FLOOTENKERP Posted June 19, 2009 Posted June 19, 2009 I don't really know how to abuse RNG. I used a code that doesn't screw up the PID of a Pokemon, keeping it a legal shiny.
art Posted June 21, 2009 Posted June 21, 2009 my first shiny was a solrock in ruby, but in that times i didnt know what was a shiny pkm when i catch it ive think that was an error, but i keep it until my little brother erased my savefile
pokemonfan Posted June 21, 2009 Posted June 21, 2009 Its now a shiny mightyena When I saw the poochyena I immediately thought of okami after I got unstunned from my shocked position. Okami does have two level 100 shiny mightyena. Its what she used to breed those hundreds of poochyena. That's how I met her through her breeding project . I wish mightyena's had better movesets because its going to be hard to make much use of him.
.:Loky:. Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 Ralts in Diamond, He grew up to become, Valliant - The Loyal Gallade *has proud father-like momnet*
derrick Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 my first real shiny was what was that art pokemon called again? the one ith a brush for a tail? it wan in emerald and it was level 46
wingman32x Posted July 1, 2009 Posted July 1, 2009 I'm so exited! I just caught my first chained shiny! It's just a bidoof but I'm still exited. Before fufilling the task of chaining forty, I failed many many times. Since catching the shiny bidoof my chaining has improved. The average chain for me before catching the shiny was 15-18 every time. After catching it I'm averaging 20-28 chained before It breaks. Did chaining get easier for you guys after getting that first one?
Espeon_LGS Posted July 2, 2009 Posted July 2, 2009 my first shiny was a metapod on pokemon silver and than the red gyrados on pokemon crystal i got a shiny dartini and on pokemon saphire a shiny trapinch and my newest shiny is on pokemon daimond a shiny Eevee
sparkdreamer Posted July 2, 2009 Posted July 2, 2009 My first shiny was the red Gyarados in Gold. My second one was the same, but on Crystal. The only actually "rare" shiny was an Unown ? that I found while trying to collect all of the Unown in Pearl.
DanteKoriyu Posted July 2, 2009 Posted July 2, 2009 Besides the Gyarados that are practically given to you in GSC, my first shiny was a Medicham on my way to Snowpoint in Diamond. Couldn't have caught me at a worse time too, cause I had just captured two other Medichams, four Sneasels, and two Snover. So I didn't have any Pokeballs left. I felt terribly sad having to kill it. My next shiny, the one I actually caught, was a Grimer on like my 12th play through of LeafGreen. I had plenty of Pokeballs for him...but I don't like him. -.-
EmperorDragon Posted July 2, 2009 Posted July 2, 2009 Mine was a Golbat on either Gold or Crystal. Can't remember what happened but I think I killed it. Currently on Plat I have a shiny Ditto, Golem and Torchic.
Earthix Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 My first ever was a snubble in Silver. My since i got the DS games was the Legendary Birds on my last run through of Platinum. Although I'm not sure if i can honestly say they were legit. Even though I didn't have the Replay in when i found them, I had used it on several occasions. I got lucky finding them as shineys. I ended up GTSing them for Bullcrud before resetting.
Haruhara Haruko Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 My first was a Zigzagoon in Ruby. I had no idea what shiny Poke'mon were at that time since I had just started playing the games. I kept it in the PC, then eventually released it for more storage space. I felt bad after I found out it was very rare to find a Poke'mon like that... :'(
Kinkedo56 Posted July 11, 2009 Posted July 11, 2009 My first and only legit shiny was in Pokemon Pearl in oreburgh mines. Right in the beginning where u walk inside down those long stairs i encountered a pokemon and i was like dam wat a waste of my time. and a shiny geodude appeared and i was like lol wat? until my bro gasped and told me to catch it right away. it was like lvl5 i think and if i had repels i might hav not gotten it.
Luckless Posted July 16, 2009 Posted July 16, 2009 Shiney Pidgey in Crystal. Caught it with a MasteBall, regreted it later
chycorita Posted July 16, 2009 Posted July 16, 2009 Mine Shiny Shellos. Gave it to my sister though... She loves it. I'm trying to catch a shiny Smeargle...
empoleonmikel Posted July 16, 2009 Posted July 16, 2009 Substitute said: Mine was a geodude in FR. i got my geoguy in Platinum, and a staravia too sadly, nothing has been added in my "shiny box" until now
Skyfire Posted July 16, 2009 Posted July 16, 2009 My first shiny was a charmander in LG... (soft reset)
DefiantHawk Posted July 19, 2009 Posted July 19, 2009 A shiny Stantler in Pokemon Silver. Freaked out when I first saw it because it was sorta pinkish and I didn't have many pokeballs. I wanna say I caught it with the fast ball I got from kurt, but don't get me to lying. Restarted silver before thinking to trade it to another version. ---------- Post added at 02:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:05 PM ---------- A shiny Stantler in Pokemon Silver. Freaked out when I first saw it because it was sorta pinkish and I didn't have many pokeballs. I wanna say I caught it with the fast ball I got from kurt, but don't get me to lying. Restarted silver before thinking to trade it to another version.
hotpinkmunchlax Posted July 19, 2009 Posted July 19, 2009 lol I am with the guy above Gyarados FTW! High 5! lol i am trying to run into a registeel shiny by constantly reseting it is taking forever. >_> Oh well i think i am close to catching it.
Interface Posted July 20, 2009 Posted July 20, 2009 My very first shiny was a red Caterpie in Crystal version, which is different than the new [shinysprite]010[/shinysprite] D/P/PT version. Then of course there was red Gyarados[shinysprite]130[/shinysprite], and then I was hugely disappointed with shiny Alakazam[shinysprite]065[/shinysprite]. 'Pink' and 'Alakazam' should never be in the same sentence.
Toffeuy Posted July 20, 2009 Posted July 20, 2009 (edited) My first shiny was in my leaf green which was a geodude. I was in Victory Road when I met it and I caught it in one Ultra Ball with Full hp Edited July 20, 2009 by Toffeuy Spelling
Mr.Fuji Posted July 20, 2009 Posted July 20, 2009 (edited) My first real shiny barring Gdos, was a shiny red Duskull on that foggy mountain place in Ruby. I stared at the screen for a minute like :B.... then I caught that nice Pokémon. Dont have him anymore though :[ Edited July 20, 2009 by Guested inappropriate
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