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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. here you go It's just an ID/SID/OT rename (and ball/date) of one I have from RNG.
  2. [ATTACH]5247[/ATTACH] interesting request :rolleyes: I thought pokegen would assign the right ability when I left it as "-", it should be correct now with a valid method J PID
  3. There are many initial seeds that cause the PID to appear. This happened last night (post 38 onwards) when a person claimed that a Shiny Uxie was hacked because the PID did not appear on a seed in a range in which the pokemon was caught. I used http://shaym.in/apps/iv_checker to find a seed on which the PID appeared, and shifted the delay, thus getting me a new seed in which it does appear. I later posted a seed (in which the PID did appear) on the date it was caught. (without a synchronizer too) The seed is made of Date+Time, and Delay. With one combination of Date+Time (and delay), the seed will have the PID appear eventually. Change the Delay, and a different date and time combo can be calculated to create a similar seed with the same PID appearing, on a different frame. tl;dr, dates really don't matter for caught pokemon edit: found this was actually discussed elsewhere here, and here's another answer http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?1509-Abusing-DPPt-PRNG&p=48921&viewfull=1#post48921 Dates shouldn't matter, Syberia did state that her Manaphy could not be obtained from 5/7 to 6/1, but f40903b9 as a seed has the same spread but with 5/26 possible (if it was timid). Modest (b30415f3) etc...
  4. Initial and Current 1. Yep there's a location for both the initial and Current, and KazoWAR's little program has the locations for all the US ones. 2. 4 3. I tried calculating it from the transfigured seed, but it didn't work. The initial seed did calculate the right frame I was on. 4. yup. It transfigures on various events such as time or weather effects, as I have noticed so far. ~~But everything still relies on that initial seed. Even NPC movement.... 298572357325 times is too much . People try to link the PID to the initial seed/date, but of course you can close your DS after you encounter the pokemon and wait however long you want to catch it on a later date. On an emu you can change your computer time to catch it even before you hit your seed P: It's relative to the RNGer and checker, and it is very extreme. For some the PID is very important... there's different methods in which a pokemon gains its PID (roamer, DPPt, HGSS), so you just need to see if you can get that PID to appear on a seed that will appear in that game for the particular method of the pokemon.
  5. I've RNG'd on an emulator. When you enter the game, there is a specific location in the memory where the exact seed appears (8 digits). To the left of it is the current seed, which at the start is a "Frame 0", which is the exact same seed. http://www.smogon.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2530958&postcount=15629 A notable RNG Emulator user (Kazo) wrote a program that tells you the location of the seeds in the ARM9, in which you can then use to calculate frame. Once I know my Initial seed, I can calculate the frame I am on at any time. The 8 digit initial seed can "transfigure" into an unrecognizeable seed, but it does not influence the current seed (frame) (except sometimes advancing the "frame" by 1~). When I calculate my frame, I use the first initial seed I hit, and then type in the current seed. Even if the initial 8 digit seed changes, the current frame can still be calculated off of the initial seed (that was later transfigured etc) Kinda hard to explain.. not many people do RNG on emulators out of the RNG population. KazoWAR knows this much better than me, I hope I didn't say anything wrong P: TL omg SUMMARY Everything is predictable from the initial seed, I've never had it reseed out of all of the RNGing i've done... (too much lol)
  6. For Emerald, the initial seed was always 0. Gen 4 is now of course the 8 digits 0 thru F. The first four are the combination of Date and Time, and the last four are for Delay, which is the time from soft reset/start until entering the game. RNG Reporter's [seed to Time] gives all the possible date/time for the seed, there's a way they are coded. The initial seed stays the same all through the game, except for when starting a new game in which the first seed determines the ID/SID (and date ...and time [in pokesav]). The seed then reseeds to another one, which really doesn't matter since it is the start of the game. The initial seed is what the current seed (which is related to the frame) which makes the PIDs appear. The initial seed is what the game starts with. Frame changes the current seed. I've RNGd on Emulators and the initial seed is visible in DeSmuME's ARM9 memory in a specific location for each game, and it does transfigure to a "nonrelated" seed that can't be decoded into date time and delay, but is probably related to the initial seed. The Frame (which determines what PIDs appear) is related to each seed, and the PIDs can appear on many seeds at different frames. Your post is spot on :grog:
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