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Regarding integrating plugins into the main branch, there's upsides and downsides. * Plugins can be updated independently of the main executable, and can be developed independently and with different coding styles the author is more comfortable with. * Plugins can use external dependencies or string resources, which may bloat the overall size of the executable. Most plugins are niche use, and majority of the users never use them. * More features added to PKHeX is more for me to maintain and clean. Not all implementations are reusable/extendable... If users ask about functionality of an editor that I didn't make or report a bug, it might not reach the original author for triage. * Most plugins don't document their code thoroughly, making maintenance / other-reader comprehension more difficult. * Plugins can act as a self-contained environment to play around & have others test, without needing the full executable. * Not everything has to be a plugin or integrated with the main program; they can be standalone editors as well that reuse the core-project for exposing the save file operations and game strings. * Different licensing being possible for plugins. Some people don't like GPLv3, or MIT. === * Dynamax Adventures plugin: makes flipping the dynamax adventure flags easier. Stock PKHeX can still toggle flags via the Block Editor, and you can automatically import a list of block names via the "SCBlocks.txt" feature. Most users don't need to reset event flags, when genning exists. * Clothing: allows individual clothing piece toggles; tons of names. Stock PKHeX can import and export the final block; most users don't need to customize individual flags. * Feebas: Most users don't need to calculate position, when genning exists. * Auto Legality: Relatively big project with its own dependencies; separate development that ties into Stock PKHeX. * Raid Plugin: Relatively big project with its own feature set. Separate development that ties into Stock PKHeX. PKHeX is a hobby project; there's always more PKHeX can do, but there's only a finite amount of development attention. There is no auto-updater; infrastructure for that would take time + money (bandwidth). Not really worth when PKHeX isn't monetized. There are plans for migrating away from WinForms to MAUI later this year; yielding native mobile/non-windows platform support. Less editors for me to port = less work for me to be stressed about. There are many other large(r) projects (like Notepad++) which have their own plugin system.2 points
Edited ROMs can only be played on exploited consoles. Please do not ask (nor private message me) how to obtain/dump/decrypt/unpack/repack ROMs as that is unrelated to the functionality of this program. Download Link At Bottom of Post pk3DS is a ROM editor for 3DS games with tools from various contributors. All editors displayed are fully functional. Simply feed it a folder (drag/drop or by File->Open) which contains the game romfs & exefs extracted content folders. http://i.imgur.com/iEsoudA.png Randomizers available: Trainer Battles (Pokemon / Items / Moves / Abilities / Difficulty / Classes) Wild Encounters (Species, Level, Gen/Legend Specific, ORAS DexNav won't crash!) Personal Data (Pokemon Types / Stats / Abilities / TM Learnset) Move Randomizer (Type / Damage Category) Move Learnset (Level Up / Egg Move) Evolutions TM Moves Special Mart Inventory etc Download the latest version here (click on latest run at the top, then click Artifacts (Published), and download the 'drop' folder) Example: Click on the most recent one (typically the link on top) [you can check the dates on the right, to determine which is the most recent one] You'll then be brought to this page. Click on where I circled portion, for that page. Then go ahead and download it (the circled portion on that page) Source code is available on my GitHub.1 point
Hello! I'd like to showcase my first ever ROM hack - A slight difficulty and quality of life hack for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky. My main goal with this hack is to introduce quality of life changes, new dungeon variety, new Pokémon spawn lists all while making the original game harder! (But not Kaizo hard) I am also trying to steer away from unnecessary dialogue additions and anything that could take away from a player's experience or ruin immersion. While not directly influenced by Drayano or his hacks, this ROM hack shares similarities in the way Drayano approaches hacks, keeping the original game vanilla and building onto it's gameplay systems all while slightly increasing difficulty. Exact specifications of what has and will be changed will be included with every version I release with previous changes always archived in each and every changelog as there already is way to much for me to include as is without keeping this post short and simple. The hack is fully completed in terms of revamping every dungeon and improving the base game, but additional features are to be added in the future. Trailers: Special features include: - Arceus is now in the game! Recruit the Alpha Pokemon at the top of Destiny Tower! - Exp. Points are now distributed to the entire team -- including off-roster team members! (Like in Gates to Infinity and Super!) - You can now select whatever starter you want if you don't like your Personality Quiz result! (Like in Super!) - Complete Team Control, You can manually control your partner and team members turns in dungeon! - New postgame events! -- Revisit the Future after recruiting Dialga, Explore a new Ruin dungeon after defeating Regigigas, visit new unique Far Away dungeons after recruiting Palkia or explore the Magnagate after collecting all Seven Treasures! - New moves! Unused moves like Spin Slash and Excavate are back in the game! - Fairy Type moves with custom move animations: - Sweet Kiss, Charm, Moonlight, Dazzling Gleam, Disarming Voice, Fairy Wind, Play Rough, Draining Kiss, Moonblast, Crafty Shield, Baby-Doll Eyes and more! - Moves from future generations too: - Petal Blizzard, Bulldoze, High Horsepower and more! - Fairy Type, with Fairy Type gummis in game too! - Sylveon! - Custom Frames! - Revisitable Future -- with recruitable shiny Celebi! - The weather trio now have their exclusive moves, Precipice Blades, Dragon Ascent and Origin Pulse! - The Luxio Tribe is back from Time/Darkness, fully replacing the Manectric gang. (Complete with a Luxray Clear Mark icon.) - New dungeons! Explore the all new Metal Crag, Magic Alcove, Avian Terrene, Drake Fjord, Poison Bog and Battle Hill! - All starter evolutions now have overworld sleeping sprites for the postgame (Including gender differences!). - All new spawnlists, revamped difficulty, and a whole new way to play the game! - Some dungeons now have certain gimmicks, EX: Drenched Bluff has a dangerous 6th floor, Waterfall Cave is always rainy and max darkness, there's no food in the Northern Desert, etc. - Alolan Vulpix has replaced normal Vulpix as a starter/partner - A quick tunnel from Sharpedo Bluff to Crossroads - Espurr is now a partner Pokemon! - Chikorita isn't useless now! - Completely reworked Marowak Dojo system! - All Starters and Partners have reworked level up movepools, and will always have access to a powerful STAB move at level 50. Some starters/partners have had ability reworks like Eevee having Anticipation instead of Run Away, Skitty having Scrappy instead of Normalize, and Riolu having Own Tempo instead of Inner Focus! - Quality of Life improvements. Tired of all those tips trying to help you out? Say no more, they're all disabled thanks to DisableTips. Want to hold the L button and use one of your four moves without opening the move menu? Move Shortcuts has got you covered! Ever wanted to have a partner that matches your type? SameType Partner allows you to do just that! Tired of watching and suffering through Spinda's Café animation every time you want to make a drink? I removed it! Tired of Far-Off Pals taking too long to play out? It's quicker now! Kangaskhan Rocks in the Marowak Dojo Hub and Spinda Cafe! - Revamped Item values - Vitamins, Joy Seeds and Ginsengs now rarely appear in the Kecleon Shop - Revamped Rank-Up rewards! - All Evolution Items now have an equal chance to spawn in the Kecleon Wares Shop - Xatu now unboxes faster! -Optional dungeons are automatically unlocked after graduating! - Seven Treasure dungeons are unlocked after Dark Crater! - Aegis Cave is no longer full of unnecessary unowns! - Mt. Blaze and Mt. Thunder are back in the game! Along with Zapdos and Moltres boss fights! - Region Variants! (Note that these new varients DO NOT replace the original games Pokémon, normal Vulpix/Ninetales are still in the game, just no longer a starter/partner.) - Zero Isles now have rare evolution items at the end of the dungeon to reward players for exploring them! - Destiny Tower now allows recruiting, has had it's grudge traps removed, and has had wonder tiles added into upper floors. - All dungeons have been revamped! Special Thanks: *** Thank you to End45 for creating the Move Shortcuts, DisableTips, and SameType Partner patches. *** Thank you to Irdkwia for creating the ChangeMoveStatDisplay, ChangeEvoSystem, ExpandPokeList, Exp. Share, Fairy Type, and Choose Starter patches. Thank you for also working on Move Shortcuts. *** Thank you to Cipnit for creating the Complete Team Control patch. *** Thank you to NeroIntruder for creating Espurr, Meowstic (Male and Female), and Alolan Ninetails portraits/sprites. *** Thank you to DunkinDo for creating Arceus sprites, Galar Corsola sprites, Cursola sprites and my commissioned Regidrago/Regieleki sprites. *** Thank you to CamusZekeSirius for creating Regidrago and Regieleki sprites. *** Thank you to Davilos for creating Arceus portraits. *** Thank you to Emmuffin for creating Sylveon and galarian Corsola portraits. *** Thank you to EZERART for creating Cursola's portrait. *** Thank you to MonochromeKirby for creating Victini's sprites and portraits. *** Thank you to whoever created Sylveon's sprites, I'm unable to find whoever originally submitted it. *** Thank you tofor creating art and a menu background featuring Silveon, Espurr and Alolan Ninetales! Massive thank you to my Discord community for feeding me ideas, suggestions, advice and inspiration to keep working this hard! Thank you to the reader for reading all of this and mayhaps even playing my take on the game! Here's a hyperlink to my Discord where you can report any issues, suggestions, or problems with the game and talk directly to me. We also have a channel with instructions on how to patch and what you will need (We do NOT distribute ROMS): v v v v v v v >>>>>> My Discord <<<<<< ^^^^^^^^ PLEASE DO NOT USE SAVE STATES, IF YOU USE SAVE STATES THOSE SAVES WILL NOT BE COMPATIBLE WITH ANY FUTURE RELEASES/PATCHES. SAVE WITH THE IN-GAME SYSTEM IF YOUR EMULATOR SUPPORTS IT. Downloads: Version 1.17.1 (12/11/2021) Explorers of Skies Patch (V1.17.1).xdelta Changelogs contain ALL changes made, and documents the newest changes as well. Version 1.17 Changelog ChangelogV1.17.txt There are multiple versions of Explorers of Sky, this Hack uses a specific one, you can read more below. Instructions on how to patch Patching Skies for Dummies.txt (You can also get help through my Discord with the link above) Known Issues: Dungeons that reset the player to Level 1 don't restore when being defeated -- This can be fixed by using Chimecho's Assembly. Screenshots/Pictures: New Dungeons:1 point
There a set of plugins and tools that are external to the PKHeX that fill in some very much needed flag editing. Notable ones are Raid Plugin: https://github.com/Leanny/PKHeX_Raid_Plugin Dynamax Adventure Plugin: https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/file/4373-pkhex-plugin-dynamax-adventure-reset/ Fashion Block Editor: https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/file/4384-fashion-block-viewer-and-editor-experimental/ I know that I am not the owner of these so I can't moves these specific examples into the the PKHeX code base. But, assuming you don't have external dependencies like the raid plugin, is there any process for someone to move an existing plugin into the PKHeX code base, if it provides core functionality such as flag editing?1 point
You can download the bleeding edge Development build for testing; for the latest release, you'd have to make sure there's a save in the first slot. Second slot was occupied1 point
Creative discussions is more geared towards discussing the creative work of yourself or other people. Since your question does not fulfill that requirement, your thread has been moved. In my opinion, in a sandbox world of your own, it does not matter. But ultimately there may be other factors at play, i.e. you wanna tell your friends how well you did, and they looked at your team, and was overwhelmed with disgust, etc.1 point
1 point
The reported issue was already fixed, but the template's OT names were swapped. The static constructor runs afterwards, fixing it. I've un-swapped them and removed the static constructor logic since it's no longer needed. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/9964c91dc66956c398e7fd5fe4633e4c7304a9081 point
I figured making a pull request would be the way to get it in, but I was just wondering if there is anything regarding the requirements of documentation and maintenance since the PKHeX Team would have to take over for any issues down the line. I knew it wasn't a plugin. I had said plugins and tools in the above message, sorry that you missed that part of my question. As an aside, where is the source code for this tool so that someone can try to integrate it?1 point
Hello, I've a little correction about this event dates. Movie Shaymin, in Italy, was released in 3 different events in 2009, called Pokémon Party: Pokémon Party – Fiera Bimbo & Family di Galatina (LE) May 16 – 17, 2009 Pokémon Party – Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica di Milano June 13, 2009 Pokémon Party – Bioparco di Roma June 27, 2009 P.S. I know that distribution cartridge worked only if the date is ≤ June 25, but the receiver DS can be June 27. I tried with dumped distribution ROM. Source1 point
Controls and resets the Zacian or Zamazenta encounter on top of the Energy Plant. If you only set ookami (wolf) flags, game crashes. Put these NPCs back on the roof: 161E0C4A z_d0602_LEADER_AKU Bool1 76355375 z_d0602_ASSISTANT_HAKASE Bool1 7C5D52A3 z_d0602_SWORD_MAN Bool1 279B69B5 z_d0602_SHIELD_MAN Bool1 DAD72DAC z_d0602_NURSE Bool1 Sword: FB18D095 z_d0602_PM_888_OOKAMIK Bool1 Shield: 31B0958B z_d0602_PM_889_OOKAMIT Bool1 Will change your current story progression: BB7B57FB WK_SCENE_MAIN_MASTER 3180 Changes the message on Rotom Map to match: C4F35C2E SYS_WORK_ROTOM_TUUTI 3180 If your elevator is closed: 9F73F31F z_c0201_g0201_ELEVAOR_SWITCH_01 Bool1 9F73F4D2 z_c0201_g0201_ELEVAOR_SWITCH_02 Bool2 Box32 Unlocked 32A339E9 FSYS_SECRET_BOX Bool2 71825204 (probably will be named KBoxesUnlocked) Byte set to 32 Battle Eternatus This will act as tho you lost your first battle to it, and it just wait at the roof for you. BB7B57FB WK_SCENE_MAIN_MASTER 19901 point