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  1. Version 20231218


    A collection of Pokemon from every game. See thread for more information and progress: And GitHub for latest updates: https://github.com/ReignOfComputer/RoCs-PC
    1 point
  2. Good morning. I made a post on Reddit and it appears I have some Mews which are not yet being hosted here. I have three Mews. All from July 2000 in Milton Keynes Central where they used a modified SNES to dump Mew in to a free party slot on my saves. The OT name is UK. The TID varys. I have two untouched at level 5. One around level 42. Do you need these Mews?
    1 point
  3. 3939 downloads

    This page contains the first ever publicly available savefile that was dumped from an original Pokemon Red cart, which was used to distribute YOSHIRA Mew by direct trade. The distribution took place at Toys R Us stores in the United States from the 8th to 12th of December 1999. The players who were allowed to obtain a Mew were determined among the first 1500 customers at each Toys R Us store on 26 November 1999, where they were able to receive a special "Peel & Win" sticker card (pictured above). 200 of these cards at each store contained the text "Caught Me!" underneath the sticker of Mew. These Mew distribution carts are known to have been either a Red or a Blue cartridge, which were sealed into a GameBoy Pocket with official Nintendo non-tamper security tape. So far only two devices have publicly surfaced on the internet. The first one was a Blue cartridge still sealed into a silver GBP, of which pictures have been on the internet for several years (pictured above). This device is said to have been lost in shipping during ownership change in 2013. The second one is a Red cartridge that has since been cut loose from its GBP, but the Nintendo security tape is still intact on the cartridge (pictured above). This Red cartridge was first seen on Reddit several months back, which is owned by a former Toys R Us employee who personally distributed Mews from the cartridge back in 1999. I recently contacted this Redditor, and offered to ship her my cart dumper in order to get the savefile dumped and safely preserved. As save data in the first two generations rely on a low-power battery, after approximately 18 years it was clear that the savefile would not have survived much longer. Due to this and the extreme rarity of these devices, this may have very well been a one time opportunity to ever preserve save data from one of these carts. Every Mew has identical IV stats: 5 HP, 10 Attack, 1 Defense, 12 Speed, and 5 Special. Every Mew in this savefile has the Original Trainer name of YOSHIRA (none YOSHIRB). I can only speculate that perhaps those on the Blue cartridges contained YOSHIRB Mews. The Trainer IDs are all unique however, and imply the Mews were generated in groups of 5 (eg. 16385, 16386, 16387, 16388, 16389, then 16443, 16444, 16445, 16446, 16447, and so on). My theory is that the Mews were generated with a "Mew machine", which was a quicker method used at other event locations to distribute YOSHIRA/YOSHIRB Mews. We know these machines distributed Mews with TIDs that incremented by 1, so due to the Trainer IDs we see here, we could assume that each savefile had different Mews(or at least that several different savefiles may exist). So other than TID, the Mews on this savefile are all identical. The way I figure it, a cart was inserted in a Mew machine, a party full of 5 were generated, the cart was removed, and while someone manually placed those 5 Mews in a PC Box, another cart was in the machine having it's party filled. I don't figure it could have been practical to give every cart unique Mews, but multiple carts were filled to have a wider variation of existing TIDs. After a handful of carts were full of Mews, their savefiles were likely copied among the hundreds of carts send to Toys R Us stores. Keep in mind though, this is purely my speculation based of the information we have. All the traded pokemon from this savefile had been previously released, so only the Mews remain. Box 11 and 12 are totally empty. Box 5 and 10 are each missing one or two Mews. Boxes 1 to 4, and 6 to 9 remain fully untouched. I did return a few Mews from the party to their proper box slot, so the TIDs line up as they were originally. Any oddball TIDs that couldn't be matched up were placed in the Party. I also want to note that I did request the rom to be dumped as well, and it was 100% identical to any other retail Red cart. While we were 99% positive this was obviously the case, it's still nice to have that confirmation. In the past some people have speculated whether or not the rom was special and would have the PC filled with Mews if a New Game was started. Once again, I want to give special thanks to Jenn from Reddit, because without her generosity, we may have never been able to obtain one of these savefiles. She did promise to supply her personal experience/memory of the event and any details, so when she does, that will be shared here as well.
    1 point
  4. Hereby I present you, the Pokémon Mystery Gift Editor! As the name already suggests, you can edit Mystery Gifts from the 4th and 5th generation games. It also has some extra features like exporting Wonder Card images and generating Action Replay codes. At the moment there's being worked on a new version. But if you want to use the editor right now, please go to the downloads section. Keep in mind that I do not support these older versions anymore. So please do not report any bugs you find, as I do not intend to fix them in the version 1.x branch (the version 2.x branch will (almost) be a complete code rewrite). I will host this project on GitHub as soon as I'm satisfied with the new code base. This means you can view and contribute to the source code and/or researches, which I'm encouraging you to do so. Be it contributing to the core, GUI, language translations, various lists, etc., it does not matter. I can use all the help I need. News 19 May 2013: I have cleaned up this post a bit, the old one is still available at the end of this post. Downloads See below in this post. Known bugs Version 1.4.3 has a problem with saving D/P/Pt/HG/SS saves, please use any lower version (which you can find here). Changelog None available yet. Planned features None and everything at the same time. My requests: Research & Development None at the moment. Old post for archiving purposes: Mod edit: Downloads can be found here:
    1 point
  5. 1.I've changed the link. You should find 1.4.2 there. 2. File, export battery file, then export them as sav.
    1 point
  6. I've made a compilation of every Certificate I've found from Google, Reddit, Imgur, LiveJournal, and Ebay Archives. https://imgur.com/a/sgUbzFq Sorry for not giving credits to the OPs, but you can find some sources if you use Reverse Image Search.
    1 point
  7. So i have given you all three mews I have. I just can’t comprehend how my three are the only ones left from the UK events.
    1 point
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Español: En ésta ocasión traigo un paquete de archivos .Sav de Rojo Fuego y Verde Hoja con algo muy interesante. Caza Pokémon Errante. Pokémon en el equipo: Smeargle Nv 100 Dragonite Nv 55 Starmie Nv 50 (con Habilidad Iluminación) Objetos en la mochila: 200 Max Repelentes 200 Pokéballs Listo para capturar a Entei, Raikou o Suicune dependiendo de cual archivo Sav elijan. Usar PkHex para cambiar ID y EO que deseen antes de entregar el Zafiro. English: This time I bring a pack of .Sav files from Fire Red & Leaf Green with something very interesting. Pokemon Roaming Hunting. Pokémon in the team: Smeargle Lv. 100 Dragonite Lv.55 Starmie Lv.50 (Illuminate Hability) Items in Bag: 200 Max Repels 200 Pokéballs Ready to capture Entei, Raikou or Suicune depending on which Sav file they choose. Use PkHex to change ID and OT that you want before delivering the Sapphire.
    1 point
  9. I found this thread a year ago, I'll try to sum it up the story since it's in spanish: http://www.pokexperto.net/foros/index.php?topic=27460.0 OP was asking about the Pokémon 2000 championship that was held in Madrid (the winners would later go to European and World champsionships, though that was only announced after the tournament ended), specifically he asked if a Mew distribution was really held there, as all he knew were rumors. Some users supported the rumors, somone even posted that back in the day he was given a Mew he was asured it was legit (not gamesharked/glitched) and the OT was "DJ" (I haven't been able to contact this user, since he hasn't been active since 2012). On 2015 user Pirk appeared, and he said that he attended the tournament, that he had been given such a Mew (along some merchandise) and that the OT was "D-J" in fact. He dusted out his old GB and though his cousing had started a new game in his Blue cart (were he received the Mew), he had his tournament team and a clone of the Mew in his yellow cart: On July 2016 I contacted Pirk to ask about the Mew and I also wanted to ask Pirk to ensure it was fully EV trained so IVs could be calculated (we later discovered that it in fact was fully EV trained). Finally on february 2017 Pirk and I were able to meet and I dumped both his Blue and Yellow savegames. Even though the Blue save was deleted, when starting a new game only Party data and box 1 data is deleted, so I hoped the Mew might still be in the other boxes. The very same Mew was found in one (same attacks, stats, etc, a 1:1 clone, or maybe the original). Pirk told me that in order to receive the Mew you had to show the staff that you had 150 pokémon, then they'd give it to you. It came at level 5 according to Pirk and the distribution was made via direct trade. Up until this point everything seems like good news, but there are some oddities about this distribution: - The DVs are not the fixed ones we know most (if not all) gen 1 Mews had. (there's a chance the NINTEN Mew had different DVs). - The data in the Mew matches more that of a wild pokémon than that of a gen 1 mew (compared with the ones we have, remember we have both mew machine AND the Toys R Us direct trade mew samples) - I haven't been able to find any spanish magazine that talked about the distribution, except for a very little mention many months later on the official Nintendo magazine that, in response to a letter, said that Mew was in fact distributed at the tournament in Madrid. The magazines (including official nintendo magazine) only covered the tournament, no trace from Mew distribution. NOTE: I've talked with other people and others have confirmed that Mew was in fact distributed there. So, what supports this Mew being the one distributed at the tournament? - That more than one person has confirmed the distribution actually took place (and it was stated in official nintendo magazine, albeit it was a letter response). - Pirk's word. He told me he cloned this mew many times, but that he never received any Mew from anyone and the only one he ever had was the one he received from nintendo, so there's no chance that the Mew in his yellow cartridge was a fake one and that the official one was lost when his cousing reset his blue savegame. - That Pirk actually agreed to meet in person with me to dump his save. Would someone go as far as meeting a random internet guy just for a prank? I personally don't think so. (This is just circumstantial and my personal impression). - In summer, I asked in a spanish forum if someone had been in Madrid in the distribution (that's how I found more people claiming they were at the event and Mew was distributed, but unfortunately none of them had their savegames). An user said he wasn't there, but that he dumped his savegame (he had the hardware to do so) and he had a mew someone cloned to him back in the day. He sent me the save and to my surprise this mew turned out to be exactly the same as Pirk's (except one move). This user lived more than 500km away from Madrid, were it was distributed and he received a Mew with the very same OT, ID and DVs. Prik did clone his Mew, and it really could be his very Mew that reached this other user 500km away, but the chances for that to happen seem extremely low to me. On the other hand, if there were multiple clones of this Mew to start with, the probability of it spreading trough the country increase exponentially. This to me is probably the strongest supporting point, simply because of probability, but of course there's always the chance that this was Pirk's mew traveling trough a chain of trades. Also, as I said, they only differ in 1 move (I'd personally expect more than 1 move being different), which is kind of a weak point. My personal theory: this mew was really distributed there, but someone of Nintendo of Spain said something like: "I have a gameshark, why don't we distribute Mew? This will attract more people to the torunament" and they gave that person the green light. He started a new game and used a gameshark to catch a mew at level 5 or something like that (giving the mew random DVs), then he proceeded to clone that mew multiple times for the distribution (with whatever method). This may sound ridicule, but since I know how Spain and Spanish people think, I strongly believe this could have been the case. Simply put, they didn't know Mew distributions had some "rules" and didn't care to ask. I leave it up to you to decide wether this Mew is legit or not. Someone even suggested that even if this is in fact the one distributed at the tournament, it would still not be legal if Nintendo of Spain made it in their own and didn't stick to "standard distribution rules" like fixed DVs. Download Pirk's savegame with the mew: http://www.pokexperto.net/foros/index.php?topic=27460.msg2765479#msg2765479 ps: I'd like to know what others think about this
    1 point
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