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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. Only reason I appreciate religion is that it provided an early moral code when laws were hard to enforce.

    People are naturally inquisitive, for things we cannot fathom to explain, it is easiest to say it is the work of the "divine" rather than finding the physical solution. By filling in these "gaps" of knowledge with synthetic (and incorrect) explanations, we are able to assure ourselves that we know our place in our world, and how it works.

    This is explained in "The God of the Gaps" (by Neil deGrasse Tyson). You can see the video here.

    "15% of the most brilliant minds in the (US) accepts (a personal God)"

    Religious people are quick to explain things that are beyond their scope of understanding as the work of God(s). Not only has this hindered many scientists at the limit of their knowledge, as shown in the video, it also limits our openness to new ideas, which may better explain the realm in which we live.

    tl;dr, religion is good for its morals (albeit not completely). Good for early governance, bad for modern ideas. I'm with Darwin.

  2. Having the IDs/PID locked is a way Nintendo officializes things, and can see if that special move they added to the event Arceus n00bhacker brought to the VGCs was (exactly identical to one) possible to obtain from this event.

    Let me introduce you to Event Traders, who are 100% anal about what data the event comes with. They have their own "rarities" placed on lesser distributed mons, and if someone created a similar appearing hack based on public information, they could call out the imposter on it. Kinda like fiat money, of course you could fake it, but a n00bhacker can't create a flawless hack without the same printing plates / paper / blueprint.

    Also of course there's no legal 31/31/31/31/31/31 Naive Heatran possible from gen4, nor is there a shiny Flawless Jirachi possible.

    People are OCD and don't like hacks because they don't have access to them, or are just naturalists. RNGers don't like hackish acquisitions of things they can RNG because the hacker doesn't have the skills to do it without something else intruding and doing it for them. They don't have teh skillz teh RNGers have (that's why they think that)

  3. Hm lets look at post history, 6 posts...


    Can anyone do a no restriction code for the battle subway like the battle frontier codes from previous games.


    Can someone please do a no restriction code for the battle subway,

    like the battle frontier/battle tower codes from previous games.

    Thank you.


    Can someone please do a "no restriction" code for the battle subway,

    like the battle frontier/battle tower codes from previous games.

    Thank you.


    Can someone please do a "no restriction" code for the battle subway,

    like the battle frontier/battle tower codes from previous games.

    Thank you.


    Can someone please do a "no restriction" code for the battle subway,

    like the battle frontier/battle tower codes from previous games.

    Thank you.


    Can someone please do a "no restriction" code for the battle subway,

    like the battle frontier/battle tower codes from previous games.

    Thank you.

    Message received the first time.

    Can someone please do a "no restriction" code for the battle subway,

    like the battle frontier/battle tower codes from previous games.

    Thank you.

    You haven't changed your post since your 4th, effectively making you hexapost!! Post something different at least.


  4. I am sorry if this question has already been asked but when will this support B/W?

    Currently, never.

    Not many people understand basic legality for gen 5 yet. We know the algorithms for this generation, they just aren't as good for legality detection compared to last gen.

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