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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/19 in all areas

  1. If it doesn't line up with the RNG algorithms (PKHeX nor RNG Reporter), it's likely something wrong on the user's end (emulation, active cheats, idk).
    2 points
  2. Version .


    In Pokémon Black 2 & White 2, a new feature called Hidden Grottoes were introduced. In these spots, besides random item spawns, players get to encounter Pokémon that have their Hidden Ability, which cannot be normally found in standard grass/cave/water encounters in the games. The levels varies, depending on which Grotto the Pokémon was encountered in. It is important to note that any kind of Hidden Grotto encounter cannot be shiny. Besides the standard grotto encounters, the in-game mechanic Funfest Missions also allows for different Pokémon to be encountered, though all but one of such mission are local wireless missions. This page hosts files of the various different species that can encountered in the standard grotto, as well as Funfest Mission grottoes. To be completely transparent, the Funfest grotto encounters were obtained using RAM manipulation, as detailed here. The only reason why this is done and why the files are included, is because it appears the encounters generated are indistinguishable from the actual Funfest mission. Poliwag has been removed, because there's an announcement that claims the announcement for Poliwag was a mistake, and wouldn't be included.
    1 point
  3. @Kaphotics, is it possible the PID detection method is flawed with certain spreads like antishiny? Because if he captured it in-game (without cheating), it should at least come up legal? Or am I missing something?
    1 point
  4. @piplupwatermmm good because I'll capture another again until a correct pid comes out
    1 point
  5. i should have clarified better it can happen for both games
    1 point
  6. pokemon colosseum played on an emulator can cause RNG frames that prevent shadow pokemon from being shiny but can cause PIDs to have mismatching natures/stats
    1 point
  7. In my opinion it's closer to E-cards than Mystery Cards. It's an event that changes a routine which can be a Pokemon in a hidden grotto but can also be a Pokedex quizz or something else. Now the question is about the re-creation of that event which still need some researches. It'll be over 2 years of dead-road so I'm open to every try whatever it was the method which was really used or not. Think that @BlackShark's discovery was not digged enough for example too. It doesn"t make any sense to have the name of the missions and no data related. Cross check with regular mission or the Glameow one if there is some kind of link between the name and the Pokemon or item that spawned. Can't really help however, I spend most of my free time for Go underleved quest and this quest is for the moment beyond my abilities. Good luck to you @theSLAYERthis quest is one of the few remaining and it can have a huge impact if solved ^^
    1 point
  8. While I've not been able to find the location that controls/shows which mission is being played, I've found the location that modifies the special spawn list that is referenced for the regular hidden grotto funfest mission. As much as I'll like to hope that the Special Funfest missions are in the game (the text are), they probably aren't. If we think about if from a Wonder card's prospective: 1. Descriptions are in the game (which description displayed controlled by WC) 2. Subroutine on how to generate and gift a Pokémon is in the game 3. The species given isn't in the game (it's on wonder card) For all we know, it's the same case: 1. Description for missions are in the game (we know this) 2. Subroutine on how to generate the Hidden Grotto is in the game (they could just use the Noisy/Quiet subroutine) 3. The species encounter-able isn't in the game (we don't know this but who knows at this point...) The first step anyone can take (besides this injection method), is to find Stunky/(forgotten name) in the garc. edit: Apparently there may be a 4th wonder card mode. Not sure if it applies to special missions. I can't seem to make it change the Funfest Title or control what I've 'received', tho.
    1 point
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