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This is a normal username

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Everything posted by This is a normal username

  1. Do you have a code that will give Pokemon a 0 speed IV?
  2. Sinnoh. Excluding: Piplup, Prinplup, Empoleon, Turtwig, Grotle, Torterra, Drifloon, Drifblim, Riolu, Lucario, Uxie, Alzef, Mesprit, Weavile, Toxicroak, Muchlax, Ambipom, Buizel, Floatzel, Roserade. I can stand all the Pokemon not mentioned above, but I do like the majority of pokemon in the other regions. EDIT: Forgot Lickilicky. Lickilicky is the best.
  3. I've been searching for a very simple code, but my efforts seem to be futile so far. Yes, I searched this forum. I'm looking for a code that places an item in your bag in US Platinum. (Replaces first slot, L+R to activate? Who knows?) Specifically, I'm looking for a code that places a Soul Dew in your bag. Any help would be appreciated!
  4. Hey, that's a good point. In fact, I think this wouldn't be the end of the human race as we know it. Maybe life would just be a heck of a lot crazier. Eh, you'd probably miss because of the Sand Stream. A Fire Truck might be able to defeat him though.
  5. If you were able to use four moves from the Pokemon Series at any time, for any reason, what four moves would you know? In other words... What would your moveset be? Secondly, why would you like these moves and what would you use them for? Note that all moves would have to work the same way they do in the game! For the purpose of this topic, let's say that sleeping is the Pokemon Center and it is the only way to recover PP. --- My Moveset would be: Aeroblast Aeroblast would serve many purposes. First off, this big tunnel of destructive wind would be very impressive! Amaze your friends and family! Secondly, you could definately satisfy your urge to knock down trees and houses with it, and probably defend yourself with it. Unlike Sacred Fire or something similar, you don't have the chance of setting yourself or others on fire. Me First Now, I'm not hesitant of using a completely awesome move such as Me First because I know that I have pretty good reflexes and could potentially use this to great effect. Someone punching you? Nope! "Me First" and punch them harder! Protect The chance to protect yourself from life-threatening events should not be underestimated. A large flaw is how it fails after repeated attempts. Recover Recover could help you heal that sprained ankle, recover from brain damage, reattach that limb, all sorts of things. In fact, I don't see why someone wouldn't fit a recovery move in their moveset. (I know that everyone heals themselves over time, but this would be much more helpful!)
  6. If Pokemon were real, we'd all be dead. It would take an airstrike to take down a Tyranitar! Imagine what would happen if it wandered into the downtown section of a city! Skycrapers falling, people screaming... If by some chance we managed to invent the Pokeball, I guess everyone could get one and start chucking them at Rayquaza (etc) until they get lucky with the catch rate... But would it really obey you without any gym badges? I'd have an Arcanine. As a faithful Growlithe raised from birth, it would be one of the few Pokemon who wouldn't backstab me.
  7. Yes they were. There were events in game related to both Heatran and Cresselia, so thus they are event Pokemon. Heatran was awoken after the magma stone was moved - that is Heatran's event... And Cresselia was unleashed while you were searching for the Lunar Wing - that's Cresselia's event. EDIT: I was watching a youtube video of all of the HG/SS gameplay so far, and they showed the status page of Level 1 Palkia, Level 1 Dialga and Level 1 Giratina... And Giratina was in Origin Form(e). I suppose that makes Platinum Form(e)s very likely. That is the video I was watching, and I can't believe how much gameplay we've been able to see so far. It's kind of nice. I hope English Nintendo will do the same thing in the months leading up to the international releases/
  8. They were at level 1. They had no chance. Level ones are innocent lives, are they not?
  9. Entei, Suicune and Raikou were Entei, Suicune and Raikou before they were revived, respectively. Poor imagination? Nope... I'm just right until I'm proven wrong.
  10. Cyndaquil. For a grass type, I'll use Hoppip, and for a water type, I'll use Lapras. I really don't want to use Arcanine as a fire type again, to be honest. EDIT: Chikorita is pretty persuasive though... I may figure something else out.
  11. They should reintroduce this side quest as a Mystery Gift Wi-Fi distribution, similar to the Secret Key and the Member's Card. Celebi and it's charming side quest has been shoved under the table long enough. There is no problem with allowing people to encounter Celebi. Heck! The shrine is even in an official screenshot!
  12. My choice is pretty Farfetch'd. It's Farfetch'd, by the way. CH'DING!
  13. I'm getting the one that the electronics store has in stock. I'm not wasting more than one bus ticket!
  14. Those fan made pictures are traditional in the sense that the text declaring "Pokemon Heart Gold Version" or "Pokemon Soul Silver Version" looks exactly like the text on the official "Pokemon Sapphire Version" box. They're examples, yes? I don't like these new logos. I hope they manage to fix them up before release. The Japanese Logos for these games are much better. The English Logos are generic and an eyesore. Send emails to the designers, people. You don't want that thing on your 40$ game package. I know that this is small beans, but if this game is to be a masterpiece, everything must look at least decent! Edit explanation: "are a generic". That's what I typed. Where did I learn my English?!
  15. I think her artwork is quite ugly. Hopefully the sprite will look better. I have seen fan drawings where the artist has managed to make her look half-decent, so it's not a long shot.
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