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Everything posted by Ziz

  1. I'm pretty sure that sketch is failing because of the substitute. Substitute is probably blocking the effects of sketch. So I don't think its possible :\ As for the life orb, its on a ledge near the entrance of the inside of Stark Mountain. You need to use Rock Climb to get it.
  2. Dang! >.> I'm starting to think that I don't deserve that 8/10 for my Deidara signature... Anyways, amazing as always Illithian. 10/10
  3. I'd...grab my cousin Gregory. He knows everything about zombies, guns, etc. So yeah, I'm covered.
  4. Yay! Love it a bunch. Thanks Greeny! And anything wrong Greeny? You seemed a bit mad at me in the IRC. But then again, I'm a paranoid person...
  5. Hey Greeny! Hmm...I might as well request something. I would like - - 120x120 Avatar of Spoink - Cute render is desired, but it doesn't matter - Contain the text "Oink!" without the quotes in pixel text And that's about it. Hope its not too much. I'll be on the IRC for a while if you need me.
  6. Oh...hmm...wonder how that happened, thanks Narwhal! *gives cookie...err...halibut...shrimp...cod...squid...idk*
  7. Granted, but then you forget as soon as you hear why. NON-Corrupted Answer - I wish Jiraiya was brought back when Pain used Outer Path: Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique.
  8. You skipped X! Xatu Zigzagoon.
  9. Aaron! So cute <3
  10. I could've sworn...oh well. It every word "Samus" on this page was colored red. It was odd.
  11. Dang Skyfire! That signature's awesome! Amazing! Granted but when you encounter it it distorts space and traps you in a universe that is pitch black and you are unable to see anything at all, forcing you to reset the game all over again. I wish that Deidara didn't suicide (No saying that he "dies" instead)
  12. Can anyone tell me why Samus' name is in red on this page?
  13. <p><p><p><p><p>Sorry for not replying earlier, I forgot <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png" alt=":(" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />. Anyway it looks as awesome as ever telos!</p></p></p></p></p>

  14. K, gimme a PM. EDIT: Someone is ghosting this thread at 6:28 PM Eastern Time.
  15. [sprite]220[/sprite] Swinub
  16. You didn't wish! I wish that Grumpig didn't exist and Spoink (Regular Spoink, no saying anything that changes Spoink's appearance)had no evolutions.
  17. Yeah, the Plasma Beam upgrade lets Samus shoot High Temperature beams, so I guess you can count that as fire. And that's not what I meant, I can't because I don't have Photoshop on my uncle's computer (On vacation remember?).
  18. <p><p><p><p><p>Oh...didn't know that, thanks.</p></p></p></p></p>

  19. <p><p><p><p><p>Alright thanks.</p></p></p></p></p>

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