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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. There are save file editors for gen 3, namely Pokemon Enciclopedia (spanish, translated on forums) and PokeStock (japanese).

    PSavFix (by loadingNOW iirc) corrects the Chksum, here's the code:

    #Change Dir to your GCC-bin dir
    DIR   := C:/MinGW/bin/
    CC      := $(DIR)gcc
    # --- proj
    PSavFix : Main.o 
    $(CC) -o PSavFix Main.o
    PSavFIX.o : Main.c
    $(CC) -c -O3 Main Main.c
    /*CODE C++*/
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    int Chksum(int length, int *Data)
    int Chk,i,tmp;
    length = length>>2;
    for(i=0; i<length; i++)
    	Chk += Data[i];
    tmp = Chk>>16;
    tmp +=Chk;
    Chk = (tmp&0xFFFF);
    return Chk;
    int main(int argc, char** argv)
    char *Map,*p,*header;
    int *Imap,*Data;
    int Found,id,fix,CHK,OK,i;
    FILE *fpm, *fp;
    short *MapPtr;
    short FLMAP[] = { 0xF24,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0xEC0,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0x7D0,0x01C,0x100};
    short RSMAP[] = { 0x890,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0xC40,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0x7D0,0xF80,0xF80};
    short MAX[]   = { 0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80,0xF80};
    OK   = 1;
    fix  = 0;
    	printf("Usage: %s [-fix|-nofix] [-RS|-FL|-MAX] [infile]\n", argv[0]);
    	return 0;
    if(!strcmp(argv[2], "-RS"))
    	printf("Running in RS Mode\r\n");
    	MapPtr = &RSMAP[0];
    else if(!strcmp(argv[2], "-FL"))
    	printf("Running in FL Mode\r\n");
    	MapPtr = &FLMAP[0];
    else if(!strcmp(argv[2], "-MAX"))
    	printf("Running in MAXCompat Mode - note this mode is NOT recommented\r\n");
    	MapPtr = &MAX[0];
    	printf("Please select a mode (-RS -FL -MAX). Read readme for more Information. \r\n");
    	return 0;
    // allocate main ram and load sav
    header = (char *)malloc(0x1000);
    Data = (int*)header;
    printf("Loading: %s...\r\n", argv[3]);
    fp = fopen(argv[3], "rb+");
    if (!fp)
    	printf("error loading sav \r\n");
           return 0;
    //check if fix is ON
    if(!strcmp(argv[1], "-fix"))
    	printf("Autofix: ON\r\n");
    	fix = 1;
    	printf("Autofix: OFF\r\n");
    for(i = 0; i<0x20; i++)
    	fread(header, 1, 0x1000, fp);
    	CHK=Chksum(MapPtr[Data[1021]&0xF], Data);
    	Found = (Data[1021]>>16)&0xFFFF;
    	id = (Data[1021])&0xFF;
    	if((CHK==Found && Data[1022]==0x8012025) || (id==0 && CHK==0 && Found==0))
    		printf("Size: %03X Segment: %02X Calc: %04X Found: %04X Sig: %08X - OK\r\n",MapPtr[Data[1021]&0xF],id, CHK,Found, Data[1022]);
    		printf("Size: %03X Segment: %02X Calc: %04X Found: %04X Sig: %08X \r\n",MapPtr[Data[1021]&0xF],id, CHK,Found, Data[1022]);
    		OK = 0;
    			fseek(fp, -0xa,SEEK_CUR);
    			header[0xff6]= (0xFF &CHK);
    			header[0xff7]= (0xFF &(CHK>>8));
    			p = &header[0xff6];
    			fseek(fp, 0x4,SEEK_CUR);
    	printf("No Problems found \r\n");
    	printf("Problems found!  (remember Sig=08012025)\r\n");
    return 0;
    ##END MAIN.C##

  2. The ID and SID (and OT and region) of your save file has to match that of the shiny Pokemon for it to be considered yours.

    Since the SID does not match your save file, it's not considered your Pokemon and is thus someone else's shiny --> "apparently"

  3. Out of curiosity I thought I'd check out my pokemon and I'm getting "Default strain (might be from hacked pokérus)" for my pokemon when I know I obtained it legitimately.

    My username on the site is slash. I got pokerus randomly on Black from some wild pokemon which I killed and have spread it to all my other pokemon.

    I also find it odd that I get told "Pokémon is likely edited or RNG abused." when I RNG abused other pokemon and didn't get that message.

    The default strain can still be infectious to other Pokemon. It's only saying that it got infected from Gen 4 Pokerus, or it was hacked on and then spread.

  4. Check KazoWAR's random encounter LUA script. There's certain offsets in game that need to be toggled for the encounter, but you'd then need to find out how to trigger that.

    I doubt you'd be able to change the music as all of the legends have their own scripts, and wild Pokemon have their own section different from legends.

  5. Copying the Native Video onto the Other Videos works:


    Comes with it's own blank trainer profile!


    Viewing your own native video has the game load the encrypted one too,
    it then generates your Profile when it decrypts.
    Static Locations
    The value at 0xA8 must match the decrypted value at 0x189C, 
    which is (always) 81 E2. This signifies "end data"?
    The value at 0xAA must be 00 64.
    The value at 0x18A6 must match the value at 0x1900.
    The value at 0x18A4 is battle video # (1-native/1/2/3)
    The Value at 0x1904 is 01 00 00 00 14 19 00 00 27 35 05 31 (decryption vars?)
    The value at 0x00C0 is a checksum
    The Value at 0x18A0 is a checksum
    The Value at 0x18A6 is a checksum
    The Value at 0x1900 is a checksum
    The value at 0x1912 is a checksum
    Encrypted Region
    The first value different between Encrypted/Decrypted is 0xC4
    The first value that is the same after 0xC4 is 0x18A0

  6. Research RAR'd up, includes battle pkms, more encrypted videos and everything else that follows and more.

    This was done without using NulMyre's program as the structure is entirely different, all that I used from it was the decompiled java just to see how it worked in Platinum.

    Decrypted Jenn Video

    Overwriting Battle Videos


    Reading the BPKM data from the RAM (identical to the decrypted data)


    A little tutorial on accessing data within a Battle Video:
    Upon loading the battle video, the game loads the entire VRD at 0x0226AFAC.
    The video is loaded in its encrypted form, occupying 
    Guess what, it gets decrypted by the game. Huzzah!
    While in DeSmuME, Open Memory Viewer at the Battle Video Screen.
    Dump All. Open .bin in HxD
    copy the offsets: 0x0226AFAC-0x0226C8BF
    Into a new file.
    Bam, decrypted VRD, aka DBV (decrypted battle video)
    Now to make sense of what the data is inside!
    Program Implications: 
    There are no checksums on the entire save file in regards to Battle Videos.
    If you overwrite one video in the save with another downloaded one, 
    it will be viewable instead! Backup and Share them!

    Battle Video Structure:
    Surface Summaries
    Closing Summaries (???)

    Battle Video PKMs are 112 bytes long (not all data is present!!!)
    Offsets in Decrypted Battle Video: 
    0XCFC: Max Present PKM
    0xCFE: Currently Present PKM
    PID		0xD00 + 0x70*pkm
    Species		0xD06 + 0x70*pkm
    Held Item	0xD08 + 0x70*pkm
    Trainer ID	0xD0C + 0x70*pkm
    Trainer SID	0xD0E + 0x70*pkm
    Happiness	0xD14 + 0x70*pkm
    Ability		0xD15 + 0x70*pkm
    HP-EV		0xD16 + 0x70*pkm
    Atk-EV		0xD17 + 0x70*pkm
    Def-EV		0xD18 + 0x70*pkm
    SpA-EV		0xD19 + 0x70*pkm
    SpD-EV		0xD1A + 0x70*pkm
    SpE-EV		0xD1B + 0x70*pkm
    Move 1		0xD1C + 0x70*pkm
    Move 2		0xD1E + 0x70*pkm
    Move 3		0xD20 + 0x70*pkm
    Move 4		0xD22 + 0x70*pkm
    PP 1		0xD24 + 0x70*pkm
    PP 2		0xD25 + 0x70*pkm
    PP 3		0xD26 + 0x70*pkm
    PP 4		0xD27 + 0x70*pkm
    IVs		0xD2C + 0x70*pkm
    Gender Forme	0xD30 + 0x70*pkm
    NickName Field	0xD32 + 0x70*pkm
    OTName Field	0xD48 + 0x70*pkm
    PokeBall	0xD58 + 0x70*pkm
    Origin		0xD59 + 0x70*pkm (01 is Japan, 02 is English)
    Level		0xD60 + 0x70*pkm
    BatlStat(maxHP)	0xD62 + 0x70*pkm
    BatlStat(curHP)	0xD64 + 0x70*pkm
    BatlStat(AtK)	0xD66 + 0x70*pkm
    BatlStat(Def)	0xD68 + 0x70*pkm
    BatlStat(SpA)	0xD6A + 0x70*pkm
    BatlStat(SpD)	0xD6C + 0x70*pkm
    BatlStat(SpE)	0xD6E + 0x70*pkm
    For Enemy Pokemon, add 4 to the base offset as the 
    max/current PKM present shifts it as well.

    Some Offsets within the Battle Video that define visual cues:

    0x00-0x0F - Trainer Profile (Owner of Video)
    0x10-0x25 -- Trainer Profile Data
    0x10-0x13 - Trainer PID
    0x14 - Trainer Gender (00 Male 01 Female)
    0x15 - Trainer Birth Month
    0x16 - Trainer Avatar
    0x17 - Trainer Nation
    0x18 - Trainer SubLocale
    0x1C - Trainer Pokemon Displayed (Half Word)
    0x1D-0x25 - ???
    0x26-0x6F -- FF Pads
    0x70-0x7B -- Unused/Unknown
    0x80-0xAX -- Battle Overview Data
    0x80-0x8B - Team#1
    0x8C-0x97 - Team#2
    0xA4 - Battle # (Subway Streak)
    0xA6 - Battle Mode(???)
    0xA7 - Game Modes (Launcher?)
    0xB8-0xBC - Battle Video ID(???)

  7. OLD

    Alrighty, after spending more time with the RAM and a few battle videos I have found out how it operates. The Pokemon Data in the RAM was only the tip of the iceberg on what was contained within :)

    Upon clicking on a battle video, the entire encrypted battle video (which I have a few uploaded in the first post) is loaded into the RAM at offsets (0x0226BA0????).

    It remains there in its entirety for a split second (one or two frames, 1/60th of a second), in which it is decrypted and left there for easy access.

    If you dump the memory and copy the offsets for where the encrypted/decrypted battle video was (like in HxD), you can then just separate it out like I did from the save file. The Encrypted battle video is exactly the same, and the Decrypted battle video is the same size as well.

    I would upload a decrypted battle video, but I am only able to post currently (I will upload stuff when I can).

    Approximate Layout:

    Trainer Profile
    Battle Video Summary
    Battle Moves/Etc


    Pokemon Data occupies 112 bytes of data for each PKM. Strangely, it includes the ingame Stats. In the decrypted battle video, they start at 0xD00. They are there for 6 Trainer#1 PKMs, then there is a 4 byte (Max/Current PKMs Present) gap in between, then the Trainer#2(opponent) PKMs are there.


    Battle videos can be copied on top of the others. If you copy Frank's video onto another save file's appropriate offset (to overwrite the previous video), it can be viewed in game as there is no overall checksum on the save file to check (heh). I was able to make Frank's battle video occupy all 3 slots on the "Other Videos" menu (and viewing worked of course).


    Confirmed the native battle video locations via battle subway.


    I'll have more things (offsets/structure of bpkm) when I am able to upload stuff ;)

    I don't know how to make programs/make something to decrypt :(

  8. OLD

    Did some looking into in the RAM (I know it's not save related but does give some insight as to what is inside the saved video).

    VS. Recorder Screenshots of the Battles and Trainer Profiles (data stored on card)



    RAM Offsets of Important Information (PKM and Trainer):

    Battling Trainers: 0x0226C73C
    Trainer PID(???): 0x226C74C
       This data also appears at 0x10 of the VRD
       Opposing Trainer's PID not in VRD.

    At 0x0226C84C, the data from 0x18A0 is loaded, and shows the rest of the data.

    Team Lineup and OT Trainers of Jenn.vrd in the RAM:

    Jenn:            HENRY:
    Cofagrigus - Jenn    Reuniclus - HENRY
    Excadrill - Jenn    Meinshao - Glacen
    Swoobat - Jenn        Banette - Japanese
    Scrafty - Jenn        Stoutland - HENRY
    Gigalith - MASON    Accelgor - JOHN
    Emboar - Jenn        Lucario - Japanese

    Pokemon Data in the RAM -- woo!


    112 Bytes in Between Each PKM
    Brown - Pokemon PID
    Green - Species
    Dark Red - Happiness (?? Henry's Stoutland is mad)
    Orange - Trainer PID (or ID/SID)
    Yellow - Move ID
    Pink - Move PP
    Purple - Gender of Pokemon
    Red - Pokemon Name
    Blue - Trainer Name
    Black - Unknown / Unused
    Gray - Max HP & Battle Stats -- Right Before this is Level (32) and something else as a halfword. 
    Missing: Pokeball, Met Location, Hatch Location, Version Origin, Language Origin, IVs, Ribbons, EVs, Sheen.
    Pretty sure everything is in there somehow. IVs are probably right before gender.

  9. PC Pokemon don't have data for Stats. That's all party (236) data, in which Box pokemon (136) have generated upon withdrawing.

    So, there's no way to do this asides from making codes to edit your party (and thus their stats).

  10. Information Consolidation of all of my posts:

    Battle Video Card Structure

    0x00-0x0F - Trainer Profile (Owner of Video)
    0x10-0x25 -- Trainer Profile Data
       0x10-0x13 - Trainer PID
       0x14 - Trainer Gender (00 Male 01 Female)
       0x15 - Trainer Birth Month
       0x16 - Trainer Avatar
       0x17 - Trainer Nation
       0x18 - Trainer SubLocale
       0x1C - Trainer Pokemon Displayed (Half Word)
       0x1D-0x25 - ???
    0x26-0x6F -- FF Pads
    0x70-0x7B -- Unused/Unknown
    0x80-0xAX -- Battle Overview Data
       0x80-0x8B - Team#1
       0x8C-0x97 - Team#2
       0xA4 - Battle # (Subway Streak)
       0xA6 - Battle Mode(???)
       0xA7 - Game Modes (Launcher?)
       0xB8-0xBC - Battle Video ID(???)

    Battle Process Structure

    Currently Un-researched.

    PKM Data Structure (.bpkm)

    Battle Video PKMs are 112 bytes long (not all data is present!!!)
    Offsets in Decrypted Battle Video: 
    0XCFC: Max Present PKM
    0xCFE: Currently Present PKM
    PID		0xD00 + 0x70*pkm
    Species		0xD06 + 0x70*pkm
    Held Item	0xD08 + 0x70*pkm
    Trainer ID	0xD0C + 0x70*pkm
    Trainer SID	0xD0E + 0x70*pkm
    Happiness	0xD14 + 0x70*pkm
    Ability		0xD15 + 0x70*pkm
    HP-EV		0xD16 + 0x70*pkm
    Atk-EV		0xD17 + 0x70*pkm
    Def-EV		0xD18 + 0x70*pkm
    SpA-EV		0xD19 + 0x70*pkm
    SpD-EV		0xD1A + 0x70*pkm
    SpE-EV		0xD1B + 0x70*pkm
    Move 1		0xD1C + 0x70*pkm
    Move 2		0xD1E + 0x70*pkm
    Move 3		0xD20 + 0x70*pkm
    Move 4		0xD22 + 0x70*pkm
    PP 1		0xD24 + 0x70*pkm
    PP 2		0xD25 + 0x70*pkm
    PP 3		0xD26 + 0x70*pkm
    PP 4		0xD27 + 0x70*pkm
    IVs		0xD2C + 0x70*pkm
    Gender Forme	0xD30 + 0x70*pkm
    NickName Field	0xD32 + 0x70*pkm
    OTName Field	0xD48 + 0x70*pkm
    PokeBall	0xD58 + 0x70*pkm
    Origin		0xD59 + 0x70*pkm (01 is Japan, 02 is English)
    Level		0xD60 + 0x70*pkm
    BatlStat(maxHP)	0xD62 + 0x70*pkm
    BatlStat(curHP)	0xD64 + 0x70*pkm
    BatlStat(AtK)	0xD66 + 0x70*pkm
    BatlStat(Def)	0xD68 + 0x70*pkm
    BatlStat(SpA)	0xD6A + 0x70*pkm
    BatlStat(SpD)	0xD6C + 0x70*pkm
    BatlStat(SpE)	0xD6E + 0x70*pkm
       For Enemy Pokemon, add 4 to the base offset as every trainer has leading Max/Current PKM before the PKM Field. 

    Trainers Battling

    Somewhere after bpkm


    Currently un-researched.

    My posts before the last edit date may not be current information.

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