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  wraith89 said:
We'll see :)

I think I'll add some Sinnoh evolutions too... because Murkrow and Misdreavus... bleh, not so great. (although Misdreavus was awesome)

I don't think Honchkrow should be in it as you wouldn't be able to get Murkrow until Kanto anyway, but Mismagius, maybe.>.>

Lol. I wouldn't. I'd keep them as pets.

For me it was real annoying trying to get them all in GS i didnt have the patience for all the running about.they should have a fixed area in HGSS.

  Draconic_Renegade said:
I don't think Honchkrow should be in it as you wouldn't be able to get Murkrow until Kanto anyway, but Mismagius, maybe.>.>

Misdreavus is only available in Mt. Silver... which is the last section of this game @_@

But you see Murkrows on those Team Rocket people anyways, so why not?

  wraith89 said:
Misdreavus is only available in Mt. Silver... which is the last section of this game @_@

But you see Murkrows on those Team Rocket people anyways, so why not?

you should throw in some dragons:D you wont be able to change around the last gym in johto without them

  telos said:
you should throw in some dragons:D you wont be able to change around the last gym in johto without them

You get Ice-types right before the final badge, so yeah.>.> And no, I don't want my precious Gym's corrupted by geh Hoenn & Shinou Pokemon.>.>

  Draconic_Renegade said:
I don't think Honchkrow should be in it as you wouldn't be able to get Murkrow until Kanto anyway, but Mismagius, maybe.>.>

Actually Misdreavus is not catchable until later than Murkrow so both'll be uncatchable until Kanto, Lax? Allowin' trainers to evolve past Johto evolution sounds pretty good once they're past the Indigo Plateau, Lax?

Munch Bro Squintin': Yeah, that could make 'em useful, Squint?

Munch Bro Alert: But that may ruin the Johto remake experience, Hey?

The Snore: Nah, Alert you're a ignormous, Snore?

First off... It's ignoramus... second... congrats you made it through without sleeping... And third, he has a vaild point, Lax?

The Snore: *Snore*... *snore*...

  Draconic_Renegade said:
You get Ice-types right before the final badge, so yeah.>.> And no, I don't want my precious Gym's corrupted by geh Hoenn & Shinou Pokemon.>.>

I won't do that. Don't worry :)

But I will beef up their attacks and levels.

  Draconic_Renegade said:
You get Ice-types right before the final badge, so yeah.>.>

jynx swinub and delibird is it?they should throw in a gabite,shelgon or altaria for a bit more toughness.:D(imagine lance then salamence,garchomp and dragonite now that whould be tough:D)

  telos said:
jynx swinub and delibird is it?they should throw in a gabite,shelgon or altaria for a bit more toughness.:D(imagine lance then salamence,garchomp and dragonite now that whould be tough:D)

Yeah, but it would ruin my experience and the experiences of everyone else who hated Hoenn and Shinou.>.> The real Pokemon fans would be offended and leave again, and I'd be lonely.>.>

  Draconic_Renegade said:
Yeah, but it would ruin my experience and the experiences of everyone else who hated Hoenn and Shinou.>.> The real Pokemon fans would be offended and leave again, and I'd be lonely.>.>

I see what your saying i really dont want it changed either but they must do something with her(give her something to counter ice pokemon:D)

  telos said:
jynx swinub and delibird is it?they should throw in a gabite,shelgon or altaria for a bit more toughness.:D(imagine lance then salamence,garchomp and dragonite now that whould be tough:D)

That'd be cool for a second try at the Plateau like in Leaf Green and Fire Red when the Elite Four got stronger Pokemon and from a different region. But I feel that the Gyms should be left unadulterated, Lax?

Munch Bro Squintin': Unadult my rating, Squint?

Munch Bro Alert: I believe he means to be without corruption, Hey?

The Snore: Alert, you're a... *snore*... *snore*... dumbo, Snore?

:( This crew needs an Alakazam, Lax?

  telos said:
I see what your saying i really dont want it changed either but they must do something with her(give her something to counter ice pokemon:D)

Well her Kingdra was a pretty nice foil to Ice-types give her a Gyarados maybe? And strengthen her party to at least LV. 55 and we're good.=3

  PokeDaemon said:
That'd be cool for a second try at the Plateau like in Leaf Green and Fire Red when the Elite Four got stronger Pokemon and from a different region. But I feel that the Gyms should be left unadulterated, Lax?

Munch Bro Squintin': Unadult my rating, Squint?

Munch Bro Alert: I believe he means to be without corruption, Hey?

The Snore: Alert, you're a... *snore*... *snore*... dumbo, Snore?

:( This crew needs an Alakazam, Lax?

that whould be good for the E4 but some gyms really need improvments especially the kanto ones.

  Draconic_Renegade said:
Well her Kingdra was a pretty nice foil to Ice-types give her a Gyarados maybe? And strengthen her party to at least LV. 55 and we're good.=3

A little below that... usually gym Leaders (even the last one) doesn't go above 50.

  telos said:
that whould be good for the E4 but some gyms really need improvments especially the kanto ones.

A match call feature for stronger Gyms, I might excuse Shinou Pokemon but no Hoenn Pokemon at all.>.> And yeah, you should be able to battle Red multiple times too like once you get your National Dex his party upgrades in levels and once you complete the National Dex his party upgrades again and then battling him again afterward will result in him having a party at all LV. 100.=3


the first gym was actually pretty dam fast compared to the others

kanto where you went through the forest

hoenn where you had to do go through a forest again

sinnoh where you had to go through all these stuff just to finally fight roark

johto was like first run through a couple of routes that was small and boom your in town for your gym already

  Draconic_Renegade said:
Yeah but Giovanni had higher than 60 so yeah.>.> They could make her 55 at least.>.>

Nah, the game has 16 gym leaders... I'll make it a little below. The E4 needs to get tough. And the Kanto Gym Leaders (especially Blue) needs to get stronger. I'll devise the sets, you'll have to wait :)

  Draconic_Renegade said:
A match call feature for stronger Gyms, I might excuse Shinou Pokemon but no Hoenn Pokemon at all.>.> And yeah, you should be able to battle Red multiple times too like once you get your National Dex his party upgrades in levels and once you complete the National Dex his party upgrades again and then battling him again afterward will result in him having a party at all LV. 100.=3

red upgraded?that thought scares me:Dsomething like the battle ground should be their(after getting national dex)and the people their should get stronger after every victory aswell:D

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