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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. The "Via Trade" isn't the best way to describe it. We had to give it a name I've fixed Abomasnow to be Petilil, but I dunno how the "missing" data happens when you re-save.
  2. There's 16 bytes for appearance (12 for normal, +4 for PR Videos). We only know what one of the bytes does (Hair Color & Hat) so far. Wonder cards can be edited with SciresM's program. Party editing ... ? Event Flags = need info on what flag does what. Ingame events are event flag based, not gym badge related. Badges are just used for display & obedience purposes. Next version I can just have a Control click modifier to do that.
  3. 08/31/14 - New Update: - Added: Cyber screwup notification upon saving. - - If a 0x200 byte chunk is all 0xFF, your save will be corrupt when you write it back (not PKHeX's fault). - Added: All Item 'cheat', activated by holding ALT when clicking the ITEMS button within the Inventory Menu. - Added: Full Pokedex 'cheat' now functions properly. Due to Cyber's screwup, do not obtain an Italian Petlil. - Added: All Accessories 'cheat' to the Appearance section of Trainer Info - Added: Index selection for Hat and Hair Color(?). If you don't want to wear a hat, set it to 0. - Added: Hex view (as decimal) of the current appearance for advanced editing. - Added: Opening of files via command line arguments (dragging onto .exe). - Added: Auto-loading of "main" file on startup if it exists. - Fixed: Nice Recieved is actually @ 0x0EC. Added "People Met Online" @ 0x0F4. - Fixed: Load Boxes from Folder will no longer give bad eggs in empty slots. - Fixed: Can no longer set illegal Dex entries (either manually or via Give All) - Misc: Cleaned up some code, reduced file size.
  4. When ((PID >> 16) ^ (PID & 0xFFFF) ^ TID ^ SID) >> 4 == 0, the Pokemon is shiny. TSV and ESV are simplified representations of the Trainer IDs and PID. ESV = ((PID >> 16) ^ (PID & 0xFFFF)) >> 4 TSV = (TID ^ SID) >> 4 ESV == TSV -> shiny.
  5. The program already marks the bad eggs with a bright red image. Scanning the boxes should be done by the user, not the program (as it would increase load times to scan every slot). Edit: If you're using the Import from Load/Dump Boxes, that should be fixed in the next version. For now, just transfer anything that isn't a bad egg to Bank, then restore a backup.
  6. Fairly certain that PKHeX didn't fill your whole PC with bad eggs. Be sure that you didn't delete a byte while hex editing, shifting everything out of position. The game has the "Player Appearance" in a non-obvious format and it wasn't really nailed down. It's a planned feature; those ComboBox dropdowns currently have no code associated with them. For the next release I should have Pokedex corruption fixed (for the "Fill Dex" button), by copying in a complete version. Powersaves datamined one that was 718/721, but didn't have all the language/forms. With that I should also have all accessories and all regular items sorta like Powersaves does but smarter. Maybe for the clothes I can temporarily allow users to enter values into TextBox's instead of showing ComboBox's until we have a completely cataloged the association. Release should be <24h from now, if things stay according to plan.
  7. no only shininess; Pokemon obtained from previous generations still retain their correlation.
  8. PKXs and edited SAVs CAN be injected into your game... ONLY if you possess the Cyber Save Editor & Dongle and a JP Cart+JP System ONLY... NO Gateway / Powersaves. PKXs ... CAN be injected... ONLY IF [...] NO Gateway / Powersaves. You cannot inject with Gateway/Powersaves. Please try to keep this thread related to PKHeX and its functions, not hack requests or legality questions.
  9. The "Old Advanced Mode" checkbox is only in the latest modified version. Replace your latest update exe with the one in this thread.
  10. Then just replace the save with someone else's save file, that actually has the pokedex.
  11. Use the latest version of PKHeX which has the Pokedex Obtained Event Flag. You should be able to access bank if it's checked.
  12. Send me before/afters so I can investigate. I can't fix what isn't happening to me.
  13. it's just method 4 (PID PID IV1 x IV2) method 1 is (PID PID IV1 x IV2) method 2 is (PID PID x IV1 IV2) should be fine.
  14. Gee, let me just ask my crystal ball. 3 months away, and nobody knows if a new security update will change savegame encryption. A lot of the functions will likely be innately compatible. However, offsets will be different.
  15. I wouldn't know what you're editing / changing so I have no idea what would be causing it.
  16. Don't use the Fill Dex button. It'll be disabled / fixed in next release
  17. I already outlined the conversion methods. Option 3 is the easiest for mass conversion, while option 2 is the quickest for singular files via drag n drop. There are no other public methods to deliver pkx files besides the Cyber Save Editor.
  18. Copy 0x65600 bytes starting at 0x5400 from your partially decrypted Powersaves file. Save it as "main", and replace it for the one read via the JP cart.
  19. Every cartridge has unique encryption and signatures, so even if you had a decrypted save it would do you no good.
  20. Volcanion & Hoopa never were on Powersaves. Powersaves removed Pirh Meloetta because it would crash the game if viewed in Amie.
  21. PKHeX doesn't support launch arguments besides executable names.1) File->Open; change the extension filter to All Files (*.*) then select the pkm file. 2) Drag the PKM files into the window, then drag the PKX file out via the side panel quicksave (which is to the left of the Main Tab). 3) Alternatively, you can just import a folder via Tools -> Load/Dump Boxes, then dump them back to another folder (which will save as .pk6)
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