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Posted (edited)
  lostaddict said:
I'm currently investigate to see if i can enable the Sootopolis trainer event. It seems that this event was e-reader related and was removed from the English versions. I'm not sure if i can enable it, but it worth a try...

Team Fail did some work on e-Reader Trainer Events http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?46216-GEN-3-e-Reader-Event-Injection

He tried getting the Japanese e-Reader to work on other language version games.

Anyways all the scripts for the event are still inside the ROM. They even translated the dialogs with the old man in that house, except those that would be seen during the tranfer of the data.

If you get the trainer data via e-card it will be stored at a different location than the Mystery Gift data: Section 0 RS: 0x498, E: 0xBEC, FRLG: 0x4A0

But it might also work if the game finds the data at the location for Mystery Gifts. Though I'm not sure about that.

Edited by BlackShark

Thank you BlackShark!

That helped me a lot. On my save was at Section 2 instead of 0. I put there the Morfeo's trainer and it worked like a charm :D

Here is a screenshot:


So if you have the trainer wonder card, the guy in green says to you this:

Thank you for using the MYSTERY
GIFT System.

By holding this WONDER CARD, you
may take part in a survey at a

Use these surveys to invite

…Let me give you a secret
password for a survey:


Write that in on a survey and send
it to the WIRELESS

If you have the Wonder Card AND the e-card code you get the event unlocked... The man in green says this:

Thank you for using the MYSTERY
GIFT System.

A TRAINER has arrived in the SEVII
ISLANDS looking for you.

We hope you will enjoy
battling the visiting TRAINER.

You may invite other TRAINERS by
entering other passwords.

Try looking for other passwords
that may work.

So i guess this was planned to work like this:

1. You receive the trainer wonder card from an event

2. You find somewhere those codes (wonder news maybe???)

3. You send the codes to wonder spot using the adapter

4. The new batch of code was downloaded to enable the event.

Now i have to try with only the e-reader code to see what happens...


This works and if you have only the e-reader code. If you go straight to Sootopolis the trainer is there...

Also just to be correct, the above text is from FireRed. My test was in Emerald so the text says about trainer arrived at Sootopolis :)

  lostaddict said:
On my save was at Section 2 instead of 0.

Are you sure? It shouldn't be in section 2.

Anyways this is again some interesting info though! Thanks.

I guess the mentioned codes are also something that was never released? I never heard about something like that.

About wonder news there's also only very little information to find...

But a few days ago I found this one on neoseeker. It's an announcement for that Deoxys movie.

It seems the wonder news were very similar to the Holo Caster feature in 6th generation.

Posted (edited)

You're right BlackShark, another never used Mystery Gift feature, but very interesting to think how they could have realized it.

I also found one of these News along with some informations about Wonder News on the official Joyspot site of Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen.



Wonder News were received similar as the Wonder Cards in Japan. Would be cool if we could use this feature as well. But for this we might need a save file with Wonder News included.

And it was just a small feature after all, because it contained nothing more than text, so maybe it's not worth all the effort to mess with this feature... :D

The Wonder News had the same color options like the Wonder Cards...

  Reveal hidden contents


Edited by ajxpkm

Nice... Keep the info coming :) Very interesting stuff!!!

I suppose it's impossible to locate a japan save file with wonder news...

Btw do we know the algorithm of computing the e-reader checksum? I read somewhere that is a simple bit-wise sum, but this doesn't seem to work (maybe I'm doing something wrong or I'm just tired after a long day at work).

I don't have the courage to figure it out... :tongue:

  lostaddict said:
Btw do we know the algorithm of computing the e-reader checksum? I read somewhere that is a simple bit-wise sum, but this doesn't seem to work (maybe I'm doing something wrong or I'm just tired after a long day at work).

long checksum(int length, int *data)
long chk,i;
length = length>>2;
for(i=0; i<length; i++)
	chk += data[i];

chk = chk & 0xFFFFFFFF;
return chk;

Here is some information about the data structure



The algorithm was correct. I was input the wrong data :rolleyes:

Thanks for the link. I have already study it :) For now i have just change the name of the trainer and test the checksum to verify that everything is ok... Tomorrow i will construct the template I'm going to use in the tool.

By the way here is a first screenshot of the tool (Still only GUI. Nothing is saving or injected).


I will add another tab for the trainer functionality...

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Posted (edited)

I'm finally able to confirm that the Events from Taka's "Regular Event Tool" are real dumps!

Directly after the event script there are trash bytes which are nothing more but the same script in english and french. It looks like the distribution cartdrige wrote the scripts back to back to the save file until the space for the script was filled. I saw similar trash bytes before in the Aurora Ticket save file from gldsun as I mentioned before.

Here you can see the trash bytes after the japanese Old Sea Map script:

  Reveal hidden contents
Edited by ajxpkm

Great work! I saw on the previous page that there's a question mark near the Italian Aurora Ticket event, I can confirm it was distributed at the Pokémon Day 2005 for FireRed and LeafGreen. Emerald wasn't out at the time, but it could be also obtained in Emerald (and FR/LG, if you didn't go to the Pokémon Day) by sending your game to Nintendo of Italy.

I have the Italian Aurora Ticket wondercard in my LeafGreen (I went to the Pokémon Day), but it is used, if it can help you PM me!


Hey, Ahito!

This is great! The question mark is because we lack of the italian Wonder Card text and details about the distribution time. Do you know when it was exactly? But I will trust you when you say it was before Emerald.

Thanks for this information.

Even just a Screenshot of the Wonder Card would be great.

But if you can send me your save file it's perfect, because then I could dump the Wonder Card.

Used or unused doesn't matters, as long as the Wonder Card is still on the save file. :)

  King Impoleon said:
Where you get this Program? In the Forum i'll can't find it. :confused:


Not released yet, it's still in alpha phase as you can see.

lostaddict is working hard on it. Please be patient! :)

  ajxpkm said:
Hey, Ahito!

This is great! The question mark is because we lack of the italian Wonder Card text and details about the distribution time. Do you know when it was exactly? But I will trust you when you say it was before Emerald.

Thanks for this information.

Even just a Screenshot of the Wonder Card would be great.

But if you can send me your save file it's perfect, because then I could dump the Wonder Card.

Used or unused doesn't matters, as long as the Wonder Card is still on the save file. :)

The Pokémon Day was held on July 2nd and 3rd 2005, here are two photos of the leaflet they gave us to help us catch Deoxys: 1 2

As you can see there are only FR and LG logos and in the second page there isn't the Speed Form, it's only mentioned in the red section down left (there's written that Deoxys will take its Speed Form in Emerald, released that autumn and it's the fastest Pokémon ever).

Posted (edited)

Thanks. :)

I updated my list in the first post of the thread.

Since we managed to collect a few save files from you guys and legit Wonder Cards from the Japanese Tools, I thought it's about time to start a list of the Wonder Cards we have dumped so far.

So that everyone can get a nice view about what we have and what's still missing.

At this point I'm happy to announce that the european collection is almost complete!

The only Aurora Ticket Wonder Card text and information about distribution dates left is the spanish one.

A french Wonder Card save file would be appreciated as well just for the completion.

Thanks for your support!


By the way...

I found a Sootopolis Trainer Tool on Taka's Site!

Haven't tried it out yet.


Edited by ajxpkm

After all this is done, we need someone to make a program for GBA flash cards that can distribute Wonder Cards. Or dump an official distribution cart like what happened to the Gen 4 and 5 ones. Either one would be fine with me.

  Invader TAK said:
After all this is done, we need someone to make a program for GBA flash cards that can distribute Wonder Cards. Or dump an official distribution cart like what happened to the Gen 4 and 5 ones. Either one would be fine with me.

No this is not Possible

We didn't know who a 3rd GEN Distro card have. And nobody would dump it, only for Cash

  King Impoleon said:
No this is not Possible

We didn't know who a 3rd GEN Distro card have. And nobody would dump it, only for Cash

Damn really, what about his guy http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?27486-GBA-distribution-system or this guy http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?13259-Toysrus-Mew-Distribution-GBA-Cart (this one's last activity is more recent than the previous one)? If someone could contact someone like this and inform him about the meaningful work done here maybe they'd consider dumping the rom for research purposes.

  rinnegan said:
Damn really, what about his guy http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?27486-GBA-distribution-system or this guy http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?13259-Toysrus-Mew-Distribution-GBA-Cart (this one's last activity is more recent than the previous one)? If someone could contact someone like this and inform him about the meaningful work done here maybe they'd consider dumping the rom for research purposes.

It would need to be a wireless one, as Mystery Gift only works with the Wireless Adapter.

  ajxpkm said:
The only Aurora Ticket Wonder Card text and information about distribution dates left is the spanish one.

I don't have the text but I found the distribution dates.

It was available at Moviplaya 2005 (Spanish equivalent of the Pokemon Day) that toured through Spain from June 28 to August 28 2005.

  rinnegan said:
Damn really, what about his guy http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?27486-GBA-distribution-system or this guy http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?13259-Toysrus-Mew-Distribution-GBA-Cart (this one's last activity is more recent than the previous one)? If someone could contact someone like this and inform him about the meaningful work done here maybe they'd consider dumping the rom for research purposes.

The second one isn't a distribution device that uses the Mistery Gift feature. It is just a normal game cart which boxes were filled with Mews. You had to trade with an Nintendo employer to receive them.

Also...remember that sharing ROMs would be illegal.


I discovered something else on Taka's website when I went a few years back with the time machine...

The PAR Codes page was a lot smaller. :D


Of course this is nothing special at the first view, but there is something that caught my intention.

To my surprise I found a Wonder Card that is not included in any of the Tools in the updated versions, but possibly was a part of it.

Pocket Monsters - FireRed (Japan) - Mystic Ticket.png

Mystic Ticket 2004 Summer!

But here's the mysterious thing about it.

For some reason he replaced this Wonder Card later with the Mystic Ticket 2005 Winter Wonder Card.

I still don't understand why... and I think I need to check this out a bit more...

Also, I can't confirm yet if this is a real legit dump of a Wonder Card, since it also has these weird pseudobinary trash bytes I was talking about before.

So there is a chance that this Wonder Card could be hacked, just like the other ones from the FR & LG and the first Emerald Ticket Tool could be hacked.

I wished we would have a real japanese Wonder Card of these to understand if these trash bytes are from the distribution device or from Takasan.

Here is the PAR code for this Wonder Card in case you want to try it:


As always, make sure to use the right Master Code and Anti DMA Codes.

Btw. a small update... I think that all of the Wonder Cards from the TicketPE.exe tool could be hacks.

Therefore I decided to remove the Autumn 2004 Aurora Ticket & Mystic Ticket Wonder Cards from the list of official distributions.



Thank you very much! This is a really great find!

I will check this Wonder Card out later today.



Just checked the Aurora ticket Invader TAK post.

It seems that it has the same trash bytes as Taka's tickets... This means that if this ticket is legit (which i have no idea if is) then most probably Taka's tickets are legit as well.

The question now is why the European distributions does not have those trash bytes...


I think that this is maybe the reason: European distributions contains 2 languages. Japanese and USA seems to contain only 1. There is a chance that the trash bytes are just the template for the second language...


I can't tell you how happy I am about this find.

It is very unlikely that this Wonder Card is a hack, because who would be able to do this?

And this could also confirm that the Japanese Aurora Ticket 2004 Summer we have is a legit dump. Now all I need is another Japanese Mystic Ticket 2004 Summer because the Trash Bytes of it are same pseudobinary (pseudo because these are not binaries but hexadecimal bytes...) ones but different. And it also contains the suspicious "AURO" string.

About the later distributions specificially the european ones... It looks like the distribution devices wrote the scripts back to back to the save files until the space was filled... leaving the unnecessary scripts as Trash Bytes. Also... the European Aurora Ticket was distributed later than the other ones.

Maybe the only really weird thing about this is that the Old Sea Map has the english and french text.

Especially when you consider that it was an Event only for Japan and never was distributed in an english or french speaking country.

The Mystic Ticket 2005 Winter btw. has other weird cryptic Trash Bytes. Rather similar to the Old Sea Map than the other ones. But it's from the legit Events Tool, so I don't worry about this.

Anyway, we just came a huge step closer to understand about which of our Wonder Cards are from real distributions and how we can determine it. Which is good. :)

By the way...

Looks like the Wonder Card list at Bulbapedia was updated:



I have some interesting news!

Actually the tickets seem to have been available to all European/American languages at each event.

Here is an offer of an US Auroraticket distribution cart on ebay http://www.ebay.de/itm/Pokemon-Aurora-Ticket-Deoxys-Distribution-GBA-Cartridge-NFR-Not-For-Resale-/281700682645

Most interesting is the following sentence

"The cart distributes the Aurora Ticket to all European languages and American languages FireRed or LeafGreen carts . I haven't tested it with Japanese carts. It doesn't work with Emerald because it was released in 2005, but the event was held in 2004."

The Eon Ticket was also available for all languages except Japanese.

Here is a picture from German Pokemon Day 2004. You can see the language selection screen on the distribution device.

  Reveal hidden contents

Maybe this was true for all the Ticket distributions. I don't know about other events, but the seller I metioned above also sold an UK 10th Anniversary distribution cart and didn't write anything about it beeing compatible to other languages. So other distributions were most likely region locked.


Well, if it is true that the tickets were distributed to multiple languages the trash bytes could be a result of bad programming which resulted in sending to much data. But that's just a guess and seeing that those trashbytes were also found at Japanese wondercards makes me doubt my guesses...

  Ahito95 said:
Emerald wasn't out at the time, but it could be also obtained in Emerald (and FR/LG, if you didn't go to the Pokémon Day) by sending your game to Nintendo of Italy.

I have just seen a post from October 2014 on some Italy forum where someone wrote a mail to Nintendo asking them if the tickets are still available. http://www.pokemonmillennium.net/forum/topic/69862-biglietto-eone-e-biglietto-aurora-ancora-disponibili-al-download/

The rather unexpected answer was a detailed description on what he has to do and where he has to send his cartridge to.

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