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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/20 in all areas

  1. I do not have the rights to remove the savefiles, but here are the pk1 files of your mews, if you want to remove the savegames from your posts. 151 - MEW - 32BC.pk1 151 - MEW - 45B6.pk1 151 - MEW - D578.pk1
    4 points
  2. So i have given you all three mews I have. I just can’t comprehend how my three are the only ones left from the UK events.
    2 points
  3. There's actually another person who went and shared photos of their UK Mews, but it disappeared, so that makes your Mews the only ones from that event. Thanks for your contributions! Edit: In case anyone wants to know where are those photos:
    1 point
  4. Looks like the easiest way is to select Tools > Data > Batch Editor then choose OT_Name, select Add, then put in the name. Example: .OT_Name=NewTrainer Select run and it should update the name for all Pokemon in Boxes or Party, whichever tab is chosen. If you want to do both then you'll have to have Boxes selected and choose Run, then select Part and click Run again. As always, be sure to make a backup before you make any changes.
    1 point
  5. Well I hope these mews are good for you. Please can you delete my saves from this thread when you’ve extracted the mews for the downloads area if that’s what you want to do with them.
    1 point
  6. Here’s my Pokemon Red save. One of the Mews was traded from my blue cart. I’ll not bother with my blue save. My yellow save the mew is at level 42 so not original. I think there is a Mew in daycare too but not sure how that got there I may have transferred it from another game or friend but the trainer ID matches one in my box so don’t know maybe it’s the same one?
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. As far as I know, what you want probably can only be done by the batch editor, and I don't see it there.
    1 point
  9. @Helmschrot Outrage and Leech Life are TR Moves. However, your mon doesn't appear to have learnt those TR moves before: You see where you went wrong now?
    1 point
  10. @philomisia @Pocket Monsters Don't know if you guys still care but I found a solution. I downgraded my version of PKHeX to one from last year and it works fully. Pokemon from PBR can be saved back onto my Platinum game from it. I'm using version 20190207 (February 7th, 2019)
    1 point
  11. Changing the name in the SAV field changes the trainer name. When you catch a Pokemon going forward it will have the trainer name you chose. Changing it in the OT/Misc section is Pokemon specific to a Pokemon being edited. For example: After you change the name in SAV, right click a Pokemon and choose ‘View’, then update the trainer name, and right click the Pokemon you just chose view on and choose ‘set’. This will override the Pokemon in that slot with the updated trainer name.
    1 point
  12. Due to the nature of Gen 1 to 7 Mew transfer, there really isn't much that would be changed. I recall ID also being needed, not just OT. GF didn't even prohibit that mew being shiny, in fact the only shiny mew that can exist is a Japanese gen 3 mew, but the GTS has been full of hacked shiny mew... We all be glad if you can upload them. On a personal note, I prefer the savegame being uploaded rather than the pk1 file. If you don't mind uploading it, I would appreciate it. In any case any contribution is awesome!
    1 point
  13. For the record, to tag a user, it’s not just copying the hyperlink for the person. It’s to put “@“ and type the name behind it. Now, I’ll probably be able to give you the rough addresses for where IV is, in comparison to the species, later. Watch this space. Edit: According to my records, it is - 0x0B from the location of the species. Do a few tests, you should find it. When in doubt, load the edited file in my program and check if the changes are there.
    1 point
  14. It doesn't really matter. The net64 build requires the .NET Framework runtime and comes as a single executable that doesn't require any DLL files, while the netcoreapp3.0 build reqires the .NET Core runtime and needs some DLL files, as you can see if you compare both directories. The functionality of both builds is identical.
    1 point
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