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The use of external devices to alter the Pokémon in a player’s party is expressly forbidden. Random checks will be performed throughout the tournament to determine whether or not an external device has been used to modify a player’s party. Sure my whole party might have perfect IVs but thats not im...
Hey, I'd like to request these 6 pokemon, please. The first 3 are for a Wifi team while the Regis will help me complete the dex. I the code as well. The code is: Thanks!
- 1 reply
- completion
- ou
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First of all hi to every1 in this site:), second, can some1 Plz check these pokes for me and if there is something wrong can you help me fix it , BTW they are PalParked....soo I'm pretty sure i did something wrong there ? <<< Yours, Sarutan Shinigami MadeFromScratchPokes(GBA).rar
Is there anyway someone could make these guys? I restarted my game for Christmas and want to start out with these pokes... As long as they pass as legal, that should be all that I need, Thanks abunch! Also, if you could send me the .pkm files also I would appreciate it
ok well basically I'm trying to get this one under choice specs. I caught my giratina today but it had a gentle nature so I would very much appreciate it if you could help me with this Oh and is it important to know my SID? I heard if you had a shiny pokem...
im offering a legit ut uk event regigigas i got it my self im looking for the nok shaymin and pokepark pokes
yeah i was using pokesav to direct add pokemons in my save file for the pal park. when i played and entered the pal park, i was able to catch all. however the pokes just vanish like bubbles. they were caught the nowhere to be seen. they're not on my boxes even in my team. they were registered howeve...
GEN II Qwillfish Corsola Gen III Swellow Plusle Swalot Grumpig Spinda Zangoose Seviper Gen IV Carnivine
This isnt something i can personally do but i was thinking some people here could offer there services to turn your pokemon into pkms for editing. like i said i cant personally do it but if anyone could volunteer
I've been wondering about a few things regarding trading hacked pokes over the Wi-Fi Club.. How "insane" can a poke be made in Pokesav and still be traded over the Wi-Fi Club? I'm thinking about having my team superpokes (quite obviously hacked), as I dont play battles online or really mind the GT...
As The Title Says, I Made Some Pokes From Scratch, But In The Same Time Keeping Them In A Reasonable Stats ,Etc , They Are All Migrated ( Hopefully) , And If Some1 Can Check Them For Me And Tell Me If There Is SomeThing Wrong And How To Fix It, I'll Be More Than Happy And I Also Have Two Question...