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  kyo-kun16 said:
It's LEGIT if you HATCH the pokemon using a AR w/ shiny code so you hatch Shiny eggs, I've done this to get tons of shiny pokemon that I put up on the GTS

You do realize that is not from yesterday... neither is this the place to be discussing this.

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The first shiny I encountered in the newer pokemon games (3rd gen and up) was a shiny female Seaking in the safari zone on my Firered, however (despite it being gold) I didn't know whether it was shiny or not (I didn't remember what a normal one looked like). So I ran away, looked at my pokedex, and found out a normal Seaking looked like this: Spr_3r_119.png and I remembered the one I fled from looked like this, sadly: Spr_3r_119_s.png...SSBM Annoucner: Failure.

The first one I ever caught (in the newer games) was a Spr_3e_384_s.gif on my Emerald that I soft reseted on. Strangely, I discovered there was some Emerald RNG trick where all the pokemon you catch would have the same nature and IVs. Apparently, the Spr_3e_383_s.gif and Spr_3e_382_s.gif I caught two months later with said trick, had the same nature and IVs as my Spr_3e_384_s.gif!!! That means I unknowingly RNG abused for my Spr_b_g4_384_s.png.

Edited by Chancellor Cole
  MechaPikachu said:
The first shiny I encountered in the newer pokemon games (3rd gen and up) was a shiny female Seaking in the safari zone on my Firered, however (despite it being gold) I didn't know whether it was shiny or not (I didn't remember what a normal one looked like). So I ran away, looked at my pokedex, and found out a normal Seaking looked like this: Spr_3r_119.png and I remembered the one I fled from looked like this, sadly: Spr_3r_119_s.png...SSBM Annoucner: Failure.

The first one I ever caught (in the newer games) was a Spr_3e_384_s.gif on my Emerald that I soft reseted on. Strangely, I discovered there was some Emerald RNG trick where all the pokemon you catch would have the same nature and IVs. Apparently, the Spr_3e_383_s.gif and Spr_3e_382_s.gif I caught two months later with said trick, had the same nature and IVs as my Spr_3e_384_s.gif!!! That means I unknowingly RNG abused for my Spr_b_g4_384_s.png.



my first ever shiney was a tentacool but i eventually lost the file on my sappire

caught vulpix and zigzagoon shineis on first encounter of each spice but my friends deleted the saved game


victory, i eventually caught a shiney spinda


I really hope I don't have to say who my first was. I'll tell my shiny history, though.

First SEEN Shiny: Gold Hoothoot in Gold. This was before I had the PokéDex, so I unfortunatly had to kill it.

First CAPTURED Shiny: Red Gyarados in Gold. Hopefully everyone has captured or at least seen this.

First TRUE Captured Shiny: Light Blue Poliwhirl in LeafGreen. Caught at the lake around the Dotted Hole in the Sevii Islands. Evolved into... *drumroll*... ShinyPolitoed. It's an Indigo Politoed.

Second Captured Shiny: Gold Magikarp in LeafGreen. I am not evolving it because Red Gyaradoses come and go all the time.

Third Captured Shiny: ???. Hopefully sometime soon.

That's my history of shinies. ~STBE

  • 3 weeks later...

My first shiny EVAR was a Mareep I encountered on the way to Lake of Rage for the first time on Gold.

However, I've since restarted that file.

In Ruby, Firered, and Emerald, I've seen 2x shiny Zubat and a shiny Golbat. One of them became a Crobat, but I traded it away long ago. xD;


My first hatched shiny was a Pichu, now that Pichu (now a Lv.100 Pikachu) is my favorite shiny (even though it was RNG manipulated...). One of my friends found a Shiny Roselia (now a Roserade), I believe thats his first, favorite, and only shiny.


Heh.. My first shiny, was when I was playing Pearl. I had never even touched a Pokemon game before it. I had gotten all the way to giratina.. I decided to use soft reset. Took about 30 resets and I was so happy with my Shiny Giratina. I have a special bond with it and i love it to be honest. Also by the way... My favorite pokemon (seriously) ((besides giratina)) is a :bidoof:. Not joking.


i got a shiny gardoes in heart gold it is 4 lvls higher the my strongest poke quilelava my first ever!!! and i named it rage! because it was at the lake of rage and it's red like rage!

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