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Posted (edited)

Since I started playing Pokemon again and using Triggers PC for shiny hunting,  I've encountered a few things I felt like making notes of here. 

Shiny eggs being noticed when they're stored in Triggers PC.

I did an auto search for shiny eggs and it found all the ones I had stored in Triggers PC. Was that un-intentionally added back in? I have clones of all my eggs that I've hatched shiny still as eggs so now Triggers PC alerts me every time I start it back up.

Active and Inactive save files

Since I can no longer store eggs in HaxAras' PC in the tool, I store them on a spare GameFAQ's ruby save. I have to constantly add and remove it. It would be really awesome to have active and inactive saves so we wouldn't have to remove them but they wouldn't factor in shiny eggs or mirage island. I'm assuming most of the Mirage Island matches I get are duds because they're just save states from GameFAQ's.

Removing Pokemon from the Daycare

I can't pull Pokemon from the Daycare while using the tool. That's kinda annoying sometimes because I still use it to get shiny eggs. So at that point, I've found a shiny egg, I save the game and start using your wonderful program. 

A solution I found. If I use CTRL to select the Pokemon in the daycare, nothing happens. I still can't move it. But if I repeat that and right click on the Pokemon outside of the daycare and click move, it allows me to move it and it pulls the daycare Pokemon with it. 

I haven't looked to see if it's charging me money because I just deposited 500,000 into my Emerald save so I don't really worry about money.

Pinning Saves

Would it ever be possible to pin saves? I add and remove saves all the time and when I have say Emerald and Pokemon Box open, then update my saves. It puts them all back to the default and I have to manually switch them myself. 

Searching for Pokemon and Items

A CTRL + F style searching option would be helpful. I was trying to search all my saves for items and Pokemon. Usually it's an item but when I have to type F Fl Fl 5 times to find flute, it gets tedious. Other times I search something like "Hy, Hy, H, H, H" trying to find Hyper beam." Finding TM's is damn-near impossible. I have to manually scroll. I encountered it with A-save as well, in the short time I was using that. Hopefully my tone doesn't come off wrong. I just really, really hate those drop down search things. 

Shiny Egg Results could show me the save file. 

I encounter this often. I use HaxAras everywhere. It may not be my legal name (Yet) but I don't let anybody call me anything different. So Naturally, all of my save files are HaxAras. This can be kinda annoying when I get that wonderful "You have a shiny egg" message. And then it says "Emerald: HaxAras" and I die a little inside as I have to sort through 15 Emerald saves with the OT: HaxAras. 

I'm not a programmer but I can't imagine it would be too hard. When you click on manage saves, it shows you the file location of the save. When you click on "Show results" it shows you the specific egg. If I could see the file location or the surrounding saves in the tool, it would be incredibly helpful. I have about 50-60 saves now to maximize chances of getting shiny eggs. 

Even an ID number of the save would be incredibly helpful. 

Could not activate the bike event 

Couldn't activate the Bike event but I could activate all of the others. 
I used A-save editor to insert the bike but it showed me having 0 key items instead of 2. 
Rydel asks where my bike is and mentioned me depositing it. Despite that not being possible. 


This was a strange one. I have a GameFAQ's save that only has 1 key item and has beaten the Elite 4. When I tried to use your tool to give me both bikes so I could hatch an egg quicker, it didn't have the option. When I used A-save editor, I think Triggers PC said I had 0 key items instead of 1 or 2. When I went to Rydel to switch bikes, hoping the game might just give me the other, he asked what happened to it and gave me dialogue about putting it in the PC. Despite that not being possible!

View multiple status windows


When the window is maximized, let me view multiple status windows. (OT, ID, Ev's and IV's, Moves, etc.) Basically, like when you maximize Triggers PC you can expand to 3 windows or saves of Pokemon, spread the stats windows as well. Being able to view all of the above mentioned stats would be super helpful. Another thing that would be an amazing time saver is a side by side stats comparison between 2 Pokemon. 

Focus on a save

I notice when I click focus on a save in the second or third row, Triggers PC still shows me the items and Pokemon in Triggers PC or the topmost save.

trigger_death, I haven't talked to you in a while. Hopefully you're doing well. Thank you again for this amazing tool you've created. It's been unimaginably invaluable to me. I hope to continue using it for years to come, providing my thoughts and ideas for you to decide on what to use. I'll continue to report any bugs, glitches and strange occurrences as I find them. (I'll also try to find that Emerald save with the missing key items so you can look it over yourself.)


Removing saves

Another thing that's been driving me crazy lately. If you mess up and click on "remove save" no matter what you click on afterward when it asks to confirm (Yes, no, X) it removes the save anyway. 

Edited by HaxAras
  • Like 1

Hey trigger_death, since the tool is about legitimacy, how about changing the event distribution to the actual official events?
Of course, non-jap Old Sea Map would still be non-legit, but injecting the wondercards/event for the other ones?

And how about e-reader stuff?  Berries and trainers are dumped, ready to be injected to savegame.

Also, what about feebas fishing spot (since you check for mirage island)? I'm just suggesting stuff that would make this great tool even better imho.

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)
  On 12/6/2016 at 8:11 PM, suloku said:

Hey trigger_death, since the tool is about legitimacy, how about changing the event distribution to the actual official events?
Of course, non-jap Old Sea Map would still be non-legit, but injecting the wondercards/event for the other ones?

And how about e-reader stuff?  Berries and trainers are dumped, ready to be injected to savegame.

Also, what about feebas fishing spot (since you check for mirage island)? I'm just suggesting stuff that would make this great tool even better imho.


The Colosseum E-reader Pokemon were never released in English. I'm going to say you wouldn't consider those legit either? I also wonder about the Colosseum Celebi and Pikachu in English and the GameStop Celebi. 

With Mew and the others, I like that there's some ways to get them into my games. I used to use Action Replay on my English and Japanese Emerald. Now, I can just inject them into one save and write the save to another language. I will get those events in every language, one way or another. I personally consider them legit since the data is in the game. And in the end, it doesn't really matter since they're for my own personal collection. 

Before, trigger_death said he liked giving people lots of options. One thing he could do if he wanted is to allow you to inject any event into any game and just make it clear in some cases, like the non Japanese Mew that it's not considered legit by some. Just something to think about. It would save me a lot of time in the future. 

I tried messing with the Feebas spot finder and it didn't work for me. 

Edit: 12-7-16 Here's an interesting little thing I found. 
When I tried to rename a Japanese Shelgon that had the name S H E L G to Shelgon, it didn't work. So I sighed and hit backspace and it was named S H E L G O N. 



(Not my Pokemon or save. I had to censor the name because I am unfamiliar with all of the forums rules.)
I'm making all-male and all-female living dexes using other peoples Pokemon from the GameFAQ's saves I downloaded. Just to speed up breeding. When I pull a female Gyarados from my living dex, I'll match it with a Male Gyarados from the MLD to speed up the egg process. Unless I'm breeding for Egg moves, but that's for later. 


Edit 2: More Experimentation.


Ho-oh refused to add a dash to it's name, despite me trying multiple times and it showing up properly in my living dex. 
When I evolved Graveler, it kept it's name, as expected. Something I personally found out years ago. In gen 3, since the devs never expected Pokemon to escape their regions, Pokemons names will be shortened to 5 characters when transferred to a Japanese game. Another thing I found though, when a Pokemon evolves on a foreign langage save, it keeps it's original name. As shown above. My Japanese Squirtle in my original living dex will always be "Squirtle" in Japanese, when evolved in an English save.

Perhaps I should have chosen a better example when I went for this next test. But this was what was on hand at the time. iNfPCaQ.png

Even though I corrected it's name in Triggers PC, it still only shows the first 5 characters and I think it kept the name Sandshrew.

Edited by HaxAras

Sorry to double post, I really dislike doing this. My last update was pretty substantial but I wanna make sure this one is seen. This error I've encountered is driving me insane. I'm using Triggers PC and every few minutes, it's just saying my saves have been modified outside of the tool. Then asking me if I want to update. They are not open anywhere else! 

I've booted up Emerald, saved. Then reloaded Triggers PC.I've re-loaded the program entirely after closing it with task manager. I have also clicked yes to save the changes. None of these things made a difference. What I'm currently doing is just sending all my money, items, bp, soot, etc. to HaxAras' PC from all the saves I have in Triggers PC. Every time I need an item or TM or whatever, searching for it through saves is annoying. So I'm putting it all in one place to save time. I don't know why this would cause Triggers PC to think it's been updated though. I saved, left it idle and it still did it a few times. 


I also encountered this the other day. I'm not sure how it happened. Thankfully, it was easily fixed with A-save editor. I just changed the langauge back to Japanese and the name was corrected as well as the OT. Same thing happened to my Suicune. 


This one happened tonight. It's on one of my save files. I can try to find it and send it to you if needed.

  Reveal hidden contents

The final problem I've been having is Triggers PC crashing when I try to send decorations to my PC from a save. I didn't get the unhandled exception the first 2 times and it hasn't happened in a while. I've been saving constantly but I'll copy it if it happens again. I know it said something about "Not related to an instance of an item" or something similar. 


Wow, a lot of feedback built up while PP was supposedly down. I'll get back to all you guys soon but I'm a little busy with work and a guide for a game I'm trying to hammer out at the moment.

It's great to see the continued support from everyone even after release. And nice to see you again HaxAras

  • Like 5

I stopped playing Pokemon for a few months so I wasn't really using the tool at all in that time. Of course, not long after I started playing again, Project Pokemon went down. So I just started writing notes down as I was using the tool. 



No idea what that's all about. I have a few Pokemon that were Spanish before and now display no language. But those were some of the first Pokemon I ever stored in TriggersPC so maybe those are just glitched from back then. 

  On 12/29/2016 at 10:18 AM, HaxAras said:

No idea what that's all about. I have a few Pokemon that were Spanish before and now display no language. But those were some of the first Pokemon I ever stored in TriggersPC so maybe those are just glitched from back then. 


That would be correct. There were some issues with languages in the very early versions of Trigger's PC. (If I recall it had to do with transferring between the Gamecube and GBA games.)

  On 12/29/2016 at 8:25 PM, trigger_death said:

That would be correct. There were some issues with languages in the very early versions of Trigger's PC. (If I recall it had to do with transferring between the Gamecube and GBA games.)


I found those Pokemon, when transferred to Emerald will just turn into bad eggs and no ones that had no language anymore just didn't show up when I tried to migrate them. 

  On 12/29/2016 at 10:05 PM, HaxAras said:

I found those Pokemon, when transferred to Emerald will just turn into bad eggs and no ones that had no language anymore just didn't show up when I tried to migrate them. 


The migrate issue makes sense but I'm wondering why the bad egg issue arises. If I recall, bad eggs only appear when the checksum isn't correct. Maybe there's an addition to that when the language can't be determined, thus making it impossible to choose a charset.

On a completely unrelated note, it's sad to learn that the original GatorShark's Spinda Documentation/Painter pages that I listed in the credits are down. Thankfully archive.org has out backs.


I don't remember exactly what happened. But I think a couple Pokemon vanished and the others turned into bad eggs. I had a few Pokemon and a Lugia to migrate and only Lugia was left with 2-3 eggs. I've since deleted the Pokemon that got glitched so I can't test with them anymore. 

  • 3 weeks later...

I found a new bug. If you use a save edior like PKHex to inject a Pokemon into your party that's holding mail or you put one of the German debug Unown holding mail into your party, Triggers PC will not let you move them. But when you go to the mailbox to "Remove mail from party" that doesn't work either. 

  • 1 month later...

How about a lottery feature that allows you to ‘draw a ticket’ just once a day and then checks all your stored Pokémon’s OT IDs? Just like in the games but allowing you to actually use all your Gen 3 Pokémon (on Trigger’s PC) to up your chances, not just the ones you happen to have stored on the game whose cartridge you’re playing on at any given moment?

Just a thought I had while collecting my daily prize (usually PP Up) from the one Emerald game I collected OT IDs ending in 00–99 for.

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  • 5 months later...
  Reveal hidden contents

I get an error every time I try to edit a secret base trainer. 

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

What I found it's not a bug (I think), but might be useful for someone:

When you transfer a Pokémon from Colosseum to GBA (in this case, japanese Scizor) using this tool, the Trash Bytes in the name are filled with FF's instead of 00's. Here are some pictures of what I mean:


Trigger's PC

  Reveal hidden contents


An emulated transfer with Dolphin + VBA

  Reveal hidden contents


Both are exactly the same Pokémon, but migrated to GBA using two different methods.

Edited by ByReverso
  • 10 months later...
  • 5 years later...

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