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Now we are missing Japanese, and Korean (IF any).

Actually you could get them as well with the European code you got. PGL codes don't seem to be restricted to one region.

I used NTR to spoof Korean and Japanese region and was able to use my code.



Distribution Title
관동 클래식 참가기념

Distribution Text
인터넷 대회
「관동 클래식」에
참가한 기념으로
관동 포켓몬리그 
사천왕 목호의
망나뇽을 선물합니다!

These are dumped from RAM, hence they have no date.

Posted (edited)

I'm also uploading the KOR and JPN Dragonite :)

<prev Kairyuus included>



My first proper Korean picture for upload!

Thanks to Giova for telling me how simple it is to region change, without the use of someone else's Secureinfo.

(Previously while able to change to JPN, I had issues region changing an emunand to KOR, cause I couldn't find a KOR secureinfo.

Also, NTR emuplugin doesn't work as well as the stored korean text of Pokemon)

Codes loaned here from Tiddlywinks, thanks too!

Edited by theSLAYER
Posted (edited)

Little update:

Thanks to suloku, we have the HA Zapdos!

Apparently, when they called it "Random Bird", what they meant was that the serial code is already tied to 1 of the 3 birds.






once I find the time, I'll compile all into the grand archive

Edited by theSLAYER

First post updated:


Added: 1513 Dragonite (ENG, FRE, GER, ITA, SPA, JPN, KOR)

Added: 0525 Diancie (SPA)

Added: 0570 Zapdos (ENG, FRE, GER, ITA, SPA)


Added: 0166 Pikachu (JPN)

Added: 0557 Mew (ENG FRE SPA)

Added: 0558 Celebi (ENG FRE GER ITA SPA)

Added: 1513 Dragonite (ENG FRE GER ITA SPA JPN KOR)

Added: 0570 Zapdos (ENG FRE GER ITA SPA)

Missing wondercards and its details, are indicated in first post.

Minor Edit:

removed: wc6 1500 - Quickballs (it is a duplicate misnamed copy of 1502)

change: excel file has been updated to reflect this

change: excel file has been updated to include bulbapedia link in regards to the distribution, also assists me in easier updating of missing wondercards section


side note

I'm curious, does anyone still have Pokebank Subscription,

and can they try to import into Gen VI the different distributions of Arceus with Roar of Time?

side not 2

While it may not be possible to do "Boss -wc6full" dump when on-the-go (example at a local event without NTR client on the computer),

one should still be able to do a full RAM dump, provided you're using Gateway 3DS.

one version of the wc6full should be in that ram dump.


I upload it here because 5th gen contribution thread is closed.

If this post is against the rule, please delete it.

Korea Distribution Event

1. Kor Zygarde

지가르데 선물

「포켓몬스터 XY&Z」 의 TV방송을 기념해서

전설의 포켓몬이며 칼로스지방의

감시자 지가르데를 선물합니다!

I upload it here because 5th gen contribution thread is closed.

If this post is against the rule, please delete it.

Korea Distribution Event

1. Kor Zygarde

지가르데 선물

「포켓몬스터 XY&Z」 의 TV방송을 기념해서

전설의 포켓몬이며 칼로스지방의

감시자 지가르데를 선물합니다!

did you mean VI gen event?

this is the right place ><

First post updated:

side note

I'm curious, does anyone still have Pokebank Subscription,

and can they try to import into Gen VI the different distributions of Arceus with Roar of Time?

anything special you need it for i just transferd 3 (02010 MICHINA eng 11059 Michina eng and 11079 TRU jpn)

anything special you need it for i just transferd 3 (02010 MICHINA eng 11059 Michina eng and 11079 TRU jpn)

So all 3 worked with pokebank?

I read previously that those 3 wouldn't pass through transporter, and I just needed confirmation that they will

Where is the Kyoto Ho-Oh event? It is not probably listed on the Missing Wondercard List tho.

You're right; we still don't have it.

Probably a glitch in the transferring of data, I'll get it resolved later

Edit: resolved

So all 3 worked with pokebank?

I read previously that those 3 wouldn't pass through transporter, and I just needed confirmation that they will

You're right; we still don't have it.

Probably a glitch in the transferring of data, I'll get it resolved later

Edit: resolved

yeah all 3 went through without any problem and i can use em online


Here's my contribution to the Korean shiny Xerneas wondercard for ORAS.

Enjoy :P

Edit: sorry didn't read the rules before submitting.

Received via Wi-Fi by serial (reusable code) Source

Game: Omega Ruby (Korean)

Console: Imported Korean Console


Do you have download proof too dude? Thanks


This is the download proof. I took a picture directly and cropped 3ds screen part. There is no nametag. sorry.

If you want full picture, I'll upload it.

Articuno & Moltres

Collect on Nintendo official Magazine Spain for Pokemon X

Any chance you have any extra serial codes?

I could have rolled for different languages and return it to you unused.

Also, do size down the photos and put them in spoilers,

For the sake of those on data plan or on mobile.

A zoomed in photo won't do us much good ><

Any chance you have any extra serial codes?

I could have rolled for different languages and return it to you unused.

Also, do size down the photos and put them in spoilers,

For the sake of those on data plan or on mobile.

A zoomed in photo won't do us much good ><

No, sorry they are the only ones I have

Any chance you have any extra serial codes?

I could have rolled for different languages and return it to you unused.

Also, do size down the photos and put them in spoilers,

For the sake of those on data plan or on mobile.

A zoomed in photo won't do us much good ><

I'm planning on going to Smyths toys either today or tomorrow. I'll check and see what codes I get and if I get either of the missing birds I will pm you the serial codes


This is the download proof. I took a picture directly and cropped 3ds screen part. There is no nametag. sorry.

If you want full picture, I'll upload it.

It gives me invalid attachment...


My personal extractions:

Articuno (all European Ram extract)






Moltres (all European Ram extract)






Shiny Xerneas (Korean Ram extract)


Birds Codes found at Czech Nintendo Scavenger Hunt, thanks to Lady Ariel for the heads up.

Shiny Xerneas password (TUE05PM) thanks to BlackShark heads up!

All these respective files will be updated to first page.


Wondercards added to first post,

All posts in-between archived to archive thread.


Some WonderCards that may not be in the archive yet:

81 - JPN Grass Arceus


81 - JPN Rock Arceus


89 - Getting Kangaskhan in spring (JPN)


And a working WC for the FRE Magmar that was reported to be broken (I haven't checked but it was probably my fault to begin with):

504 - Un Magmar !


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