I stoped playing net battle because it started getting boring with these aspects missing.
  14. Yes i miss that. Their contest's are better that Sinnoh's on my opinion.
  15. I did not notice that. Nice work detective.
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