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That's because Datel "steals" the WC data from the savedata of people who use their product without letting them even know.

What a... wonderful way of making money.

  Purin said:
That's because Datel "steals" the WC data from the savedata of people who use their product without letting them even know.

What a... wonderful way of making money.

I love your theory about PC' WCs :) It's ingenious ;)

Posted (edited)

Hi (I don't speak english, sorry for my english)

I have some ITA event in .pk6 (all legit - nature ed iv random, all ITA):

- Beldum Shiny

- Celebi PokeBank

- Emboar with Reckless

- Gengar Shiny Halloween

- Pumpkaboo Halloween Celebration

- Serperior with Contrary

- Vivillon Fancy Pattern

- Vivillon Pokeball Pattern

If someone needs them, this is the link for the download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3IWd_UAwf-6bWJVUE1ZbVl6WG8/view?usp=sharing

I haven't the possibility of work in .wc6 because I have a PKHeX only!

I have a question.. someone have a legit .pk6 of Inkay Happy Hour, VGC Mamoswine, Jun Park's Pachirisu?

Because I saw these in this post but in .wc6 and I have a PKHeX only!

Thanks at all! :D

Edited by no1globe

You can extract the wc6 with powersave using the tool RAM2sav infact.

btw, i've this wondercard : [ATTACH=CONFIG]12085[/ATTACH]

If someone is interested, I can send her (redeem on a european, french cartridge), the 8th i can have the Shiny WHF rayquaza, maybe

Posted (edited)

In this link I attached 8 .pk6 legit event ITA: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3IWd_UAwf-6bWJVUE1ZbVl6WG8/view?usp=sharing

The list:

- Beldum Shiny.pk6

- Celebi PokeBank.pk6

- Emboar with Reckless.pk6

- Gengar Shiny Halloween.pk6

- Pumpkaboo Halloween Celebration.pk6

- Serperior with Contrary.pk6

- Vivillon Fancy Pattern.pk6

- Vivillon Pokeball Pattern.pk6

..and finally in this link I attached 2 .pk6 legit event ITA: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3IWd_UAwf-6VjdnNXBiMU9vTnc/view?usp=sharing

This is the list:

- DiancieEvent_ITA.pk6

- ElectabuzzEvent_ITA.pk6

In 3/4 days probably I going to attach 3 legit wondercard ITA: Magmar, Electabuzz and Diancie!

Edited by no1globe

Hello there,

I downloaded the latest .wc6 archive from this thread and noticed that french HA Emboar (FRE from France) was missing, so here it is (I extracted it using PKHex and my ramsav.bin file, I hope it's correct): MEGA link

Please take this as thanks for your amazing work!

  theSLAYER said:
Hey, thanks for your response!

Just skip step 4, and it should be okay! :)

Then reupload those :DD

Ok.. I used the correct process for the wondercard file; download-link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3IWd_UAwf-6cjVHdUlrVFRTMm8/view?usp=sharing

The list of 8 event ITA:

511 - Ecco Vivillon Motivo PokВ Ball!.wc6

523 - Buh... Pumpkaboo!.wc6

524 - Un Gengar cromatico... da paura!.wc6

1501 - Un Torchic tutto speciale!.wc6

1503 - Ecco Vivillon Motivo Sbarazzino!.wc6

1504 - Un Beldum cromatico!.wc6

1505 - Ecco Serperior!.wc6

1506 - Ecco Emboar!.wc6


for starters, I'm new to pkHex so I just found out about this. I have WHF Rayquaza from a trade. s/he really did went to the event. Proof of our conversation and the Wondercard of the owner: https://tr.im/WHFRay

now for the pk6 file untouched, still as it is since the trade occurred: https://tr.im/WHFRaypk6

I'm about to find out how to use RAM2Sav. then i could use it to share future wondercards


Thanks to RAM2Sav I was finally able to export all the Wondercards in my possession.

This seems to be the only one I have that hasn't been contributed by anyone else.

0525 – Il Pokémon misterioso Diancie!

Distribution type: Store

Grazie per aver visitato questo negozio!

Ricordati di ritirare il dono dalla postina

nel Centro Pokémon!

Distribution text:

La caratteristica mossa Diamantempesta

rende Diancie un potente alleato.

Trasferiscilo nella tua copia di

Pokémon Rubino Omega o Pokémon

Zaffiro Alpha, ottieni la Megapietra

necessaria e fallo megaevolvere!



Hi, I just found this thread and I thought I can contribute some german events :)


These events are included:

504 - Hier kommt Elektek! (Electabuzz)

511 - Ein Vivillon mit Pokéball-Muster! (Pokeball Vivillon)

523 - Irre! Ein Irrbis! (Pumpkaboo)

524 - Huch! Ein Schillerndes Gengar! (Shiny Gengar)

525 - Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Diancie! (Diancie)

1503 - Ein Vivillon mit Fantasiemuster! (Fancy Vivillon)

1504 - Ein Schillerndes Tanhel! (Shiny Beldum)

1505 - Hier kommt Serpiroyal! (Contrary Serperior)

1506 - Hier kommt Flambirex! (Reckless Emboar)

So I know that Serperior and Emboar are not needed in german but I included them anyways, maybe it will be useful at some point.

There are also 3 things I am curious about:

1. Is the gender determined when the wondercard is received? If yes, can this be read out of the wondercard editor? I mean for example some some submitted wondercards in the collection are have (F) or (M) in the data name but if you open these in the wondercard editor it still tells you that the gender is random.

2. I think there is a bug/error in the wonder card editor because in the pumpkaboo wondercard the form chosen displays "small" although it should be extra large. In the selection of the forms, one can choose small, average, large and then small again which is supposed to be extra large.

3. What happens if I inject for example a japanese wondercard into my german savefile? Will I be able to receive the pokemon or can this damage my savefile in any way? And will the language of the pokemon received be my in-game language (german) or japanese?

Anyways really appreciate the effort you put into this one, hope you keep up the work :)


Hi, this is my collection of legit events in ESP:

511 - ¡Un Vivillon con Motivo Poké Ball!

515 - ¡Un Heracross muy duro de pelar!

523 - ¡Buuu! ¡Un Pumpkaboo!

524 - ¡Ah! ¡Un Gengar variocolor! (Serial)

525 - ¡El Pokémon singular Diancie! (Serial)

1503 - ¡Un Vivillon con Motivo Fantasía!

1504 - ¡Un Beldum variocolor!

1505 - ¡Un Serperior! (Serial)

1506 - ¡Un Emboar! (Serial)


  Danoxor said:
Hi, I just found this thread and I thought I can contribute some german events :)


These events are included:

504 - Hier kommt Elektek! (Electabuzz)

511 - Ein Vivillon mit Pokéball-Muster! (Pokeball Vivillon)

523 - Irre! Ein Irrbis! (Pumpkaboo)

524 - Huch! Ein Schillerndes Gengar! (Shiny Gengar)

525 - Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Diancie! (Diancie)

1503 - Ein Vivillon mit Fantasiemuster! (Fancy Vivillon)

1504 - Ein Schillerndes Tanhel! (Shiny Beldum)

1505 - Hier kommt Serpiroyal! (Contrary Serperior)

1506 - Hier kommt Flambirex! (Reckless Emboar)

So I know that Serperior and Emboar are not needed in german but I included them anyways, maybe it will be useful at some point.

There are also 3 things I am curious about:

1. Is the gender determined when the wondercard is received? If yes, can this be read out of the wondercard editor? I mean for example some some submitted wondercards in the collection are have (F) or (M) in the data name but if you open these in the wondercard editor it still tells you that the gender is random.

2. I think there is a bug/error in the wonder card editor because in the pumpkaboo wondercard the form chosen displays "small" although it should be extra large. In the selection of the forms, one can choose small, average, large and then small again which is supposed to be extra large.

3. What happens if I inject for example a japanese wondercard into my german savefile? Will I be able to receive the pokemon or can this damage my savefile in any way? And will the language of the pokemon received be my in-game language (german) or japanese?

Anyways really appreciate the effort you put into this one, hope you keep up the work :)

I tried to inject two of these wondercards into my german game since I missed the events last year. The wondercard for Gengar worked just fine (using PKHeX, Ram2Sav and a german Pokemon X game) but it was female on all tries, so maybe the gender flag is set wrongly. For Diancie I had to edit one bit (0x52 from 03 to 01) because it has been saved with a flag telling that it's already been used. After changing this bit it works fine and also activates the ingame event with the npcs showing up and everything. I've included the edited wondercard for Diancie for others who may have experienced the same problem. :)

German Diancie (edited version):


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