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PokeGen is now maintained by Mat.

Current version: 3.1.13 <-- THIS IS A LINK, SINCE PEOPLE DON'T GET IT

Be sure to always keep backups of your save files prior to editing. I'm not perfect, mistakes can exist in the program still.


This program can be used for Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold, Soul Silver, Black, White, Black 2, and White 2 for the following tasks:

  • Generating Action Replay codes to create Pokemon, modify the Pokedex, and add Mystery Gift data, including exporting to an XML file that can be dragged to the Action Replay code manager
  • Loading and saving of save files. Pokemon data and Pokedex data can be fully modified.
  • Loading and saving of party and PC .pkm files (136, 220, and 236 byte, encrypted and unencrypted)
  • Adding Wonder Cards to save files
  • Conversion of Action Replay codes into Pokemon information (This is limited.)
  • Finding a PID to match IVs, nature, gender, ability, shininess, and hidden power type/power - with variable IVs
  • Recalculating save file checksums
  • Editing items
  • Editing C-Gear background images

Most of what you need to know to use the program is self-explanatory. However, there are now tooltips explaining just about everything in it. There are some things that aren't quite covered though:

  • Windows XP or newer is required. (However, it does run without issues on "emulated" Windows programs for Mac OS and Linux.)
  • (This is only applicable to generation 4 games, and maybe not even HG/SS.) Using codes for party Pokemon can sometimes cause bad eggs upon activating the code. You can just activate it again and it should fix the problem. (You can check the summary after activating each time to see if it's fixed, or just close the party display and re-open it.) I don't think there's any way around this. As far as I know, this has no negative effect on the game when you save, as long as you don't save it with a bad egg. (I'm not even sure if saving with a bad egg would be harmful, but there's no reason to do so.)
  • Pokemon can be dragged around amongst party/box slots.
  • .pkm files can be dragged into and from party/box slots.
  • You can associate compatible files (save files, .pkm files, etc) with PokeGen to be able to easily load them from Explorer windows.
  • Holding alt and clicking a Pokemon icon will display that Pokemon's information instead of requiring you to right click and "View data".
  • Holding shift + alt and clicking a Pokemon icon will set the slot's data with the tab's data. Obviously this is equivalent to right clicking and selecting "Set".
  • If you don't want to receive updates to certain languages, delete the corresponding language file.

If you can't figure out how to do something, read the tooltips. For those that don't know, tooltips are an informative message that gets displayed when you stop your mouse pointer over a control (editbox, dropdown box, button, etc) for a short period of time.

There's also the questions and answers thread that's being updated occasionally.

Note the date on posts in this thread if you're reading through it. There were many changes to the program since its initial release, including a rename, removal of generation 3 support, and other major redesigns.

Also, this thread used to be the only way to post feedback/bugs for the program, prior to a forum section being made. That's why it has tons of posts when it's a locked thread.

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Posted (edited)

I updated the calculator's DS codes to work with L + R just now. The codes were always on before, which probably wasn't a good thing. I had it that way for testing during development and didn't think to change it. Thanks.

The codes should've worked before the change though. Make sure you've selected the right game at the top.

Edited by Codr
  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't tested 4th gen, but with 3rd gen it seems really buggy. the met location is always "obtained in a trade" the pokemon is always in a masterball, and the IVs are completeing wrong. I entered something like 20,24,19,13,12,9 but i got 20,0,25,0,0,0.


Lol, as for myself, when I try in Emerald, I get a Bad Egg and buggy graphics.

Posted (edited)

For generation 3, the codes write to specific addresses that were designed for use with two other codes. Sort of like a "must be on" type of deal. There may be a better way to do it, like is done for generation 4 now, but I was a lot less knowledgeable back then. I'm not sure that I'll have the interest anymore to go back and try to find a better solution for the old games.

The two codes that allow generation 3 codes to work: (In AR3 format.)


I'm afraid I don't even have these codes anymore. I'll update this if I find them.


B2809E31 3CEF5320

1C7B3231 B494738C

525F4CDD 578E4EC7

1C7B3231 B494738C


8D671FD9 6F6BEFF2

78DA95DF 44018CB4


1C7B3231 B494738C

Edited by Codr
I stupidly forgot to add codes for different games.

Hello Codr, first of all I give you my congratulations for your work on this program because it is a good alternative to create pokemons and better job options than Pokesav.

On the other hand I take to suggest that if possible, can add an upcoming version of the program, an option to create PID-IVs Methods:

B-A-C-D restricted (Seed 00000000 to 0000FFFF)

B-A-C-D Unrestricted (Seed 00000000 to FFFFFFFF)

Because these are the methods used for GBA Pokémons Event

For now is the only suggestion I can do, because the program is very good.


Hola Codr, antes que nada te doy mis felicitaciones por tu trabajo en este programa, ya que es una muy buena alternativa para crear pokemons y con mejores opciones de trabajo que el Pokesav.

Por otro lado quiero aprovechar para sugerir que si es posible, pueda añadir en su próxima versión del programa, una opción para crear Metodos PID-IVs:

B-A-C-D Restringido (SEED de 00000000 a 0000FFFF)

B-A-C-D Sin Restricción (SEED de 00000000 a FFFFFFFF)

Por que estos son los métodos usados para Pokémons de Eventos de GBA

Por lo pronto es la única sugerencia que puedo hacer, ya que el programa es muy bueno.

Posted (edited)
  Morfeo said:
Hello Codr, first of all I give you my congratulations for your work on this program because it is a good alternative to create pokemons and better job options than Pokesav.

Thanks. I appreciate the input.

On the other hand I take to suggest that if possible, can add an upcoming version of the program, an option to create PID-IVs Methods:

B-A-C-D restricted (Seed 00000000 to 0000FFFF)

B-A-C-D Unrestricted (Seed 00000000 to FFFFFFFF)

Because these are the methods used for GBA Pokémons Event

I'll make a note to do so. However, I need some clarification on the seeds. I'm assuming that the "restricted" type's seed's upper 2 bytes must be zeroes. Is that correct? Also, since the random number generator uses the upper 2 bits of the calculation, is the "restricted" seed FFFF0000 instead? (Like all the other types.)

Edited by Codr

I think I did not understand.

B-A-C-D (restricted) refers to the RNG seed can only be between 0 to FFFF, so called restricted, that can only use the last 2 bytes for it.


Seed = 00000001

X [1] = 41C6AEE0

A = 41C6

X [2] = AC2115D3

B = AC21

X [3] = D2EEF54A

C = D2EE

X [4] = 1FB75CF5

D = 1FB7

B-A-C-D (restricted) Method is:

PID = 41C6AC21

IVs = HP: 14 Att: 23 Def: 20 Spe: 23 SpA: 29, Spd: 7

And as you can see, the seed may be from 0 to FFFF in this case.

B-A-C-D (unrestricted) It refers to the RNG seed can be any number from 0 to FFFFFFFF. Therefore no restriction, since the RNG can use the full 4 Bytes to create the seed.



X [1] = 5E3A1206

A = 5E3A

X [2] = 46DBE101

B = 46dB

X [3] = 71F37BE0

C = 71F3

X [4] = 63AA5ED3

D = 63AA

B-A-C-D (unrestricted) Method is:

PID = 5E3A46DB

IVs = HP: 19 Att: 15 Def: 28 Spe: 10 SpA: 29, Spd: 24

I hope I could explain it. And if you understood, then I was the one who did not understand the translation.

I hope will be helpful for next update and I apologize for my bad English. I'm Mexican and I have to use a translator to express myself.


Ok, I'm glad you this information is helpful you, and will soon be able to update your program by adding this options for before


Ok, me alegro que te sea de ayuda esta informacion, y que pronto pueda actualizar su programa añadiendo esta opsion

Posted (edited)
  Alex_32571 said:
Nice program, I'll be checking this thread often. :]

Keep up the great work.

Thanks. It might be a little while before the next update, as I've been busy with other things.

To implement Morfeo's suggestion, the next version's PID generator will have a few more features. Generating a PID for B-A-C-D (unrestricted) probably won't be instant or close to it, so I have to change a bit to accomodate the process.

Edit: Just as a note, this thread may end up deleted. The people with "power" on the IRC channel seemed to be in bad moods or something and banned me over trying to get clarity on a (generally meaningless) topic. I may make another thread on some other popular forum, but I don't know where yet. If it's deleted, sorry to those who were actually using it and looking forward to updates.

Edited by Codr

I did not know the problem, maybe I had guilt about possibly publish something that he ought not do. I apologize if I did something wrong T_T


No sabia del problema, tal vez yo tuve culpa al respecto, posiblemente publique algo que no debia hacer. Yo pido disculpas si hice algo indebido T_T

  Morfeo said:
I did not know the problem, maybe I had guilt about possibly publish something that he ought not do. I apologize if I did something wrong T_T

Don't worry, it has nothing to do with you.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  Sifixs said:
Hi, when I use the calculator to make eggs in the US heart gold version, always get bad eggs any solution to this?

I just tested this and it worked fine for me. I'd need the steps you're taking to produce this problem from the moment you open the calculator. I opened it, checked "Egg", and generated the code. This produced a non-"Bad Egg" for me.

  Pedro250 said:
is there anyway to make a spiky-ear pichu using thi tool?

I just tested and was correct in how I thought the spiky-eared Pichu is made. I've added it to the next version of the program. It'll be uploaded later today, or within a few days.


Hello, I attempted to use your tool and ran into erros, infact I joined this forum for this reason xD (i discovered it today so...)


I made a lvl 83 adamant metagross and generated the code, i activated the code in game, and he appeared in box, then i saved, when i tried to open the save, i got a message stating that the save was corrupted, and it would revert to last save. Any ideas why this happens?

Next, i tried several times to make a scizor, perhaps im doing something wrong? every time, the game crashes or freezes or does something wrong. The scizor appears as an egg with no name and no anything... I don't know exactly what i can do to fix this ( I assumed it just didnt like scizor)

so tell em what you need from me to properly diagnose this problem (I want my scizor badddddddlllllyyyyyy xD)

but still, great program, kudos to you for it


Are you doing this on an emulator or the DS? I can imagine it happening on an emulator more than the real DS hardware, but either way is pretty bizarre. I honestly have no idea what would cause it to happen. I've never experienced this myself, but I've also always done it on emulators. (Specifically DeSmuME.)

Can you post the codes that're causing this problem? I'd like to try them for myself. I also need to know specifically which game you're using. (Including the region it's for.)


Well im having the same problem with the bad egg thing, any pokemon i make is a bad egg. I tried Dialga for SS but........ egg. Im using No$gba 2.6a. I joined the forums cuz i cudn't find a pokesav to work for the (U) version of SS, then i found this program, not sure if im doing it write. Its Dialga, box 5 slot 1 with admant nature, holding admant orb, Wonderguard ability.

The code is :

94000130 FCFF0000

D3000000 00000000

B2111880 00000000

000136D0 A50F3776

000136D4 F0030000

000136D8 A2AFAF3A

000136DC 12E4104A

000136E0 F0DABC5F

000136E4 DAA4665E

000136E8 AADD65C2

000136EC DF7274A9

000136F0 71900058

000136F4 2421EAFD

000136F8 746DB637

000136FC 14BC22F3

00013700 72F279FD

00013704 7A174EA2

00013708 1FAA208B

0001370C E5756057

00013710 F79CBA5A

00013714 F1ED2D11

00013718 23BD6EFC

0001371C 8CCC0F87

00013720 C9E693FB

00013724 AC915E5A

00013728 98683047

0001372C 9BC30CD7

00013730 0A4A633E

00013734 832F4236

00013738 9513499B

0001373C 97C74262

00013740 41E72301

00013744 4E1D569A

00013748 33B28434

0001374C A9B55D22

00013750 217D8A42

00013754 7EF70D77

D2000000 00000000

Not sure if i did it right or if its because of the emulator, any help would be appreciated. Thanks

  Codr said:
Are you doing this on an emulator or the DS? I can imagine it happening on an emulator more than the real DS hardware, but either way is pretty bizarre. I honestly have no idea what would cause it to happen. I've never experienced this myself, but I've also always done it on emulators. (Specifically DeSmuME.)

Can you post the codes that're causing this problem? I'd like to try them for myself. I also need to know specifically which game you're using. (Including the region it's for.)

Hehehe Im using a regular ds with soul silver us (or can?) now, the code is...

actually, Let me regenerate a new one xD

would a screeny of the actual editor and what i picked help?

Posted (edited)
  Havoc-X said:
Well im having the same problem with the bad egg thing, any pokemon i make is a bad egg. I tried Dialga for SS but........ egg. Im using No$gba 2.6a. I joined the forums cuz i cudn't find a pokesav to work for the (U) version of SS, then i found this program, not sure if im doing it write. Its Dialga, box 5 slot 1 with admant nature, holding admant orb, Wonderguard ability.

I've managed to reproduce this one now. It's apparently the result of using a box other than box 1. I'll look into the problem and see what I can do. For now, however, just use box one and it'll work.

IAMFORTE, this may also be related to your problem. You can try using the first box only and see if you still have the same problem. Again, I'll fix this ASAP.

Edit: Ok, I've uploaded a new version which properly handles generating Pokemon in any box. IAMFORTE, please test this to see if it resolves your problem as well.

Edited by Codr
Fix uploaded
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