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  terravoltage said:
What do you mean? As far as i know both the move name and move learning process already are!

While learning TMs that is.

xxdbxx15 could you post some clips if its not?


should the writing be in english when the pokemon learns a new move?


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Since the links for Issue/Typo report a few pages back doesn't work I'd ask for the correct ones pls.

For now, I'll tell you what I've found so far (sorry for the big pictures..) :

* The inbattle texts for 'Volt Change' and 'U-Turn' are wrong. They say "[Pokemons name]'s [Trainers name] went back to normal!" (names twisted // wrong textl)

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* When trying to store last pokemon in box it says "Pokemon will not fight."

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* Minor thing, maybe you haven't even thought about doing it // you don't even want to do this. The Help part at the PC is still fully japanese. I guess at least translating the C-Gear part could be helpful for many people.

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  Husky said:
Since the links for Issue/Typo report a few pages back doesn't work I'd ask for the correct ones pls.

For now, I'll tell you what I've found so far (sorry for the big pictures..) :

* The inbattle texts for 'Volt Change' and 'U-Turn' are wrong. They say "[Pokemons name]'s [Trainers name] went back to normal!" (names twisted // wrong textl)

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* When trying to store last pokemon in box it says "Pokemon will not fight."

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* Minor thing, maybe you haven't even thought about doing it // you don't even want to do this. The Help part at the PC is still fully japanese. I guess at least translating the C-Gear part could be helpful for many people.

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Are you like... Mind reading? I'm busy translating Help PC right now :)

  Husky said:
The inbattle texts for 'Volt Change' and 'U-Turn' are wrong. They say "[Pokemons name]'s [Trainers name] went back to normal!" (names twisted // wrong textl)
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Oh so is "[Trainers name]'s [Pokemons name] switched out!" correct? Then ill change it now.


Thanks for reporting.

  terravoltage said:
Oh so is "[Trainers name]'s [Pokemons name] switched out!" correct? Then ill change it now.


Thanks for reporting.

so is it meant to be translated or not ??


It doesn't look like anyone else is having the problem but, everything is translated that is supposed to be translated except the pokemon names. Every text that involves a pokemon name such as pokedex, wild pokemon, trainer pokemon are in japanese. But, the pokemon's names in my party are in english strangely. I've been using v2 and just upgraded to v3. Used a clean rom, patched with child's play v4 and patched with translation v3. Using ezflash v firmware 2.0 RC17.

Any help is much appreciated. ^^

  Rykin122 said:
Nope. It's just images, not text.

So can they be edited in photoshop and reinjected using NExplr just like the title graphics right?

Or is some other program also needed?

Edit: I can try that then but ill need to download photoshop SDK. Or should we leave it at that?

Ill download it anyways.


Another translation error..

when a Pokemon uses Torment, it says "[Pokemon name] something note quarrel"..whatever that's supposed to mean.

  terravoltage said:
Oh so is "[Trainers name]'s [Pokemons name] switched out!" correct? Then ill change it now.


Thanks for reporting.

Afaik the correct verse should be "[Pokemon name] came back to [Trainer name]!"

What you said is the text that should appear when you switch regularly.


Mold Breaker's effect is still messed up in battle. :/


he other hand the first time!"

Kojondo's dex descriptions breaks.

I also never got a response to this message.

Power Share's and Guard Share's description are messed up.

"[Pokemon Name] shared something power"

"[Pokemon Name] shared something guard"

I also never got a response to this.

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\xf000Ă\x0001\x0000's \xf000Ā\x0001\x0001 \xfffewent back to normal!

The wild \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000's \xf000Ā\x0001\x0001 \xfffewent back to normal!

The foe's \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000's \xf000Ā\x0001\x0001 \xfffewent back to normal!

(For Volt change)


\xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 went back to \xfffe\xf000Ā\x0001\x0001 this is correct yes?

The wild \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000's \xf000Ā\x0001\x0001 \xfffewent back to normal! *******

The foe's \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 went back to \xfffe\xf000Ā\x0001\x0001 this is correct yes?

*******for wild pkm, i have not encountered one that uses volt change. If anyone has what are its effects? Does it run away?

Edit:Guys its good that your reporting bugs, but please be patient i ll change it all one at a time

You can check here:16.txt

  terravoltage said:
So can they be edited in photoshop and reinjected using NExplr just like the title graphics right?

Or is some other program also needed?

Edit: I can try that then but ill need to download photoshop SDK. Or should we leave it at that?

Ill download it anyways.

I believe you can use photoshop, however you most likely need to be careful what colors you use (try to use the same colors already used) and make sure you do not change any dimensions

for ex if it was normally this

save.png 256x256 (16bit color)


change.png 256x256 (using same colors already used)

Don't ask me where to find it in the game engine if you don't know, because I don't know anything of the such, haven't messed with Black/white images before.


The only Pokemon that learns Volt change via Level Up is Emonga at lvl42 and there are no wild emongas at that level i think.. But I'm pretty sure it does not end the battle as its mechanics are same with u-turn and wild u-turns haven't ended battles neither.


I have it!

\xf000Ă\x0001\x0001 went \xfffeback to \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000.

The wild \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000's \xf000Ā\x0001\x0001 \xfffewent back to normal!

The foe's \xf000Ă\x0001\x0001 went \xfffeback to \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000.

Copy past that and were good :)

  soulbyul said:
It doesn't look like anyone else is having the problem but, everything is translated that is supposed to be translated except the pokemon names. Every text that involves a pokemon name such as pokedex, wild pokemon, trainer pokemon are in japanese. But, the pokemon's names in my party are in english strangely. I've been using v2 and just upgraded to v3. Used a clean rom, patched with child's play v4 and patched with translation v3. Using ezflash v firmware 2.0 RC17.

Any help is much appreciated. ^^

That shouldn't happen. The patch is the patch. If it translates for one it does for all. Are you using any cheats or hacked pokemon? Have you traded with anyone? If not I would snag a different clean rom. Or you could go to options on you menu and make sure display text is set to normal instead of Kanji. But that's just a shot in the dark.


\xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 \xfffehe other hand the first time!

The wild \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 \xfffehe other hand the first time!

The foe's \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 \xfffehe other hand the first time!

Should be:

\xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 has Mold Breaker!

The wild \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 has Mold Breaker!

The foe's \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 has Mold Breaker!

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