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Everything posted by Andibad

  1. Is mean pokemon mystery dungeon : explorer of sky ? ...
  2. Narc : a/0/2/4 - Item (BW/BW2) 1. Sell/Buy value 3. Gain percentage (depend on effect id) 4. Berries Effect and other 5. Attribute and effect of items 6. Recover/Remove bad status effect on pokemon (depend on effect id) 7. On battle effect (?) 8. EV Increase or Decrease on stat 9. HP, PP and happiness offset (if you change the id effect, some of them will ignore this part~) # more update data, please see http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?24589-B2W2-General-ROM-Info&p=164465&viewfull=1#post164465
  3. Kazo, i need you help for tweaking my hack game, is my video : [video=youtube;-lPx0hXfjHw] for difficult NPC is was fixed (in video is original and no fixed), but now how to change gender of pokemon, is must used another class EF of trainer? or another value? Why in my video is NPC is so stupid because i forgot change unknown value for double battle value set . For name Mugshot i know but i lazy to rename all why i used rotom, sorry i just testing for alternate form but is fail....... anyway i will experiment for rotom and deoxies alternate form........
  4. I not sure he done in this week. Moveset learned move level up is can added/expand new slot(for save max 22 slot) so is impossible editing via ROM, but maybe some fuction will can added new byte to ROM and no replacing them. I not sure twistfatal will work for that. . . I was found many data and well but not done to analyze. I no wait and use twistfatal tool, you must know twistfatal work, because sometimes he tools not working, i hope he used vb2010 for new technology
  5. in 190 just replace all with : After i see, just japanese and korean release aren not encrypted!, and wel just ASCII character is using custom encoding .... that was unencrypted 616 line.......... Nb: is used unicode encoding, you must download it, and open that file in unicode mode if you using my data, you must give a credit is from me... yeah you can share it to everyone but you must don't forget give credit for that ok? and if not give credit please added note is not you work, ok? thank you...
  6. don't using ups patch........... xdelta is better than UPS, because UPS is so bigger than xdelta, i was create patch for my hack, i using xdelta and ups patch, for xdelta will generate 401 KB for patch but UPS patch is generate 190 MB+, ... so ups patch is good for small hacking like just editing script not for sprite (will bigger if using ups).
  7. FF FF FF FF A1 01 01 00 8F 01 01 00 5F 00 01 00 FA 01 01 00 D9 01 01 00 DA 01 00 00 FF FF FF FF 2F 00 01 00 6F 00 05 00 ... FF FF FF FF hm why 00 ? why is not working because you disable it ... 01 --> lv 1 for move, 00 is disable that move...... So : EE EE XX UU EE EE is for move id flipped........ XX is for level learned, 00 is disabled, 01 is for lv 1 ....... UU is i don't know, for togekiss that value is 20, another ..... not 20... for normal move you can used 00. For TM/HM learned is not at a/0/1/8 ... for adding new move at level up in pokemon, is possible, and working for me........ for now i can't create tutorial or tell how expanding that, i still have a lot of my final test so i no have time for that. Maybe tommorow i will create it (tutorial) using notepad++ (freeware) , but i always using ultraedit . . . .
  8. Will support for HGSS and BW too? yeah thank you very much
  9. In my experiment i was edited header byte, if default are disable, it can't be enable....... except insert something script in some narc .. . . anyway that landmarks is from kaphotic files. ... is from japanese wiki for pokemon black and white games~~.... i know japanese language (not all kanji )
  10. Ok kaarosu, sorry for that . . .
  11. Is possible. But not delete that NPC, just disable in Hex value or change them.
  12. I was experiment to animated sprite trainer. Is work but still need tweak. . . I was done edit at 190. Yeah all was unencrypt
  13. But i have problem to edit last byte D: so my program is not fun for me. Anyway wild editor is huge for gui. Must have 7 slot set in every map, also in seasonal route too. Also header byte, is can disable and enable.
  14. Twistedfatal, you can give a version number of you program, is usefull for update or not...... thank you ^o^
  15. Is not compressed, is encrypted word , so you must have algorithm to read.
  16. Attact effects : paralyze confused poison Freeze Burn
  17. Icon NDS ROM, oh you just need application like RamoR, is can edit text and icon header NDS ROM,
  18. hm you can give me a png file for that, also name of file (because 2_622 (8th file and 6 th file is maybe a script for control sprite will appear, so possible if trainer sprite can animated like cheren and bianca sprite)), mabye i will recoordinate for you sprite...............
  19. you can found pokemon sprite BW in a/0/0/4, but that sprite is for animate purpose...... yeah is have static sprite. using kazowar for viewing that sprite. for NDS ROM sound editing, you need SDAT file, MIDI converter, SDL / Sbank file viewer for viewing and editing.........
  20. Yeah anyway i was know that , but thank you for telling about that......... but i wondering some file, a/0/0/6, a/0/0/9, a/0/2/4, a/1/0/8, a/1/2/3 and a/1/2/5, anyway
  21. Is just using something antilogarithm to reverse character, same as "PKMN" character(is a encrypt for special character/ normal character as special character, is not using standart UTF-16 encoding so in my computer can't read correctly because is not using standard UTF-16 (big endian/little endian encoding for that so show a korean, japanese, chinese, and symbol charater.......) ,
  22. Very cool and bigger than mewtwo , hm for wild pokemon, in header file, if disabled "00" it can't be enable......... You tools is very usefull for me, yeah no hard work seeing byte per byte
  23. I see on 190, is start with 0x01 byte. So is no compressed by lz77 0x10,0x11,0x20,0x40,0x30 type. But now why bianca,emnet only in PPTXT is readable?
  24. Maybe this program used hex offset editing, so my hack ROM is was change in all hex offset, and program not found target hex offset and give error.......~~~~ kazowar is not based ROM, is based small pieces file inside narc (so clean or not is working).......
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