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Max IV

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Can everybody to convert in German Version?:smile:


Can anyone tell me the hex code for the "Rocket Lyra"? Most of the over world sprite changs dont work but obviously for the story line her wearing the dark outfit does so is there a way I can make it permanant? I cant seem to find the value for her in her rocket outfit. Rocket female is broken so thats out. please help

  demoneyes27 said:
These codes are made by M@T. They allow you to recollect the starters from Elm, Oak, and Steve. Make sure you have an empty slot in your party. DO NOT ACTIVATE ALL AT ONCE!

Infinite PKMN from Professor Elm (select + start)

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Infinite PKMN from Professor Oak (select + start)

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Infinite PKMN from Steve (select + start)

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Anybody have a code like this for Prof. Rowan's Pokemon ??


The Sinnoh starters are Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup from Prof. Rowan.

Sadly, ive already taken the long route and traded myself a few times so that i am able to start off with all 3.(required starting of a new game each time which took about 15-20mins to where you are able to trade)

  • 2 weeks later...

I'll agree with the two posters ahead of me.

That'd be cool to get all three from Professor Rowan (seeing as the shiny code works with it)

...I could be sure there is a rebattle Giratina at the Torn world code floating around. The only thing it does it that it may mess up the access to the Battle Frontier.

And the rebattle Shaymin as well, I'm trying to get to that point where Shaymin's at and test that rebattle Platinum's Shaymin code that I have.

Haven't found Darkrai yet.

... hmm. Ah well. When the "well-tested" rebattle Giratina/Cresselia all of them float on here, it'll be awesome~


I apologize in advance if this request is stupid.

I noticed in the beginning of this request thread, the request for modifying party pokemon IVs had been crossed out, as in the request had been fulfilled. When I checked the official list of codes, the only IV modification code seems to be for wild pokemon, not for party pokemon. If the codes are there, if someone could point me in the right direction, that would be great.


I didn't see any [color="Red"]Choose Wild PKMN[/color] code in the Platinum thread, so can someone make or find that one? I think it might already exist. Thx!


@ Interface

Wild Pokemon Modifier (Via Calculator;For Level Type # (1-100) Press L; For Species Type # (1-493) Press R; For Nature Type # (0-24) Press START)

94000130 fdff0000
b2101d40 00000000
d9000000 00111d10
c0000000 0000000c
dc000000 00000004
d6000000 000233e8
d1000000 00000000
c0000000 0000000a
d6000000 000233e8
d2000000 00000000
94000130 feff0000
b2101d40 00000000
d9000000 00111d10
c0000000 0000000c
d6000000 000233e8
dc000000 00000004
d2000000 00000000
94000130 fffb0000
b2101d40 00000000
da000000 00111d10
d4000000 00002400
d3000000 00000000
d7000000 0207404c
d2000000 00000000



Thanks so much for all the support you have given this forum. Now I have a specific request/question.

Is it possible for other people to find out if you have edited a pokemon's IVs/EVs? Like using an EV modifier code/ IV modifier code to edit a pokemon?

and a request is that replace the pokemon;s capsule into a different ball.

For example if my Pikachu is in a pokeball, a code that will change it to a masterball. Something like that (: Thanks!


i wonder if anyone else has trouble with usa platinum 100% catch code? i'm using it and throwing various types of poke balls at the roaming legendaries but the code isn't working, they just break out...

anyone have similar problem?


Riolu Aura Sphere Now, thanks but neither of those work either : (

i know codes are working because i tested other codes and they're fine.

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