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WC6 Editor (6th Gen Wondercard Viewer) (ORAS support added 12/11/2014)

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Reported some bugs:

Gender of a pokémon does not change is always "random" when the program is closed and reopened, and "Relearn Moves" must select from the list because it does't allows typing the move. In Text "Thank you for coming to the Pokémon event!" is 2 times.

  Elaugaufein said:
There seems to be an error with saving wondercards using this. If you check a dump of an official wonder card you'll see data at 0x4C-0x4F that's missing from Wonder Cards saved with his program even if it was present on the loaded card (and this data seems important, an imported WC missing this data will crash when the Card Album Viewer is used and be missing the item/pokemon name when you're given an Item/Pokemon by the Delivery Girl

That data is the date the card was received. It's not very important, but yeah, that's a bug that only happens when you save an item wondercard.


  SciresM said:
That data is the date the card was received. It's not very important, but yeah, that's a bug that only happens when you save an item wondercard.


there is news?

Thank you

  • 2 weeks later...
  SciresM said:
That data is the date the card was received. It's not very important, but yeah, that's a bug that only happens when you save an item wondercard.


Sciresm let me know :D I really hope that you will upgrade this program soon.


There is a problem about the editor. After loading the wc6 file and save as a new wc6 file without modifying anything, the CRC code of the new wc6 file becomes different compared with the original one. I think somewhere in the editor may corrupt the wc6 file when loaded.

  Screamoarte said:
Not sure if this has been said or seen, but it seems that the program considers gender always random, even if the genre being fixed.

By the way, thank you pro this tool!

Interesting, I'll look into it when I get a chance.

  YCY said:
There is a problem about the editor. After loading the wc6 file and save as a new wc6 file without modifying anything, the CRC code of the new wc6 file becomes different compared with the original one. I think somewhere in the editor may corrupt the wc6 file when loaded.

That's not a problem -- it's an intentional way of making cards edited by wc6 editor differentiable from raw, unedited (or hex edited) cards. It's so that I can tell when event contributions are faked. The changes have no impact on the legality of pokemon generated with edited cards.


The text "Thank you for coming to the event! " conversion into japanese is

"ポケモンの イベントに

来てくれて ありがとう".

In fact, it should be


来てくれて ありがとう!"

can you amend it?

I'm sorry,I‘m not good at English

But by the way thank you for update this program.


Now, WC6 Editor can't select any Card Text.

So, Use Save Editor and renew part of the WC code yourself.

[Part of the WC code]

2001XXXX 000100YY

[YY Value]

00 Pokémon Movie (ポケモン映画)

01 Pokémon Movie 2013 (ポケモン映画2013)

02 Pokémon Movie 2014 (ポケモン映画2014)

03 Pokémon Movie 2015 (ポケモン映画2015)

04 Pokémon Movie 2016 (ポケモン映画2016)

05 Pokémon Movie 2017 (ポケモン映画2017)

06 Pokémon Movie 2018 (ポケモン映画2018)

07 Pokémon Center (ポケモンセンター)

08 Pokémon Center Tokyo (ポケモンセンタートウキョー)

09 Pokémon Center Osaka (ポケモンセンターオーサカ)

0A Pokémon Center Fukuoka (ポケモンセンターフクオカ)

0B Pokémon Center Nagoya (ポケモンセンターナゴヤ)

0C Pokémon Center Sapporo (ポケモンセンターサッポロ)

0D Pokémon Center Yokohama (ポケモンセンターヨコハマ)

0E Participating in the Pokémon World Championships (WCSに参加)

0F Participating in the 2013 Pokémon World Championships (Worlds2013 に参加)

10 Participating in the 2014 Pokémon World Championships (Worlds2014 に参加)

11 Participating in the 2015 Pokémon World Championships (Worlds2015 に参加)

12 Participating in the 2016 Pokémon World Championships (Worlds2016 に参加)

13 Participating in the 2017 Pokémon World Championships (Worlds2017 に参加)

14 Participating in the 2018 Pokémon World Championships (Worlds2018 に参加)

15 Coming to the Pokémon World Championships (WCSに来る)

16 Coming to the 2013 Pokémon World Championships (Worlds2013 に来る)

17 Coming to the 2014 Pokémon World Championships (Worlds2014 に来る)

18 Coming to the 2015 Pokémon World Championships (Worlds2015 に来る)

19 Coming to the 2016 Pokémon World Championships (Worlds2016 に来る)

1A Coming to the 2017 Pokémon World Championships (Worlds2017 に来る)

1B Coming to the 2018 Pokémon World Championships (Worlds2018 に来る)

1C Coming to a VGE (VGE に来る)

1D Coming to a 2013 VGE (VGE2013 に来る)

1E Coming to a 2014 VGE (VGE2014 に来る)

1F Coming to a 2015 VGE (VGE2015 に来る)

20 Coming to a 2016 VGE (VGE2016 に来る)

21 Coming to a 2017 VGE (VGE2017 に来る)

22 Coming to a 2018 VGE (VGE2018 に来る)

23 Participating in a VGC (VGCに参加)

24 Participating in a 2013 VGC (VGC2013 に参加)

25 Participating in a 2014 VGC (VGC2014 に参加)

26 Participating in a 2015 VGC (VGC2015 に参加)

27 Participating in a 2016 VGC (VGC2016 に参加)

28 Participating in a 2017 VGC (VGC2017 に参加)

29 Participating in a 2018 VGC (VGC2018 に参加)

2A Pokémon event (ポケモンのイベント)

2B Playing Pokémon (ポケモンを遊ぶ)

2C Store (お店)

2D Participating Battle Competition (バトル大会に参加)

2E Participating in a VGE (VGEに参加)

2F Gift from the VGE (VGEからのプレゼント)

30 Pokémon Fan Club (だいすきクラブ)

31 Watching Pokémon Programs (ポケモン番組を観る)

32 Gift from a Pokémon Program (ポケモン番組からのプレゼント)

33 Pokémon Concert (ポケモンコンサート)

34 Watching the Pokémon Animation (ポケモンアニメを観る)

35 Receiving this distribution (ダウンロード)

36 --NO DATA-- (--データなし--)

37 Gift from the PGL (PGLからのプレゼント)

38 Visiting the PGL (PGLに来る)

39 Gift from the PGL (PGLからのプレゼント)

3A Pokémon Event (ポケモンイベント)

3B 2013 Pokémon Event (ポケモンイベント2013)

3C 2014 Pokémon Event (ポケモンイベント2014)

3D 2015 Pokémon Event (ポケモンイベント2015)

3E 2016 Pokémon Event (ポケモンイベント2016)

3F 2017 Pokémon Event (ポケモンイベント2017)

40 2018 Pokémon Event (ポケモンイベント2018)

41 Pokémon Festa (ポケモンフェスタ)

42 2013 Pokémon Festa (ポケモンフェスタ2013)

43 2014 Pokémon Festa (ポケモンフェスタ2014)

44 2015 Pokémon Festa (ポケモンフェスタ2015)

45 2016 Pokémon Festa (ポケモンフェスタ2016)

46 2017 Pokémon Festa (ポケモンフェスタ2017)

47 2018 Pokémon Festa (ポケモンフェスタ2018)

48 PokéPark (ポケパーク)

49 Gift from the PokéPark (ポケパークからのプレゼント)

4A PokéPark in 2013 (ポケパーク2013)

4B PokéPark in 2014 (ポケパーク2014)

4C PokéPark in 2015 (ポケパーク2015)

4D PokéPark in 2016 (ポケパーク2016)

4E PokéPark in 2017 (ポケパーク2017)

4F PokéPark in 2018 (ポケパーク2018)

50 Event (イベント会場)

51 Pokémon Center Tohoku (ポケモンセンタートウホク)

52 GAME FREAK (ゲームフリーク)

53 Stadium (スタジアム)

54 Pokémon Center Tokyo Bay (ポケモンセンタートウキョーベイ)

55 Pokémon Store (ポケモンストア)

  LON said:
Now, WC6 Editor can't select any Card Text.

So, Use Save Editor and renew part of the WC code yourself.

Uh, what?

I just successfully edited a card's text using the newest version of the program.

What, exactly, is the problem?

  darkness_ice said:
The text "Thank you for coming to the event! " conversion into japanese is

"ポケモンの イベントに

来てくれて ありがとう".

In fact, it should be


来てくれて ありがとう!"

can you amend it?

I'm sorry,I‘m not good at English

But by the way thank you for update this program.

This program currently doesn't actually know what the japanese text is -- that sounds like an issue with the Japanese games rather than with the program :)

I can look into making a JP program, though.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

This doesn't work for me :(

The wonder card does inject but the girl never shows up in the pokémon center. I've tried editing the card and everything, and it still doesn't work TT o TT


Is it possible to give illegal abilities to Pokémon with this program? I have a hard time with PKHeX, but this Wonder Card editor works great, so if I could rely on it for making my fun hacked sets it would be great.

  momkoto said:
This doesn't work for me :(

The wonder card does inject but the girl never shows up in the pokémon center. I've tried editing the card and everything, and it still doesn't work TT o TT

I've found that in the wonder card screen, if you swap the injected card with another existing card, it works fine. :bidoof:

  momkoto said:
This doesn't work for me :(

The wonder card does inject but the girl never shows up in the pokémon center. I've tried editing the card and everything, and it still doesn't work TT o TT

(I had already the wondercard injected, however no girl in the pokemon center, this is how I solved it)

Make sure to have the wondercard.bin on your SD

1. Go in front of a pokemon center, press the menu button.

2. Open your web browser, and go to http://loadcode.projectpokemon.org and wait till it will crash.

3. Go inside, the girl will be there.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Does this work for QR codes too? My PKHex can't open WC6 so can I convert it to a PK6 file?

  ArtemiSerebii said:
Aaaaaaaand, Arceus bless Lunarcookies! Their Wondercard QR injector WORKS HOLLLLLYYYYY YES!
  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

@SciresM I've been looking at pokemon link data and I've mostly figured out how it works, it is very similar to that of wondercard data.

I have two questions:

1.- While looking at the johto starters file, I've realized that they have the gender value set to 03. Any clue on what could be the meaning of this? Maybe it's a 50% random and 02 is a pokemon gender ratio random? I.e. for meganium that's 87.5% male, 12.5% female, but maybe 03 forces it to 50%? (I'll run some tests, but I don't know if this kind of data has been found elsewhere).

EDIT: I tested 12 meganiums generated with 03 value and only 1 was female, so my theory was wrong. I don't know why they used 03 instead of 02...

EDIT2: tested 12 cleafairies (75% female ratio) with 02 value and only got males. 01 gets all females (test with meganium). Gonna check what happens with 00.

EDIT3: 00 seems to get them male too.

EDIT4: tested with FF, random female/male ratio was used (the one from the pokemon). I don't know why they changed from 02 to 03, maybe they messed up when coding the game?

EDIT5: just checked bank celebi, its geneder is set to 02, so I'll assume 02 is used for genderless pokemon.

EDIT6: I've just checked a legit diancie wondercard, another genderless pokemon, and well, it's gender value was also 02. The same applies to beldum. I guess the info from http://projectpokemon.org/wiki/6th_Generation_Wonder_Card_Map is wrong.

I think I've just solved the gender issue without actually looking into that, lol

2.- Would you be interested in further research of this pokemon link data? If not, is WC6 editor source available?

EDIT7: More research on pokemon link, I've found the following:

Can hold up to 6 pokemon.

Each pokemon seems to be 168 bytes, need to locate the exact start of the data.

Full OT information can be set, I need to map it with trial and error, like 3ds region, etc, but all this data is by defaul 00 (which means the data from the receiver cartridge will be used).

Seems like notOT information can also be there for some reason.

Probably these OT information are in the 0xE0-0x107 Reserved bytes for the wondercard.

But all this pokemon data only takes up half the pokemon link data.

Battle points and pokemiles only take up 4 bytes, so there's a lot of unused bytes which may or may not do something.

I unsuccessfully tried to make items appear as a pokemon link gift, but as I was writing this I remembered ORAS demo can transfer items trough pokemon link, so I'll check later where are those stored.

EDIT8: yup, found item data, up to 6 items can be transfered trough pokemon link at once.

EDIT9: maped all pokemon link data, at least to the point were an editor can be made. Actually it's so similar to wondercards that it would be great if wc6 editor was open source.

EDIT10: just made a wiki page for pokemon link data http://projectpokemon.org/wiki/6th_Generation_Pokemon_Link_Map#Savegame_Offsets

Edited by suloku
  • 4 months later...
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