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Posted (edited)

According to the information given at -> http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Gotta_Catch_'Em_All_event_Pokémon

Any ID from 00000-65535 is valid and legit, since we all know that Gen 1 and 2 Pokemon don't have any of those Location met information, getting the missing L40 Shiny Ho-Oh can be done by simply starting a new game in Pokémon Gold/Crystal and then name your character as either PCNYa/PCNYb/PCNYc/PCNd, keep playing until you catch a Shiny Ho-Oh through soft-reset over a thousand times or catch a regular Ho-Oh and use the Coin Case Glitch to make him Shiny, and voila, you have a L40 Shiny Ho-Oh with the same information as the ones given-away in New York from back in the days...

Edited by InfiniteWL
  On 4/1/2017 at 2:35 PM, InfiniteWL said:

According to the information given at -> http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Gotta_Catch_'Em_All_event_Pokémon

Any ID from 00000-65535 is valid and legit, since we all know that Gen 1 and 2 Pokemon don't have any of those Location met information, getting the missing L40 Shiny Ho-Oh can be done by simply starting a new game in Pokémon Gold/Crystal and then name your character as either PCNYa/PCNYb/PCNYc/PCNd, keep playing until you catch a Shiny Ho-Oh through soft-reset over a thousand times or catch a regular Ho-Oh and use the Coin Case Glitch to make him Shiny, and voila, you have a L40 Shiny Ho-Oh with the same information as the ones given-away in New York from back in the days...


Gen 2 have met information (only visible on crystal). In fact, for the leveled legendaries in this savefile, it is wrong, so if we assume they are totally legit, the employees at the PCNY forgot to change the data to reflect the met level.

Also, there are some extra bytes that make them different from in-game catches (but don't have any in-game meaning).

  • 9 months later...
Posted (edited)

I know this was mentioned four years ago by Metropolis, but it was never further addressed. Can we account for the one misspelling of a Typhlosion nicknamed "THYPLOSION" as being legitimate? As far as I can figure, it makes the legality questionable. Other Typhlosions from the PCNYb machine don't do this to the nickname string. Though I suppose the early TID(00031) may indicate a typo in the distribution rom that was soon fixed. But I'd figure the PCNYa/c/d machines would also have the bug early on since their roms are undoubtedly identical other than OT.

I don't know. Just speculation, but I find it odd. I at least wanted to address it further.

Then there's an odd case with the Flail Zubat. All other PCNY Egg events have a Met Location, at Level 1, and Time of Day. The Zubat has (None) for both, and met at Level 0. Since these were hatched, I can't blame it on the distribution machine. So this one is even more odd to me and more questionable.

Edited by Deoxyz
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Yeah, @Deoxyz this really needs further investigation regarding the legitimacy.That Zubat is really weird xD

On the other side, Typhlosion can really be legit, if someone is going to gen a Pokemon to seem legit, they wouldn't name it wrongly I guess...

Edited by fabio00
  On 1/20/2018 at 8:28 PM, fabio00 said:

Yeah, @Deoxyz this really needs further investigation regarding the legitimacy.That Zubat is really weird xD

On the other side, Typhlosion can really be legit, if someone is going to gen a Pokemon to seem legit, they wouldn't name it wrongly I guess...


I don't think @Gold Ursaring gens Pokemon. I'll ask him and try to find out what happened.

  • Like 1

I don't really doubt Gold Ursaring's credibility either. Considering the Zubat is the only egg event that has an OT that differs from the savefile, it's a likely assumption that an undetected hack was traded to him at some point.

Will be nice to confirm that though.

  • Like 1
  • 5 months later...

Hey guys. I was wondering what the best way is of restoring this save file using back up and restore in checkpoint or JKSM? Also when I try to open the sav into pkhex it won't work. But I have a feeling i'm not doing it right at all :P

  • 2 months later...

I don't check these threads often - if you have any question email is best - faqmike@yahoo.com - I haven't abandoned Pokemon completely, but my online presence is down.

It's been years since these Pokemon, so the memory isn't the best.

Zubat was traded from my brother's game.  My brother played only on Pokemon Silver.  The other Pokemon were hatched in Crystal.

The Typhlosion issue is weird and I can't think of an explanation.

As a whole the machines were weird.  I remember we were expecting Mimic Wobbufett to override Counter because of the four moves Wobbufett knows, Counter was "first" and would be bumped out if it were like an egg move.  But in the end, it was actually Safeguard that got tossed.  It seems like they would override commands a lot.

  • Like 3
  On 4/2/2017 at 11:37 AM, suloku said:

Gen 2 have met information (only visible on crystal). In fact, for the leveled legendaries in this savefile, it is wrong, so if we assume they are totally legit, the employees at the PCNY forgot to change the data to reflect the met level.

Also, there are some extra bytes that make them different from in-game catches (but don't have any in-game meaning).


I theorized that the GCEA were created by staff adhoc and not generated via data lookup. This could help validate that.

  • Like 1
  On 9/13/2018 at 6:18 AM, Sabresite said:

I theorized that the GCEA were created by staff adhoc and not generated via data lookup. This could help validate that.


This site has some really good pictures - http://pokemoncenternewyork.weebly.com/gaming-distribution-events.html

For the visitor, you would put your game (Gold, Silver, or Crystal) into the machine.  There was a cartridge slot.  You would get a cool video showing what Pokemon you got (or just an egg).

From my understanding and memory, the distributions were powered by Gamecubes (specifically development units, they were green when they opened the machines).  Changing the distribution involved switching the disc that was in the Gamecube.  They would sometimes switch the disc for special circumstances (far out of town visitor wanting Celebi) and sometimes might forget to put the disc into all four units.  Another somewhat common occurrence was the machines would accidentally delete the save file.  In this case, staff would bribe you with some shiny event Pokemon and additional eggs.

Each week a hidden tag was put in your game, so you couldn't repeat an event.  There were ways around it.  I think I used something called a "Monster Brain" and if the staff forgot to switch all the machines, hopping between the two machines seemed to suffice.

When examining Pokemon data, keep in mind some of them have been leveled up and not all of them may have come from the Crystal game, Zubat certainly came from Crystal.  The battery on my brother's game failed earlier than the Crystal.

  • Like 2

Interesting. That website has most of the information correct. A few errors with regards to Generation III, but nothing major.
According to my research with @ajxpk, it looks like the Generation III PCNY also used gamecubes and discs.  The weird thing is that usually discs would get stolen. I am very surprised nothing has come up on ebay etc. They must have been inventoried really well, or there weren't 50 discs like we originally assumed.

Thanks @Gold Ursaring for some extra info!

  • Like 1
  On 9/13/2018 at 9:46 PM, Sabresite said:

Interesting. That website has most of the information correct. A few errors with regards to Generation III, but nothing major.
According to my research with @ajxpk, it looks like the Generation III PCNY also used gamecubes and discs.  The weird thing is that usually discs would get stolen. I am very surprised nothing has come up on ebay etc. They must have been inventoried really well, or there weren't 50 discs like we originally assumed.

Thanks @Gold Ursaring for some extra info!


This might be a little crazy, but have we ever tried posting something on craigslist or something similar in Manhattan to try and get in contact with an ex-employee that might have worked there?

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  • 10 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  On 12/5/2019 at 3:47 PM, Sabresite said:

Sorry for necroing this post. We have new information about Gen 2 PCNY and are collating it now.

One thing I can say real quick is that Mew was shiny, and only shiny.

The DVs for shiny are limited too.


This seems strange to me. If PCNY Mew was only shiny, then wouldn't people have remembered this? And what about the people who still had theirs?

  On 12/6/2019 at 7:16 AM, Sabresite said:

@Ammako, I am not aware of anyone that has a non-shiny Mew from PCNY. Also the percentage was:
98.5% Celebi
1% Shiny Celebi
0.5% Shiny Mew

So not many people got it.


Oh, I must have been mistaken in that case. I assumed that the posts on Page 1 that were talking about Mew were referring to PCNY Mew, but if they were referring to Gen. 1 Mew then that makes a lot more sense.

Shame these are stuck in Gen. 2, though. Would have been cool if Gen. 3 PCNY had these. 😛

  On 12/5/2019 at 3:47 PM, Sabresite said:

Sorry for necroing this post. We have new information about Gen 2 PCNY and are collating it now.

One thing I can say real quick is that Mew was shiny, and only shiny.

The DVs for shiny are limited too.


I'm excited to hear about this stuff.

The 2002 distribution did not say "rare" for color.  A lot of what was shared in the past relied on the website to get stuff right and compliment the trial and error discovery process.


"Celebi is back, in both NORMAL and RARE color– but there’s also a chance to catch a NORMAL color Mew"

If I remember right, staff said that Mew was super rare and maybe one person got it that they were aware.

  • Like 1

Wouldn't surprise me if someone messed up, and made it always shiny instead of always non-shiny. Or if the info they put on the website was the mistake.


Siiiiick, Gen. 2 PCNY collection in gallery incoming? Unless the re-created distribution is only accurate enough for the purposes of the video, but not accurate enough for full legality 🤔

Posted (edited)
  On 12/11/2019 at 2:32 AM, Ammako said:

Siiiiick, Gen. 2 PCNY collection in gallery incoming? Unless the re-created distribution is only accurate enough for the purposes of the video, but not accurate enough for full legality 🤔


Definitely legal from the initial seed to the created Pokémon. I’m not 100% confident though that we can get this program run so that it generates. I’m working hard on the newer AGB version and then we’ll see. 👍

Edited by ajxpk
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