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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. Because each turn has a different battle calc seed.

    If you save state on an emulator and revert back to try and catch it again, it will be the same result because the battle seed is already set.

  2. Half of the PIDIV is from the RNG, the other half is from the timer0.

    The seed based RNG determines the IVs.

    The hardware timer0 determines the PID.

    They are separate. However, you should probably make your own unique PID that is not close to corresponding with an existing method, like you would for an egg.

  3. I'm too smart to believe in superstition and mythology ;)

    You have to realize that the English language was shaped in the evolution from the previous languages it came from, which all happened in the times where Christianity was the common belief. Etymologies: words came from other words.

    You are 100% wrong about the term Universe:

    The word universe derives from the Old French word Univers, which in turn derives from the Latin word universum. The Latin word derives from the poetic contraction Unvorsum, which connects un, uni (the combining form of unus', or "one") with vorsum, versum (a noun made from the perfect passive participle of vertere, meaning "something rotated, rolled, changed").

    Also can be interpreted as from περιφορά, "something transported in a circle".

    Do not stretch words to what you want them to be.


    Using the argument that some of the best scientists believe in God is extremely flawed, they are prime examples of the God of the Gaps, in which when one reaches the extent of their scientific knowledge. When they reach an impasse, they come to a dead stop in their scientific advancement and say that it is evidence of a higher power. Science stays the same way until someone goes beyond their impasse.

    Evolution and Creationism is a great illustration of the God of the Gaps, Darwin came along and went beyond the known and explained what was left to "belief".


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