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Everything posted by FLOOTENKERP

  1. I never thought of that. It will most likely be DSI because Nintendo will make a lot of money out of that.
  2. Well Gator, I sorta agree. There were parts from the old interface I liked, and parts of the new one that I like. For instance, the big image on the top that said, HOME, WIKI, FORUMS, and CHAT was very useful and easy to see. Now its just too small. And something I don't really like is the three starters. Half of Cyndaquil's nose is cut off by Chikorita. They could use some spacing. As somebody else said, the renders for Ho-oh and Lugia are not very good, and the edges are just plain corners. The topics being separated by lines don't do much for the eyes since the last thing you see is DISCUSS and READ FULL ARTICLE in links, the one before it has the topic in a link so they look like they are both in the same topic, until you realize the line. Other than that, I like the colors and I like what its trying to resemble. Good job The Fallen.
  3. SHE LOOKS LIKE A NICE SWEET GIRL, QUIT BAGGING ON HER HATERS! Kris is gone, deal with it... For the love of God.
  4. Meganium is awesome and Chikorita is cute. CHIKORITA FTW And HG has minorly different Pokémon than SS, so that's how you complete the Johto dex.
  5. She has feelings too you know. Imagine how she feels, being hated for just existing. And besides, Kris might still be in the game. Just not as your girl character.
  6. Sigh, I can learn to deal with it I guess. Does anyone think the Red Gyarados will still be in the game? Bye Mewtwo.
  7. I edited to say no hard feelings.
  8. He edited mine to say NOOBSTALGIC. Edit* No hard feelings Mr. Wraith.
  9. Lol, I'm just saying, the level 9 Pidgey is a part of Johto history. Its a Gym Pokémon, and those should stay the same. All I care about is the Pokémon. Changing the moveset would be fine though, in which, I hope Nintendo doesn't change the Pokémon, just its moves.
  11. UNORIGINAL??? HOW DARE YOU!!! I AM FLOOTENKERP!!! THE GOD OF ALL GLITCHES!!! At night, you will be visited by three glitches, Missingno., Pikablu, and me FLOOTENKERP. We will all show you the error of your ways, than kill you. (Not Really)
  12. Yeah, but Arceus can strike Mewtwo too the ground with his dark plate and dark moveset. PWNED!
  13. You know what you are?
  14. Well I don't care much for DPPT. EDIT THEY'RE GYM LEADERS TRAINERS (Don't let my caps fool you, I'm really cool with you making improved teams.)
  15. Changing Pokémon from Gym Leaders and Elite Four is seriously wrong. I will call the God of Pokémon upon thee and destroy this thread! (Not really)
  16. I'm fine with the ORIGINAL ROSTER. This is meant to be a remake, changing a gym leaders Pokémon would be a crime, and I will call Officer Jenny on you...
  17. She's cute, why must you all hate? You guys just wanted Kris, but I got news, SHES NOT IN THE GAME! Get over it, and quit hating this new girl. She just wants to be your friend/character.
  18. Well I can see your a good competitive battler. Do you think you can make me a good OU team?
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