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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. If you're bored with the nature displayed on your trainer card...


    English White
    02269864 = 49 (decimal
    English Black is probably 02269844..
    Natures go from 0-24 like the Hardy -> Quirky,
    and then have some crap and then they have
    the Gym Leader descriptors from the badge screen.

    For those Striatron City Gym Leader fans...


  2. Oh, my Heatran is HP ice, so goodbye garchomp and gliscor in one hit each (Can't dance).

    My team is:


    Scarftran Ice

    Wish Bliss

    Wish Vaporeon HPelec

    Ferrothorn twave seedrock


    Counters sand and water teams very well, it's only misprediction and letting the other team set up that gives me the loss. Reuniclus is the only thing that makes me scurred.

  3. hey people i have a question this c-gear skin program doesn´t crash the sav file or something and i ask because the japanese pokesav crashed on of my saved backups of my black version so i dont want to test and crash it by error so if somebody could say if it´s safe would be good to know

    If it wasn't safe we wouldn't be talking about it.

  4. It's been said many places that it does not check data easily viewable on the surface, because you can do that in game without looking at the hex data.

    Legal.exe will not check of anything you can view in game. You should be able to figure that out on your own.

  5. You take the .PKM file, and you drag and DROP it onto the actual Legal.exe icon. It will then open the file.

    1 page back... zzzzz

    and 2 pages back (for when you inevitably ask why it wont work for black and white pkms)


    Last update was over a year before B/W was even announced.

  6. Well, you never asked how to make them "legit". You only asked if they'd get you kicked out.

    You can't make anything 'legit' with an external device. Only RNG and luck can get you exceptional 'legit' Pokemon. Hacking puts you in the realm of Legal Hacks and Hacks.


    I suggest you read the guides on the forums as how to create legal Pokemon in Gen 5. The mistakes you made are so glaringly obvious, the guides will help you fix your errors (and for future creations).

  7. Pokesav is not a Project Pokemon supported software. For questions regarding issues or usage of Pokesav, please contact the original author at http://pokesav.umimi.com/. PokeGen is the replacement for Pokesav, and is much better. PokeGen is the only save editor supported by Project Pokemon. Information here: http://is.aweso.ms/pokegen

    Times change with new programs being released, it's not like we are forced to change the forum descriptions.

    My answer is still the same. If you brought those 2 to the VGC's, you'd get kicked out.

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