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Stupid question, but is it too early for there to be cheat codes for B/W 2? I am playing it on an emu and would really enjoy all items and balls, 100% catch rate, etc, just so I can finish the game and start the RNGing

or will the B/W1 codes work on this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance

Posted (edited)

hidden hollow pokes/items always regenerate 100% of the time every step you take:


52181EC4 FC40F683

12181EA6 000046C0

12181ECA 000046C0

D2000000 00000000


52181EA4 FC50F683

12181E86 000046C0

12181EAA 000046C0

D2000000 00000000

all 20 generate at once, i checked. so this handles everything.

Edited by Bond697
  • Like 1

Bond, I have tried using the code for white 2 and it isn't working for me. I am using DesmuME 9.8, and have a few other codes on, like the master code and a couple others. Should I turn everything off and just use this one?

Also, Does it not work with max repel on? I use that to indicate my steps, but it still seems to come up empty!

Thanks in advance for answering.

  Bond697 said:
fixed. every once in awhile you'll get an empty hollow due to the way the hollow slots work or something, i think. i've been running in and out and i got different things the last 20 times.

the code does work, but now it is giving me lv.100 pokemon! like the above world sprite was Butterfree, but it gave a Lv.100 seel instead!!!! is that supposed to happen?


cpde wprking, but just getting items, I guess the chance of a pokemon is slim compared to the items! I can't wait till you get the code to have it generate what you want!


I have gotten a DW Breloom and DW Foongus so far, but I seem to get alot more items! lol I don't mind, I am just happy it's working.

I am not going in and out of the hollow, just back and forth outside of it where the pokeball is with the pp max, so I am good

Thank you again for this code! :)

  Bond697 said:
you were wrong the first time. it was working, but you got a dowsing machine slot or something, so it didn't look like anything was appearing in the hollow. i'm putting the old code back.

Hey Bond.

Not to cause any trouble or anything,

but your codes run awesomely fine on Desmume,

But is there any chance that the code doesn't work one Acekard?

I'm playing on the Patched game from here.

From my knowledge, you code works with every step taken right?

Apparently when I use it on my Acekard,

Nothing regenerates per step (not even dowsing slots).

Just wondering :)


Does that code work in real copies? I'm getting a real copy of White 2 soon in the male and it would make getting all the hidden hollow Pokemon alot easier. Also, I second the idea of having a code to get Reflecting Mirror

Posted (edited)

would the shaky grass,dust cloud,bubble code for the first black and white work with black 2 as well?

Edit: ok, tested b1/w1's code, it doesn't work (misleading second post lol). I gott lucky and found one for B2/W2. here it is if anyone else needed it.

found on http://cheats.gbatemp.net/forum/index.php?topic=6389.200

:Instant Shaking Grass/Surf/Fishing Spot (Select)

94000130 FFFB0000

521A0A30 6AA12001

521A1A30 D01D2800

121A1A4C 0000E004

121A1A32 000046C0

D2000000 00000000

White 2:

:Instant Shaking Grass/Surf/Fishing Spot (Select)

94000130 FFFB0000

521A0A50 6AA12001

521A1A50 D01D2800

121A1A6C 0000E004

121A1A52 000046C0

D2000000 00000000

Edited by ichidansan
found code and tested.


52019198 42112001

1201919C 0000D100

94000130 FFFA0000

1201919C 000046C0

D2000000 00000000


520191B4 42112001

120191B8 0000D100

94000130 FFFA0000

120191B8 000046C0

D2000000 00000000

this is that "reset all events on a map if you hold a+sel as you enter" code. that should do.

  Bond697 said:

52019198 42112001

1201919C 0000D100

94000130 FFFA0000

1201919C 000046C0

D2000000 00000000


520191B4 42112001

120191B8 0000D100

94000130 FFFA0000

120191B8 000046C0

D2000000 00000000

this is that "reset all events on a map if you hold a+sel as you enter" code. that should do.

Awesome Bond, thanks for the assist with this!

Posted (edited)

Here's a code I found on 2ch for allowing the Reflect Mirror to work. Add the Mirror manually (using 'Gen or 'Stock, pick your poison), and activate the code. It's not persistent, so keep it on each time you want to use the Mirror. I don't know if it affects the event at the shrine, though, as I'm not even close on my retail cart.

W2 (PAR)

52165374 2000DB01

12165374 0000E010

D2000000 00000000

B2 (PAR)

52165354 2000DB01

12165354 0000E010

D2000000 00000000

I also found a CodeFreak version, but it was identical except for an additional line... I don't know what the equivalent of CodeFreak is, however. That extra line might do something important, so add it as a 5-type line(?) to the PAR code?

  Reveal hidden contents
Edited by trance

the first line in the AR code is functionally equivalent to the first 2 lines in the code freak code if i'm understanding it right. also, no one with an AR should use the code freak code, as D-type codes don't work that way on an AR and that will either just plain not work or crash the game. either/or, not about to try.

  Bond697 said:

52019198 42112001

1201919C 0000D100

94000130 FFFA0000

1201919C 000046C0

D2000000 00000000


520191B4 42112001

120191B8 0000D100

94000130 FFFA0000

120191B8 000046C0

D2000000 00000000

this is that "reset all events on a map if you hold a+sel as you enter" code. that should do.

Hey Bond thanks a lot for these.Just a question though.Does this code treat the legendaries as if they had been beaten and respawned after the E4?I tested it on cobalion and volcarona and they both respawn at lvl 65.Thanks


Hi there, does anyone have a code to slow down a Pokémon's XP gain on White 2? Preferably to 66% or 50% of its original speed. Either that or to just remove the "boosted XP" feature from traded Pokémon; I'm having trouble generating Pokémon that the game thinks I personally hatched ( http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?24887-Having-trouble-creating-Pok%E9mon-in-White-2-which-appear-as-my-own.&p=150553&posted=1#post150553 ), and the extra XP is ruining the game for me, so this seems like a possible workaround.


Just posting to say that by using the codes trance posted you can actually activate the mirror event without hacking it in.

Download the Therian Landorus Guested contibuted,from here

Then,using pokegen,edit its TID/SID to match those of your save file and activate the fateful encounter flag in the met tab (i dont know why you have to set the FE flag,hope someone can explain)

Use the code that corresponds to your version


Many thanks to trance and Guested!!!

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