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Everything posted by evandixon

  1. Find an image editor. Try Gimp or maybe Paint.Net. Look through the forums to see what everyone else is using.
  2. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?14752-Kazo-s-B-W-Tools Should be the latest.
  3. Download the latest version.
  4. Yes, keep it checked. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?14026-Guide-How-to-generate-Gen-V-Pokmon-in-PokGen
  5. I don't know. Maybe it's a defunct feature, or maybe it's different in non-Japanese saves. Might even be a translation error. If you can tell me if you can see that in-game and get me 2 saves that differ only by eggs hatched (and whatever else is completely unavoidable) I may be able to find where it's stored.
  6. I'm not familiar with that feature of the game, though I'm not sure why you really need to change the number of eggs received or hatched. It shouldn't really matter.
  7. Since it doesn't seem like anyone knows how the data is stored, here's a start: Most *.bin files are archive files. They're similar to narc, but slightly different. 0x0-3: Unknown; 00 00 00 00 0x4-7: Number of Files 0x8-B: Start of 1st file 0xC-F: Length of 1st file (8+8x) to (B+8x): Start of file index x (C+8x) to (F+8x): Length of file index x where x=0 to (value of 0x4-7) - 1 I might work on it more, but I'll give more time into my save editor for this game. Have fun, ROM researchers! [edit] Attached simple .Net Framework 4.0 command line utility to extract files from a bin archive. [edit 2] An untested version for .Net Framework 2.0 has been uploaded. Sky Rom Editor..zip .Net 2.0 Sky Rom E.zip
  8. If you're sure you have all the proper info in the config file, including the port, then I can't help you. Especially since Pokedoc hasn't been on the forum in years. I might be able to find some other tool. There's one that lets you backup 3DS saves in a DS lite.
  9. Search online for an image palate editor, and as cpan1 said use 256 colors (1 transparent + 255 colors).
  10. Where are you looking? I see Nate's overworld sprites at a/0/4/8 007.
  11. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=9753&d=1334128486 That might or might not be outdated. If so, use that as a guide for using the Japanese: http://www.mediafire.com/download/dbdr26bqi2nr638/PokeStock2_ver3_7.zip
  12. Try setting the target game in Options -> Target Game to Black/White, in addition to the right target game in the code generator.
  13. The first code is too long for anything but an emulator. Are you sure that's just one Pokémon? If not, make sure you only have one wonder card in a code. As for the Pokegen code, make sure you're making the code for Wondercard 1, and not Used Wondercard IDs.
  14. Grovyle91 said he plans on it, but this kind of thing takes time and effort to do. So in the mean time, wait until a magnificent program is updated (well, re-written).
  15. Have you tried using both the latest version and previous version? Have you tried uploading to another FTP server? Which game are you backing up? (I'm guessing this is yes) Do you have the right Wi-Fi? With a flash cart, it can only be unsecured or WEP.
  16. Are you sure you set the right region? If not, post the code so we can look at it.
  17. *.pcd is the 4th gen equivilant of *.pgf. *.pgt also contains the gift data of the wondercard in case you delete the wondercard without receiving the gift. If you have the *.pcd, you're fine. (This made more sense with Pokesav because you could see which cards and gifts you had.) As for inserting, use http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?6524-Pokémon-Mystery-Gift-Editor-(v1.4.3)-(now-with-B-W-support!)
  18. Researched Team Members a bit more. I think the 1st one starts at 83D9 and is 68 bytes and 2 bits long. I'll keep at it and hopefully be able to read it soon. [update] Not quite what's up there... Though it is if you only pay attention to the names. But the Pokémon ID is in different relative locations in the 1st two characters, with very different starting bits.
  19. What kind of problems?
  20. codemonkey85: Added info to the wiki. Maybe you can add other things? http://projectpokemon.org/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_BW_Save_File_Structure Fullmetal125: I can give you the save tomorrow, unless you choose to do it yourself. Be sure to open the save with Pokegen and save it to fix the checksum.
  21. I'm using HxD to find the differences in the saves. Analysis -> File Compare As for the save, I can do it either later today or tomorrow.
  22. If you take screenshots, take a screenshot of every page in case it's actually there and just hiding.
  23. Done! Here it is (attached)! Storage: POKEMON B.0 edit f&.sav
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