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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/20 in all areas

  1. Thanks for everyones work on this! I really enjoyed both videos.
    2 points
  2. Hey all, I created a macro system for event scripting in the DS generation of Pokémon games. It can be found here. Note: this only supports Black 2 and White 2 at the moment, and not all script commands from those games are in. Requirements To set it up, you will need: devkitARM (included with devkitPro). Python 3.4 or greater. Utilizing it: To start, make sure this is included at the top of your file: Once you do that, make a label for the script you are writing: Example: # script goes here Then, add a new label at the top, and add pointers to your script like so: scripts: script <script label> Then, compile it using the Python script: python CheapScript.py <script> <output directory> Once you do all of that, add the script to your game by finding the corresponding script NARC (in B2W2, it is a0/5/6), and replacing the script container that you want to (in SDSME, you can find a list of them, under the “script” section in the Map Headers tab). Profit! An example of a script in action can be seen here. Happy scripting!
    1 point
  3. I'm assuming PKHeX handles this for you, just drag the file into PKHeX with the save open, then export the mon. you don't. Too much data scrubbed to recreate, without taking creative liberties..
    1 point
  4. if I'm not mistaken, the chain of OTs is not in the same offsets as the Pokemon data tho (for gen 1) But if I'm not mistaken, trainer names are further in the file, so maybe that's a good sign.
    1 point
  5. I don't know enough about recreating .pk1(s), but this looks like it's a Mew to me.
    1 point
  6. as far as I can tell, only box 2 and your party contained real pokemon? Where was Mew located? I could be a simple thing and fix the species data, or a more tedious thing and it's all wiped. Yikers.
    1 point
  7. I had thought about remaking the Mew Machine through pokered disassembly (I mean, making a ROM hack). The main problem it's that a hacked ROM nowadays can be found on a cartridge on Etsy, therefore everyone could fake a Mew and we couldn't tell with certainty if it's legal or not (faking the Mew Certificate it's also not that hard). I think it's better waiting until someone finds it/buy it and dump the ROM. (For me the Spaceworld Demo was a HUGE waiting so it's not that impossible to find the Mew Machine)
    1 point
  8. I just wanted to post this here. We have a new theoretical idea how these Mew/Celebi machines worked. In several posts I've made during the past years I've said it was probably a devcart inside a SGB2/SFC linked to a GBP. This was based on the fact you can see the SFC controller in photos, as well as a cartridge slot that looks like a GBP. Upon discovering the PCNY machine, our theory has changed. Partly, but not limited to, the fact the PCNY writer's cartridge slot has a faux-GameBoy plastic cover for that illusion. I'll leave out specific details for now, but basically the PCNY cartridge writer is called Machine 2. We think Machine 1 is possibly none other than the Mew/Celebi Machine, which would mean it could theoretically be a devcart in a SGB1/SFC with the cartridge writer plugged into Port 2. Upon learning how the PCNY machine works, this process makes the most sense to be the same case for these original machines. If none other than considering the fact they all support cartridges being constantly inserted/removed without the need of a system reboot, this theory stands very well. Now even more so than in the past, I hope we will one day obtain the software and the cart writer used inside these machines, if not even an entire intact unit. If a few Machine 2s still exist in some form, then Machine 1s more than likely do as well. The question is how and when will they surface?
    1 point
  9. The machine was sent back to the owner a few weeks ago. Everything regarding the PCNY machine has been shared/is being worked on by users on ProjectPokemon. Also off-topic, but I highly recommend anyone to check out Shonumi's blog if you haven't - lots of Game Boy related posts/gems in there. And check out the REON Dev Team Discord if you want to learn more about the Mobile GB Adapter.
    1 point
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