Danika294 Posted August 14, 2010 Posted August 14, 2010 I use mine, but only when I've tried 60 times to catch the same legendary pokemon and ran out of ultra balls in the process. Then I'll use it.
geox123 Posted August 14, 2010 Posted August 14, 2010 smtkr said: There is nothing challenging about throwing a zillion balls at a Pokemon with a capture rate of 3. It doesn't take any skill to widdle the HP bar to 1 HP, inflict a status ailment, and then begin to hurl balls.I went through this mess tonight with Articuno and I was about to pull my hair out--29 dusk balls (I decided to cook supper; I threw a ball every time I walked by my DS until it was caught). Zapdos, under identical conditions (i.e., HP down to 1, paralysis), took 5 dusk balls. Just another example - after 3 encounters with Raikou I nabbed him with a Quick ball. 6 encounters caught me Entei with the same method (full health with paralysis). Clearly, it is a lottery, not some highly technical routine. Have I used my Master Ball yet? No. But I plan on using it. There's no reason to feel proud of not using it. I wish they put 5 Master Balls in the game. This. Although I guess I should mention that there is a formula/mechanic to catching pokemon. You're right in how stupidly frustrating it is though, and saying it shows skill is really pointless. I'm sorry, but catching a Mewtwo with a pokeball is nothing to be excited about. I can just Sleep Powder it with my Speed EV trained Jumpluff, after Batton Passing a Sub, switch in my Gengar with Shadow Ball, and start making a mockery of it. The skill is all in the competition, but if you really only play by yourself, I suppose some sense of accomplishment in catching is justified. I feel I should add that I don't consider not using a Master Ball a challenge. Really, is it all that hard to set up a paralyze or sleep status, then false swipe a legendary? By the time I'm out hunting, I mean searching, for those rare pokemon, my party is significantly leveled and would easily destroy these "legends". I have no doubt that my Gyarados can take on Dialga any day. The AI in these games is something to laugh at, but understandable since Gamefreak isn't going to take that kind of criticism from the less competitive fan base.
Lucario Posted August 14, 2010 Posted August 14, 2010 yep. i used them in all catchable legendaries in the game. well it's a shame i never get to battle them. i just don't remember who was that uber i face and then this person said it was the most intense battle he/she saw or something like that. another important use of this is getting rid of Red's muteness. but any ball would do. if some of you haven't tried it yet do it now. it's fun. No ball playing around other than pokeballs-.....uuuuhhm...
ayumifan Posted August 16, 2010 Posted August 16, 2010 I used master ball on the level 70 mewtwo. mostly because it keep beating my ass with its guard and power swap. so i said f it and threw the master ball lol
brianchau Posted August 17, 2010 Posted August 17, 2010 I used to use it on the strongest legendary in the game. However, in my SS, I saved the Master Ball cuz I believed I could catch the legendaries with any old Poke Ball. I ended up catching Raikou, Entei, Suicune, and Ho-Oh with Ultra Balls, Lugia with a Heavy Ball, Latias and Latios with Dusk Balls, and Zapdos with a Fast Ball.
SmellTheBurningEmber Posted August 18, 2010 Posted August 18, 2010 Master Ball? I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about. lol Back in the day, I used my Master Ball on the Version Mascot (or in Generation I's and it's remake's sake, Mewtwo). I don't anymore, however. Now I just keep it as a little gift from a NPC. It just made capturing too easy, IMO. Same with all the other Balls. Now, I just use regular Poké Balls and Premier Balls ONLY. It's quite a challenge, but I succeeded in capturing all the Legendaries in HG/SS (including Roamers) with only Poké Balls and Premier Balls. Same goes for all the Wilds I wanted to catch (excluding the Bug Catching Contest, of course). So basically all the Balls, besides the original Poké Ball, are completely unnecessary. ~STBE
ShadowTyphlosion2100 Posted September 12, 2010 Posted September 12, 2010 Dude... HELL NO! master balls can suck my master balls. i only use master balls for 1 thing: to use the modifier. i caught every pokemon i did not hack in a poke-ultra ball. (i only caught lugia in ultra cause i wuz so pissed off wit pokeballs and great balls) so no, i still have my first allmighty master ball.
Matt the Pokemaniac Posted August 16, 2011 Posted August 16, 2011 I usually only use my masterball on the Legendary pokemon that is the hardest to catch. It took me over 100 Ultra balls just to catch a Mewtwo in Firered.
Haxorus Posted August 24, 2011 Posted August 24, 2011 I use the masterball on the first ledgendary. The reson is I'm always under-leveled by a couple of light years... Quote My highest level against Ho-Oh Lv. 45 was Lv.33 O_o
steven stone Posted February 26, 2012 Posted February 26, 2012 i only use master balls on the "almost impossible to chatch pokemanz" because i do not wish to sit their (somtimes hours on end) just trying to chath one dang pokeman while i could catch other pokeman!
Orangefirex Posted July 6, 2012 Posted July 6, 2012 I'll usually use it on something random. Snorlax was who I used it on during my last playthrough. He's always a pain to catch.
Mr. Scizor Posted July 6, 2012 Posted July 6, 2012 The only time I've ever used my master ball was on 001, just because I didn't want to have to come back to catch all of Greevil's pokes.
plasmashadow Posted July 21, 2012 Posted July 21, 2012 I have never used a Master Ball on any Pokemon. I will always try and catch them with other PokeBalls. Like the other day I caught Zekrom in a Quick Ball on Black 2...or even XD001 in a Great ball on :GoD
Zowayix Posted July 28, 2012 Posted July 28, 2012 All my Master Balls have been used on shinies, which would comprise a grand total of...one. Having to chuck 99999 other Poke Balls at a roaming legendary is nothing compared to the potential pain of losing a shiny because it might teleport, or explode, etc. The only exception is on Greevil's Shadow Lugia in , but ONLY because it is impossible to encounter a shiny in that game.
Chompizard25 Posted August 15, 2012 Posted August 15, 2012 Hell ya I use my master ball! I use it on everything!
bloxzor Posted September 7, 2012 Posted September 7, 2012 i try not to. but if i can't catch the legendary, there's no choice for me but to do so
pokedick Posted September 9, 2012 Posted September 9, 2012 on an pokemon white, i've catched zekrom with a pokeball, i didn't catch any other legendary pokemon so i still have my masterball, i never catched a legendary because i have a hydreigon of lvl. 100
Darkou Posted November 12, 2012 Posted November 12, 2012 I always use my master balls on shinys. So I'm sure that they won't get away!
Randrews513 Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 I used it to catch my mewtwo in cerulean cave.
lucaas Posted June 19, 2016 Posted June 19, 2016 I've only used two; Raikou in HG and Azelf (after a terrible five hours of struggling) in D. was gonna use my one in platinum to catch shiny dialga but i gave up on that zzz
Specs Posted June 24, 2016 Posted June 24, 2016 Latios was so much faster than my level 60's. So yeah. Whoops. I also have a beautifly in a masterball, but I got him as a wonder trade wurmple. Made me laugh though.
suloku Posted June 25, 2016 Posted June 25, 2016 Never, actually I only use normal pokéballs for everything (except safari zone, since you can only use safari balls...). The roamers are such a pain to catch... thankfully critical capture on gen 6 makes it easier as I tend to go for legendaries after completing most of the pokedex.
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