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Everything posted by Ellie

  1. This is the wrong section. Anyway. Do you have the Sav file? Or do you have the actual game? If you have the actual game cartridge, here is a guide to help you: Here
  2. Welcome to Project Pokemon.
  3. Ellie


    DGee? Aren't you Pokemon Secure's old Admin? From what I've heard, you are/were involved with them. Their previous Admin has the same name.
  4. I already uploaded that an hour ago. You need to post in the Event Distribution Thread...
  5. Hello If you need anything, just ask. I am more than just a pretty face, I am your friend.
  6. Thank you!! It looks so cool. We all appreciate it.
  7. Please, I don't wanna know what goes on at those things Are there any Cloning codes out? Probably. But I always miss out on the good stuff. If there is one could you possibly post it?
  8. You just had to say it...."that" convention.... Thank you for your help, as always, I appreciate it.
  9. Kyo, or anyone else who can help. It might be too early but is there a WTW code yet?
  10. I have never seen any JP PC 2004 events that pass with CGR. In fact, neither have Secure members. Secure's previous Admin, I believe his name is DeGee, received the JP PC 2004 eggs himself. He palparked them himself and they are the most common set around. Another person, KJ also palparked a set that I have myself. She gave a brief description on the event and traded her set to a few people. There are also numerous other collectors that have sets of JP PC 2004 and 2005 eggs and most are/were from sites like Secure and ddoggs' site.
  11. Not all Daisuki Club events are hacks. The events you listed are hacks. The legal Daisuki Club events are Shinx, Bidoof, and Ralts with special mail. They are real. PikaCafe SIDs are unconfirmed at the moment. But you can compare them to others. PikaCafe have a Static PID.
  12. I've been searching for an alternate Wild Pokemon Modifier code. Is there another one available?
  13. I think I made a mistake. 2003 are CGU, 2004 use the same Algorithm as Wish so those are funny. 2005 use CGR. 2003 that are going around are all CGU. A lot of old GBA events use this type like Negai Boshi and PokeBox. The Japanese Pokemon Center 2003 use this from what we can tell. 2004 that have been Pal Parked by Secure members and by some Japanese collectors are several types including Wild NDS or GBA. They also show up as Unknown GBA type. They are like the Wish events. 2005 are all CGR. People with the PokePark eggs have hatched some on RSE and they are all CGR. Many of the final GBA events from the late 2004-2006 era use the CGR algorithm.
  14. You need both Pgt and Pcd from what I know.
  15. What? Those Daisuki Club events are FAN EVENTS so they are hacks... PikaCafes are easy to figure out. We have some uploaded already
  16. I doubt it. I've never heard of Shiny Mystry events. Very few events can be shiny.
  17. You cannot load storage Pokemon into your party. Load them in storage instead.
  18. I like her. She looks interesting. I wondered if she was just Kris' redesign but either way very nice.
  19. I expected as much. Those games were cool to begin with, so remakes are extra cool.
  20. <p><p><p><p><p>Hello <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/happy.png" alt="^_^" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/happy@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p>

  21. Ah ok thank you for clearing that up. And am I correct in assuming that gender can be random?
  22. Well I am talking about Japanese ones that I own myself. Many have Sapphire Hometown and they pass Secure hack checks and such so I am unsure what to believe
  23. I have a question. I noticed that a lot of Berry Glitch Fix Zigzagoons have Sapphire as their Hometown. Do they have to have Sapphire or can they have Sapphire and Ruby? And would anyone have a list of events and the Hometowns that they must have?
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