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  NovaPhoenix said:
My ideas...

- three starters that are part Psychic in their 1st or 2nd evo forms

- an uber to rival Arceus (the Omega Pokemon)

- more type variations (Fire/Water, Ice/Electric, Dark/Steel)

- one version only

- no trade-evolution Pokemon

- mass-detailed Pokedex like the one on Serebii or Marriland

- a device called the PokeNano that has more features than the GSC and RSE watches combined

- all of the Pokeballs from GSC and RSE

- trainer customization (not just gender, but all the other stuff too)

- the return of design-your-room from GSC

- all of the previous regions (even Orre, but maybe not Fione)

- start in Cynthia's region (she did allude to being from an unknown one when she visits your Villa in DPPt)

- ability to choose whether to fight trainers or not instead of being forced to...

- ...except in Gyms

Three starters with different second typings would be more like it. How about a Grass/Fire, Fire/Water and Water/Grass? :D Ok that sounds really bizarre.

A rival to Arceus... you mean a demonic llama? :)

Yes, more type variations would be nice, but stuff like Rock/Steel or Fire/Rock or Bug/Flying needs to go (although I'm a bit iffy about the last one because many bugs are cool). What we need is Surskit with an alternate evolution or a completely new specimen altogether... a Bug/Water was cool but it evolved into an amazing (not statwise but aesthetically) but another boring Bug/Flying. :(

Pokenano? ... aside from the name, the Poketech is just fine the way it is... they'll always develop this system and add more to it, I'm sure.

Trade evolution thing bugged me, but once a method of evolution is set, it'll stay that way unfortunately for the ones that were already done, but for new species... they should stop with that. People tend to steal my Alakazam :-/

Detailed Pokedex... a little more would be fine, but not too overly complex. That's why those websites are there for. In-game dex is fine the way it is.

RSE's Pokeballs are in... but GSC's balls function a bit differently... and just might be unneeded. But if they make a remake of GSC, just maybe...

Trainer customization sounds nice, but I hope it isn't overly complicated. Plus when they do stuff like this, it's usually very limited.

All previous regions? That's a big problem... and there won't be enough space and not enough quests to do before you reach level 100 and the game will be boring. One region is fine, unless you're talking Johto/Kanto because they're connected. But even then, did you see what they did to Kanto? They butchered it in GSC.

It doesn't necessarily have to start out in Cynthia's region.

Nah, being snuck on by trainers are cool... but they have no lives because they stand there all day and night. :)

  NovaPhoenix said:
More ideas...

- more HMs and obstacles that require them (another poster mentioned Flamethrower could be one, Dig could be too)

- either increase the usable moves from 4 to 5 or...

- ...allow Pokemon to know every move they are taught (imagine Mew then eh!!)

- chuck out the EV cap of 510

- if Arceus were catchable in the game, give it a Catch Rate of 1 (likewise for the Omega Pokemon that opposes it)

- the ability to sort your Bag however you want (name, quantity, etc.)

- a massive Battle Frontier with all the arenas from RSE, DPPt, and the N64, GC and Wii Pokemon games

- voice commands for certain actions (thankyou Tom Clancy's EndWar)

- a place with lots of mini-games that can earn you very prizes (reintroducing the games from stadium 1 and 2 as well as others)

More HMs? The problem with that is HMs relegate the usage of HM slaves... which is annoying because some moves like Cut and Defog are not meant to be used in battles. The only decent HMs are Surf and Waterfall (Fly is good in-game but competitively... and Waterfall is no longer outclassed by Surf because Waterfall is physical now). They're not getting rid of HMs anytime soon, but more HMs become more problematic. Now more TMs is more like it :)

Usable moves of four is good or else some Pokemon will have infinite type coverage with five moves or something. Now think about Mewtwo. If it had Shadow Ball and Aura Sphere and Calm Mind and Taunt... and its moveslot was increased to five, it no longer needs to decide whether to use Recover or Taunt anymore! Now you have something with unparalleled coverage and a Recovery move AND a move that screws up things that status you (this is for ubers battle mind you... don't expect to see Mewtwo in standard). Four moves keep things right for the most part... or else you'll see the metagame filled with, I don't know... Infernape or Zapdos (shudders at Reflect/Light Screen/Roost/Thunderbolt/HP Grass/Heat Wave/Drill Peck/Agility/Metal Sound/Baton Pass/Thunder Wave...)! It's boring to see the same Pokemon over and over, don't you agree? *stares at Garchomp*

The EV cap of 510 is what gives the game more strategy... or else it will be a stallfest like GSC all over again. Then base stats have more emphasis on what makes a Pokemon better than the other so if that EV cap was removed, expect things like Infernape actually survive hits from Cresselia and stuff with higher base stats to be used more often. Once again, it's an issue of balance. *shudders at the SAME Zapdos listed above with max EVs*

I never got the concept of Arceus. I go up to him in Spear Pillar... and unfittingly it goes "Dogyoouuuuuuuu!!!" or something like that. Can't it speak? Arceus is a false god! I named mine 'Blasphemy' :D

Sorting bags? Agreed.

That Wifi part is a little too much to ask, don't you think? The reason why GSC was incompatible with RSE was because the EV system and the IV system and nature system were completely revamped, and converting the old data into new would be much too hard.

Voice commands sounds cool... but it doesn't always work as promised.

A lot of mini games sounds nice. I'd love that.

Edited by wraith89
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I thought up PokeNano because of the reference to nanotechnology. It is also partially inspired by Spy Kids 2, where the Cortez kids' rivals had nanotech watches that did numerous things.

Keep the EV cap too. Can't have a max-SpD Calm Bastiodon surviving a Psycho Boost from a max-SpA Modest Deoxys-A w/Choice Specs that got BP'd three Nasty Plots from Mew. LOL :D

- make Evolution Stones evolve more Pokemon (eg. Fire Stone evolves Charmander)

- Pokemon species that break away from the mythological and animal realms (draw inspiration from more things like I dunno...TV shows or something)

If the game was to be based on a big battle between Arceus and The Omega Pokemon, there should be two teams. One that is good and one that is bad (obviously). In the middle would be the world police force, trying to keep the peace. The story could spread between the regions - Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Orre, Sinnoh and Cynthia's region (where you would begin and end).

The game would also not end when beating the Cynthia Region E4. After beating it's champion, Cynthia would join you as you travel to the site of the battle between Team Alpha and Team Omega (both would bear the Greek symbols of those letters by the way). After that...well, I haven't got that far yet.

  NovaPhoenix said:
I thought up PokeNano because of the reference to nanotechnology. It is also partially inspired by Spy Kids 2, where the Cortez kids' rivals had nanotech watches that did numerous things.

Keep the EV cap too. Can't have a max-SpD Calm Bastiodon surviving a Psycho Boost from a max-SpA Modest Deoxys-A w/Choice Specs that got BP'd three Nasty Plots from Mew. LOL :D

- make Evolution Stones evolve more Pokemon (eg. Fire Stone evolves Charmander)

- Pokemon species that break away from the mythological and animal realms (draw inspiration from more things like I dunno...TV shows or something)

If the game was to be based on a big battle between Arceus and The Omega Pokemon, there should be two teams. One that is good and one that is bad (obviously). In the middle would be the world police force, trying to keep the peace. The story could spread between the regions - Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Orre, Sinnoh and Cynthia's region (where you would begin and end).

The game would also not end when beating the Cynthia Region E4.

Big region games is asking too much though... just think about it. D/P was a pretty long game even with just ONE region, don't you think? If they let level caps above 100, maybe... but still, a person's creativity can only be so much, right?

Not to mention that same Bastiodon can Metal Burst that Mew to pieces after surviving it :D

Level 16 > Fire Stone in method of evolving.

Pokemon species... they'll have to stay animal or mythological... or else they'll go through copyright issues (remember Kadabra and Alakazam? If you don't, some Israeli magician sued Nintendo for taking his design through Kadabra and Alakazam. Animal species are just fine.)

Spy Kids 2... that watch does everything but tell time. LOL. That's a failed watch because it doesn't do what it's supposed to do :P I don't want my Poketch to not tell time, now do you? :)

  wraith89 said:
Big region games is asking too much though... just think about it. D/P was a pretty long game even with just ONE region, don't you think? If they let level caps above 100, maybe... but still, a person's creativity can only be so much, right?

Not to mention that same Bastiodon can Metal Burst that Mew to pieces after surviving it :D

Level 16 > Fire Stone in method of evolving.

Pokemon species... they'll have to stay animal or mythological... or else they'll go through copyright issues (remember Kadabra and Alakazam? If you don't, some Israeli magician sued Nintendo for taking his design through Kadabra and Alakazam. Animal species are just fine.)

Spy Kids 2... that watch does everything but tell time. LOL. That's a failed watch because it doesn't do what it's supposed to do :P I don't want my Poketch to not tell time, now do you? :)

Oh yeah, Metal Burst would destroy Deoxys-A with 999+ reflected damage from the Psycho Boost attack. My bad...!

The idea behind the Pokenano was to tell time AND have a multitude of gadgets.

Animal species. The actual number of them versus Pokemon outnumbers them at least a hundreds of billions to one, or more! Not to mention all the mythological creatures that haven't been Pokemon-ized yet.

  4evil said:
- chuck out the EV cap of 510

rofl, i bet they won't or else everyone will have 255 ev's in every stat

There was no cap in R/B/Y so every pokemon got their maximum number of stat points. I actually like EV's though. From a Mechanic standpoint it means specing things properly in order to get your team to work right.

And on the other side a cap in place means if you just "want to play the games" Then it goes along the lines of " as you travel with your pokemon their experiences and encounters determine how their stats pan out! " Which a lot of people like now. :x It caters to both .

  • 2 weeks later...
  NovaPhoenix said:
My ideas...

- three starters that are part Psychic in their 1st or 2nd evo forms

- an uber to rival Arceus (the Omega Pokemon)

- more type variations (Fire/Water, Ice/Electric, Dark/Steel)

- one version only

- no trade-evolution Pokemon

- mass-detailed Pokedex like the one on Serebii or Marriland

- a device called the PokeNano that has more features than the GSC and RSE watches combined

- all of the Pokeballs from GSC and RSE

- trainer customization (not just gender, but all the other stuff too)

- the return of design-your-room from GSC

- all of the previous regions (even Orre, but maybe not Fione)

- start in Cynthia's region (she did allude to being from an unknown one when she visits your Villa in DPPt)

- ability to choose whether to fight trainers or not instead of being forced to...

- ...except in Gyms

Why part Psychic in the beginning? =|

One version would have less variety.

Trade-evolution is one of the evolution methods, removing it would kill the point of linking.

A handheld console cannot contain all the regions. If it were, the game would be stupid, pointless, waste of time, waste of money. The game story etc would be completely stretched, making it bland.

If you were to choose to fight or not, they might as well remove all trainers from game.

A game is no fun w/o challenges.

Posted (edited)
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Edited by Aqueel
  Aqueel said:

- NO NEW POKEMON (all the new ones are so boring)

No, just no. A new generation always demands new Pokemon, even if they're boring. It's even more boring without new Pokemon too... yes, I prefer my original 150s, but new Pokemon are always needed to make a new generation... or else it really isn't.


How would it even function as a new generation? It can't be just a new region cause, well, that would be introducing a new region. I don't know why you would even think to post that. No new Pokemon in a new generation...


That's more understable. The fourth generation probably lacks the most creativeness. I say that because of all the legends and new evolution to older Pokemon.

If they took their time, thought it out, and released a real unqiue set then I would be very thankful. I just don't want to see more meaningless Pokemon just for the sake of having more.

  The Fallen said:
That's more understable. The fourth generation probably lacks the most creativeness. I say that because of all the legends and new evolution to older Pokemon.

If they took their time, thought it out, and released a real unqiue set then I would be very thankful. I just don't want to see more meaningless Pokemon just for the sake of having more.

I really disagree.

  • The 4th gen has several great and unique Pokemon to choose from:
  • A regional bird that doesn't suck (seriously, Pidgeot looks so cool, but it is not worth the effort to even use it in Gyms + E4). And Staraptor doesn't just not-suck, it's really good. TWO base 120 STAB attacks (Return/Brave Bird) and CLOSE COMBAT which just wrecks everything! And that's before adding in any TMs or egg moves. Staraptor rocks.
  • The starters are pretty good too, except arguably for Torterra. Empoleon has that huge amount of resistancies, and Infernape has that ridiculous move pool.
  • Togekiss [/end argument]
  • Garchomp [/end argument]. STAB Dragon AND Ground, oh and 20% evasion in sand storm, and all that can paralyze it is Tri-Attack (good luck) or Stun Spore from some crappy bug.

I'm not saying that these are all mind blowing revelations that'll be remembered by gaming professors 100 years from now, but the 4th gen made a lot of additions to Pokemon. Yeah, maybe a lot of legends, but legends are what gets people to come to the franchise in the first place.

Honestly, I think gen 3 has the most forgettable Pokemon. But then again, I don't own any Hoenn games.


I'm sick of that whole Staraptor overshadowing Pidgeot thing :(

I only wish they'd do something to make Pidgeot worthwhile, like a hold item or something. But yes, Staraptor ROCKS... he is what Pidgeot was supposed to be... but why screw up Pidgeot from the beginning? :(

The starters are good, but in my opinion, the Hoenn starters are the best ones (Subseed Sceptile, Mixpert, Cursepert, etc...) But the Sinnoh starters are an interesting concept... all three can have advantages against each other.

I paralyze Garchomp with a Serene Grace Body Slam from Togekiss... but that doesn't always work of course... but so what? Garchomp is banned from standard anyways :)

I love how 4th gen evolved some obscure non-used Pokemon into monsters, I love that, but it still doesn't add new species or anything.

  The Fallen said:
I shouldn't generalize by saying generation four as a whole. But, four Pokemon out of 107 completely new ideas. It's a pitty. It could've have been done much better.

Well, it's hard to top Gen 1 because that's the first. You obviously can't be more original besides the initial batch. But Gen 1 had some duds too. Beedrill? Cmon. And if we actually go back to the Gen I games, they were so buggy and glitched that the abuse was ridiculous (if you KO with Hyper Beam, you don't have to rest).

If Dragonite gets in one agility, you might as well say "gg". Or how broken Alakazam and Chansey were, or how critical hits were based on speed.

(and I listed 5)

I just honestly don't think that every game needs to be mind blowingly different. I mean, it's Pokemon. It has a built in amount of repetitiveness and crap like that. I'm fine with only having a handful of Pokemon that I enjoy from each gen, because...well, that's how each gen has been for me. As long as they add in some little changes, I'm fine.

Wraith, you are correct about Swampert. It was largely seen, by anyone (in-game, competitive, or otherwise) as the BEST starter until Gen 4 came along. It's still pretty good with a fairly good typing, bulk, blah blah blah.



I still think Swampert is the best one. If you are to compare it with Infernape, you really can't because they both play two different roles. But I like the overall bulkiness of Swampert and how it can be used to counter stuff like Tyranitar and Metagross and I still think it's the most useful of all starters.

I bet the next generation will just expand on more bugs and water or stuff like that... with less BST than even this generation's... just for the sake of more varieties. Them NUs keep on coming :)


It'd be cool if you could, once you beat the Elite Four, actually become the champion. Maybe take challengers and have awin streak, like at the battle tower, but if you lose, you have to fight the guy who beat you to become the champion again.

  wraith89 said:

I still think Swampert is the best one. If you are to compare it with Infernape, you really can't because they both play two different roles. But I like the overall bulkiness of Swampert and how it can be used to counter stuff like Tyranitar and Metagross and I still think it's the most useful of all starters.

I bet the next generation will just expand on more bugs and water or stuff like that... with less BST than even this generation's... just for the sake of more varieties. Them NUs keep on coming :)

Did you say more bugs O_O, anyways what if the next Gen was even worse than the 4 Gen, would you still buy it?

  Phreen said:
Did you say more bugs O_O, anyways what if the next Gen was even worse than the 4 Gen, would you still buy it?

I think it's safe to say most of us here don't buy the games for the Gym+E4 crap, but for all the stuff you can do AFTER that is done.

So yes, I'll buy them unless they remove all the post-game stuff.


What I would really want from the next generation is to finally fill my national dex, without having to go buy FR, LG, and all other games. Also, I would like it if the GTS has some more features like, "pokemon willing to be traded for this pokemon", and choosing EV trained pokemon, for competitive play, instead of having to make a new pokemon every single time in order to get a new one(or hack :P). I would also like some reality here. I mean platinum looks like a cartoon with it's cotton candy clouds and whatnot.

  RD6 said:
What I would really want from the next generation is to finally fill my national dex, without having to go buy FR, LG, and all other games. Also, I would like it if the GTS has some more features like, "pokemon willing to be traded for this pokemon", and choosing EV trained pokemon, for competitive play, instead of having to make a new pokemon every single time in order to get a new one(or hack :P). I would also like some reality here. I mean platinum looks like a cartoon with it's cotton candy clouds and whatnot.

Well, trading is part of the Pokemon games. They'll never make a game where all Pokemon are available. Satoshi Tajiri made it with interacting with other players in mind. Also, it causes many people to buy 3 "versions" of essentially the same game.

That'd be nice for the GTS. But it's a tacked on, cheap feature. And considering that most of the 20 million players of Pokemon have never heard of EVs, many wouldn't use it.

Reality? We're talking about a game where little animal-like monsters summon massive amounts of power almost out of nowhere. And despite some that are able to cause weather storms or control time, all their attacks are non-lethal.

So uh...reality? :confused:


Ah, I have another one.

I hope that cut trees, smashed rocks, etc. will continue to stay cut. It bothers me to have to recut everything once I leave a building. Plus I wouldn't need to take out my HM slaves again after I've gone through an area once.

  Aqueel said:
Ah, I have another one.

I hope that cut trees, smashed rocks, etc. will continue to stay cut. It bothers me to have to recut everything once I leave a building. Plus I wouldn't need to take out my HM slaves again after I've gone through an area once.

I wish too, but unfortunately that's not happening in a million years! Those monkeys at Gamefreak will force the players to use HMs just to frustrate them in-game. I only wish moves like Cut and Defog weren't so useless...


Im hoping for them to make a nice long final pokemon game, one that will last for years. They shouldnt make a fifth gen, because if someone can beat arceus, then arceus isnt god. They should make a game where you can get all pokemon and go to all four regions. That would be really amazing.

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