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B2/W2 AR Codes


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looking for a change trainer ID code for White 2 :)

Just use Pokegen to make yourself a code.

hey guys listen i used the codes for the walmart promotional starter pokemon for piplup, chimchar & turtwig now they have their dreamworld abilities well i evevolved chimchar and its abilitiy went back to blaze when it evovled into monferno i thought dream world abilitites stayed no mater what any help ?

If you'd hacked it properly, it would've. However, you did an extremely bad job, so it didn't.

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thats probly why then but i used the codes that were on a few pages back i thought it would work but all good should of notice it when they were all in friend balls from HeartGold SoulSilver oh well i try to get pokemon legit but here in Australia we always seem to get ripped when it comes to event pokemon.

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hey guys listen i used the codes for the walmart promotional starter pokemon for piplup, chimchar & turtwig now they have their dreamworld abilities well i evevolved chimchar and its abilitiy went back to blaze when it evovled into monferno i thought dream world abilitites stayed no mater what any help ?

when you are making Dream World Pokemon, at the end where you put in the trainer info, go down to the extra byte section and put in number 1. That tells the game that the pokemon has its dream world ability so that even after evolution, its keeps its DW ability.

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As I thought: when using the Gender switching codes it clears out the event data for Yancy/Curtis. The only way to reactivate it seems to be to pick up the Dropped Object again. I'd love to know how to reactivate the Dropped Item Event, but I know it's actually two different events essentially assigned to the gender of the player. Is there anybody working on codes for this?

Seems I was completely wrong with this. Just tried it out, found where the trigger spots are, and lo and behold Yancy calls on the XTransceiver. (when initially I had activated the event using the girl playable so it was Curtis). Will have to test more thoroughly because I don't know if the dropped item is in the same slot or not.

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i would like some help with making a join avenue code which sets the avenue to rank 100? i found many which set it to rank 255, but i would like one which sets it to rank 100, or someone who could help me find out/work out how to do it?

many thanks

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I'm making a lot of demands but after getting Yancy to appear at Nimbasa Ferris Wheel she took 'her' XTransciever back (it seems that there are indeed two separate items for them, so I still have Curtis' XTransciever). I moved Curtis' XTransceiver to the Bag's Free Space, but is there a code to clear the Free Space?

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Can I request a code that lets you fight in Wifi battles in PWT? I know not all have been released outside of Japan, but can I still get codes for the 5 that have?

This makes no sense. If you're referring to the DOWNLOAD tournaments, then no... simply because a tournament is 0x1400 bytes long of downloaded data to the save; it is not pre-existing on the game awaiting unlock.

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This makes no sense. If you're referring to the DOWNLOAD tournaments, then no... simply because a tournament is 0x1400 bytes long of downloaded data to the save; it is not pre-existing on the game awaiting unlock.

ah, I wasn't aware. Some games have wifi events as unlockable.

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Hi I looked through both B2W2 AR codes threads and I couldn't find a Nature Modifier, like the one in BW where you press R and L to cycle through the natures.

There's actually a different Nature Modifier made for B/W2. Here it is:

Black 2

5201E65C BDF873B4

0201E65C FAD0F7E3

D0000000 00000000

02001C00 73B4B4FF


02001E04 766C24XX

White 2

5201E688 BDF873B4

0201E688 FABAF7E3

D0000000 00000000

02001C00 73B4B4FF


02001E04 766C24XX

00 Hardy (Neutral)

01 Lonely (Atk+/Def-)

02 Brave (Atk+/Spd-)

03 Adamant (Atk+/SA-)

04 Naughty (Atk+/SD-)

05 Bold (Def+/Atk-)

06 Docile (Neutral)

07 Relaxed (Def+/Spd-)

08 Impish (Def+/SA-)

09 Lax (Def+/SD-)

0A Timid (Spd+/Atk-)

0B Hasty (Spd+/Def-)

0C Serious (Neutral)

0D Jolly (Spd+/SA-)

0E Naive (Spd+/SD-)

0F Modest (SA+/Atk-)

10 Mild (SA+/Def-)

11 Quiet (SA+/Spd-)

12 Bashful (Neutral)

13 Rash (SA+/SD-)

14 Calm (SD+/Atk-)

15 Gentle (SD+/Def-)

16 Sassy (SD+/Spd-)

17 Careful (SD+/SA-)

18 Quirky (Neutral)

It works by Marking a Pokémon in the PC. I'd consider it at least more efficient than the L/R code from Black and White since you can set the nature exactly where you want it rather than having to cycle through.

btw, I tried using that L/R to change nature code and the nature changed, but the stats didn't change to reflect it. Is there something else I'm supposed to do (like level up or change screens or something), or is it just for show and the code really does nothing?

EDIT: Nevermind, an older-than-dirt method did the trick (in other words, stick it in the PC and withdraw it).

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when you are making Dream World Pokemon, at the end where you put in the trainer info, go down to the extra byte section and put in number 1. That tells the game that the pokemon has its dream world ability so that even after evolution, its keeps its DW ability.

Thanks for the Info I will fix it.

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(Post 1 #324)


(My Previous Code Didn't Make The Pokemon In The Pokedex so I Found Another Way)

1. Go To http://www.pokegts.us/5thGen_Upload.aspx And Your Nintendo WFC Setting and Add DNS No. To Your Primary DNS And Save

2. Save File To Computer

3. Go To http://www.pokegts.us/5thGen_Upload.aspx

4. Browse Find /Add the File

5. Submit

6. Go To GTS (Make Sure Party Is Full, It will Arrive in Your PC)

Walmart Promotion (Piplup,Chimchar,Turtwig)

Piplup (Fixed)

Lv. 10

Ability: Defiant

Nature: Brave

Entree Forest

Ball: Friend Ball

Attacks:-Pound,Growl,Bubble, Featherdance

Start-End Date: 6 December 2012-31 July 2013





Chimchar (Fixed)

Lv. 10

Ability:Iron Fist

Nature: Bold

Entree Forest

Ball: Friend Ball

Attacks:- Leer, Ember, Taunt, Fake Out

Start-End Date: 6 December 2012-31 July 2013





Turtwig (Fixed)

Lv. 10

Ability: Shell Armor

Nature: Docile

Entree Forest

Ball: Friend Ball

Attacks:- Tackle,Withdraw,Absorb,Stockpile

Start-End Date: 6 December 2012-31 July 2013






Lv. 70

Ability: Turboblaze

Nature: Bold

Dragonspiral Tower

Ball: Masterball

Attacks:- ExtraSensory, Fusion Flare, Dragon Pulse, Imprison






Lv. 70

Ability: Teravolt

Nature: Brave

Dragonspiral Tower

Ball: Masterball

Attacks:- Zen Headbutt, Fusion Bolt, Dragon Pulse, Imprison




Zekrom (TF)..pkm

BOY (Trainer Male)

GIRL (Trainer Female)









Zekrom (TM)..pkm

Zekrom (TF)..pkm

Edited by LacusEternal
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Can I request the code for White 2, which revives all your pokemon during battle? I mean, eg. when I fight battles, where I can't use items, I can't revive my pokemon myself, so if my 5 pokemons fainted and I have 1 left, I would like to press SELECT and revive those fainted (or at least one random pokemon) so I can choose them (or him) again.

@Edit: Or a code which restores my Pokemons' HP (I found one for Black/White, I don't know how it works, if it restores even the fainted Pokemon or if it restores the Pokemon which are during battle, the best would be if it restore HP Pokemons' during battle and those, who fainted too)

Edited by Jacusiek
Forgot something
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There's actually a different Nature Modifier made for B/W2. Here it is:

Black 2

5201E65C BDF873B4

0201E65C FAD0F7E3

D0000000 00000000

02001C00 73B4B4FF


02001E04 766C24XX

White 2

5201E688 BDF873B4

0201E688 FABAF7E3

D0000000 00000000

02001C00 73B4B4FF


02001E04 766C24XX

00 Hardy (Neutral)

01 Lonely (Atk+/Def-)

02 Brave (Atk+/Spd-)

03 Adamant (Atk+/SA-)

04 Naughty (Atk+/SD-)

05 Bold (Def+/Atk-)

06 Docile (Neutral)

07 Relaxed (Def+/Spd-)

08 Impish (Def+/SA-)

09 Lax (Def+/SD-)

0A Timid (Spd+/Atk-)

0B Hasty (Spd+/Def-)

0C Serious (Neutral)

0D Jolly (Spd+/SA-)

0E Naive (Spd+/SD-)

0F Modest (SA+/Atk-)

10 Mild (SA+/Def-)

11 Quiet (SA+/Spd-)

12 Bashful (Neutral)

13 Rash (SA+/SD-)

14 Calm (SD+/Atk-)

15 Gentle (SD+/Def-)

16 Sassy (SD+/Spd-)

17 Careful (SD+/SA-)

18 Quirky (Neutral)

It works by Marking a Pokémon in the PC. I'd consider it at least more efficient than the L/R code from Black and White since you can set the nature exactly where you want it rather than having to cycle through.

btw, I tried using that L/R to change nature code and the nature changed, but the stats didn't change to reflect it. Is there something else I'm supposed to do (like level up or change screens or something), or is it just for show and the code really does nothing?

EDIT: Nevermind, an older-than-dirt method did the trick (in other words, stick it in the PC and withdraw it).

Although I heard that using this code makes it so the pokemon is considered hacked in the wi-fi modes.

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Well, I heard the same thing for the L/R code in B/W once upon a time. *shrug* Maybe both are safe, maybe both aren't... I dunno... All I know is the marking code worked when I needed it back in HG/SS. (Of course, for the most part I wouldn't need either method if I had a code for modding natures on wild things, but wild modifiers seem to be rare)

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  • 2 weeks later...


Somebody posted these code here:

White 2 codes

Press select to change trainer ID

94000130 FFFB0000

1223B4B4 0000xxxx

D0000000 00000000


(enter number in hex)

Press select to change secret ID

94000130 FFFB0000

1223B4B6 0000xxxx

D0000000 00000000


(enter number in hex)

Do you know if this works on ARDsi?

Do I need a master code for this?

Thanks in advance~

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hi there! bond! you made this code for white 2 JAP:

1206F206 0000F390
1206F208 0000EB12
023FF830 E59FA010
023FF834 E7941001
023FF838 E151000A
023FF83C 03A020CC
023FF840 11A02005
023FF844 E12FFF1E
023FF848 02225DA4
023FF84C 00000000
1203B25A 0000F3C4
1203B25C 0000EAFA
023FF850 E0911006
023FF854 E2922004
023FF858 E59FA008
023FF85C E151000A
023FF860 0242200C
023FF864 E12FFF1E
023FF868 02225CA4
023FF86C 00000000
D2000000 00000000

it's the one that fixes the B2W2 breeding bug. why didn't you do the black 2 version? also, it would be nice to have it for all the languages.

I tried to port it by myself, but I didn't succeed... I'm not good enough.

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Can I request an AR code for Pokemon White 2, which allows me to choose my opponent during Pokemon World Tournament? I mean, When I choose this code, I can change, that I will be fighting Flannery (but only when I chose Hoenn Gym Leaders, Fire Master or World Leaders). I Would like that code have with XXX number, so I can change those XXX into a trainer with who I want to battle.

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