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Files posted by VictorV111

  1. Pokémon Ranger - Shadows of Almia

    (All saves have been given the Event missions through the Mission Injection Tool by sinbad.the.saile)
    Start them in the Main Menu -> Ranger Net -> Play a New Mission
    Save 1: Beginning:
    Kellyn has learned how to capture Pokémon on his first day at the Ranger school.
    His fellow classmates have organised a challenge, in which he must find 4 capture stylers and bring them into the cellar.
    He has found all 4 capture stylers, but something is going on in the cellar...
    Save 2: Rookie mission: Soothe Pokémon on the beach!
    Calm down the Munchlax, Starly and Pachirisu threatening the beach boys' girlfriend!

    Save 3: Mission 1: Deliver Vien Tribune!
    Kellyn has graduated and is about to receive his official Ranger uniform and his first mission!

    Save 4: Strange Machines in Pueltown: After Kellyn has dealt with the terrible fire, that engulfed Vien Forest, he is given the mission to accompany and aid Luana in Pueltown...

    Save 5: Teacher: Now, that Team Dimsun's first set of plans have stopped, there may be a little time to rest for Kellyn. He has been asked to attend one lesson at the Ranger school to answer students' questions!

    Save 6: Top Ranger: For all of his recent accomplishments, Kellyn has been promoted to the rank of the 11th Top Ranger, a rank, which only 12 have obtained in the entire world! Head for the Chroma Ruins in the North-East of Almia!

    Save 7: Blue Gem Guardian: Prove your worth to the Guardian of the Blue Gem!

    Save 8: Red Gem Guardian: Prove your worth to the Guardian of the Red Gem! Watch out for any boulders!

    Save 9: Yellow Gem Guardian: Prove your worth to the Guardian of the Yellow Gem!

    Save 10: Eternal Darkness of Almia: Kellyn must prevent the world from being engulfed by darkness! Defeat Darkrai at all costs!

    Save 11: Postgame:
    Capture Area cleared;
    Ranger Dex completed on Class S;
    All Quests complete; Door to Regigigas within Haruba Temple has been opened;
    Celebi has restored Puel Forest;
    Event missions complete but can be redone without any limit.
    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: You can technically unlock the Event Missions, with Wi-Fi, right now. YouTube Explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbsY_illQms
    (You need Hotspot from a Phone or PC and your 3ds/2ds)


       (0 reviews)



  2. Pokémon Y

    All 721 Pokémon are available and legal, with a few shinies.
    Bags are always filled with 750 of all items.
    (I used Pokémon Y, Pokémon X is also compatible though.)
    Pokémon Y:
    Save 1: Beginning: Ready for a new Pokémon Y adventure! (Starter not chosen).
    Save 2: Shauna's Fireworks: As a reward for having found the Furfrou, Calem and Shauna receive a romantic Firework display....as well as the Pokéflute to awaken the sleeping Snorlax on Route 7...

    Save 3: Mega Evolution: Calem is presented the opportunity to attain Mega Evolution, a new discovery, which alongside the recent discovery of the fairy-typing may change the world's understanding of Pokémon...
    Save 4: End of the World: Lysandre, the head of Lysandre labs and the inventor of the Holo Caster has revealed himself to be the Leader of Team Flare!
    He intends to destroy the corrupt and ugly world in order to begin anew, by using the ultimate weapon and Yveltal's Infinity Energy!
    (There is an old man in the house closest to the Anistar City gym, who requests a level 5 Pokémon.
    I have an Eevee prepared, which you can give him...return after defeating the Pokémon League...)

    Save 5: Yveltal's Awakening: As Calem approaches Yveltal's Cocoon, within the Heart of Team Flare's base, he has an epiphany...Professor Sycamore mentioned that Yveltal awakens from its' cocoon every 3000 years and AZ mentioned the war occurred 3000 years ago. What if Team Flare revealed their true intentions upon this exact day to coincide with Yveltals' Awakening?
    ...To Calems' horror his theory is proven correct as he hears both the door closing behind him and the cocoon opening! Calem gets ready to confront the Pokémon of Destruction Incarnate!

    Save 6: Celebration!: Calem is about to face the Kalos Champion! After his victory there will be a parade within Lumiose city. AZ intends to attend...

    Save 7: Champion: Calem has become the Champion of Kalos! He could aid Looker capture the Last Team Flare Member: The scientist Xerosic!
    (Lumiose train station - Kiloude City - participate in the Battle Maison once - fight Serena in the north of Town - Anistar city sun dial - take one step in Lumiose City)
    Save 8: Postgame: Calem has aided Looker and Emma capture Xerosic and establish Emma as the protector of Kalos!
    (...There is an old man in the house closest to the Anistar City gym, who requested a level 5 Pokémon. An Eevee was given to him, you can now retrieve it)

    Pokémon teams based on: 
    Headcanon Pokémon Teams and Timeline and Pokémon Protagonist Teams  
    (Useful Batch Editor tips
    In PKHex go to tools->data->batch editor->copy paste the text below:
    .OT_Gender= (0 for male; 1 for female) ; .OT_Name= (your name) ; .OT_Friendship=255 ; .IsNicknamed= (true/false)
    .Language=(1=Japanese, 2=English, 3=French, 4=Italian, 5=German, 6=Spanish, 7=Korean) (be aware of some event Pokémon being of a certain language; mostly English)


       (0 reviews)



  3. Pokémon Emerald

    All 386 Pokémon are available and legal, with a few shinies.
    Bags are always filled with 75 of the most important items. Additionally, 750 of those items are on the PC.
    I cannot get the Old Sea Map event to work. A legal event Mew is in the PC. Additionally, I cannot get the Mystic Ticket or Aurora Ticket to work, although they worked in FireRed.

    Pokémon Emerald:
    Save 1: Beginning: Ready for a new Pokémon Emerald adventure! (Starter obtained)
    Save 2: Steven: After having defeated her father in the gym battle, May continues on her journey through the Hoenn Region.
    She is about to have her second encounter with Steven Stone, the former Hoenn League Champion...
    Save 3: Vs. Team Magma!: Team Magma is about to reawaken Groudon from its' ancient slumber! May must prevent Groudon's reawakening at all costs!
    Save 4: Vs. Team Aqua!: Team Aqua is about to reawaken Kyogre from its' ancient slumber! May must prevent Kyogre's reawakening at all costs!
    Save 5: Saving Hoenn!: With the help of Wallace and Steven, May has found Rayquaza atop Sky Pillar. Awaken it, and fly back to Sootopolis City!

    Save 6: Champion! May has become the Hoenn League Champion! She could now travel to Southern Island or the Battle Frontier!

    Save 7: Silver Battle Frontier!: May is one participation away from challenging each of the Battle Frontier Brains! She may be able to win all the Silver Symbols!

    Hoenn Battle Frontier Brains in Gen 4 Style by duncapham
    Save 8: Gold Battle Frontier!: May is one participation away from challenging each of the Battle Frontier Brains! She may be able to win all the Gold Symbols!

    Hoenn Battle Frontier Brains in Gen 4 Style by duncapham
    Save 9
    (Save 10: Kosher)

    Pokémon teams based on: 
    Headcanon Pokémon Teams and Timeline and Pokémon Protagonist Teams  
    (Useful Batch Editor tips
    In PKHex go to tools->data->batch editor->copy paste the text below:
    .OT_Gender= (0 for male; 1 for female) ; .OT_Name= (your name) ; .OT_Friendship=255 ; .IsNicknamed= (true/false)
    .Language=(1=Japanese, 2=English, 3=French, 4=Italian, 5=German, 6=Spanish, 7=Korean) (be aware of some event Pokémon being of a certain language; mostly English)


       (0 reviews)



  4. Pokémon HG/SS - 'Pokémon DS Map Studio' - New Bark Town Recreation

    Pokémon DS Map Studio and Spiky's DS Map Editor Spiky's DS Map Editor (SDSME)
    do not allow the direct extraction of Official Pokémon Game Tilesets.
    If you want to - for example - add a single house to a Route, you must recreate the entire map first.
    That is why I will recreate some of Pokémon HG/SS's maps essentially Tile for Tile, before making my own real edits.
    This is a Recreation of HG/SS New Bark Town in Pokémon DS Map Studio.
    You may use this as a basis for your edits. You need not credit me, since this is merely something akin to 'Step 1' of the real work.
    (I had intended to upload many more such maps, but I have decided against it for now, sorry  )
    Please inform me, if you see anything wrong (Those Grass Tiles ARE very small! XD)

    If you are seeing this and want some resources:
    MasterYesevil's DS Rom Hackiing Tutorials Thread
    DS Rom Hacking Resource Collection Thread
    Pokémon DS Map Studio + g3dcvtr (paste these files into DS Map Studio's bin file)
    Spiky's DS Map Editor (SDSME)
    DS Pokémon Rom Editor (DSPRE)


       (0 reviews)


  5. Pokémon Platinum

    All 493 Pokémon are available and legal, with a few shinies.
    Bags are always filled with 750 of all items.
    Pokémon Platinum:
    Save 1: Beginning: Ready for a new Pokémon Platinum adventure! (Starter not chosen; Rival named Barry).
    Save 2: The New World!: The fate of the entire Pokémon Galaxy rests upon Dawns shoulders! Stop Team Galactic and their creation of the new World at any cost!

    Save 3 Champion!: Dawn has become the Champion of Sinnoh! Barry seems to want to show her something, Professor Rowan has a new Pokédex, a child lies in an endless nightmare in Canalave city, a girl named Marley waits at Route 224 and Team Galactic Commander Charon has set plans in motion at Stark Volcano...
    Save 4 Postgame: With the Battle resort accessible and Cresselia roaming the Sinnoh Region, Dawn directs her attention toward the Letter she received by Professor Oak and the Invitation to Harbor Inn in Canalave City....
    (Save 4: Shaymin and Darkrai Event unlocked)

    Save 5: Silver Battle Frontier!: Dawn is one participation away from challenging each of the Battle Frontier Brains! She may be able to win all the Silver Symbols!

    Save 6: Gold Battle Frontier!: Dawn is one participation away from challenging each of the Battle Frontier Brains! She may be able to win all the Gold Symbols!

    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: You want Gen 4 Online Features to work right now and receive Gen 4 Event Pokémon? YouTube Explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbsY_illQms
    (You need Hotspot from a Phone or PC and your 3ds/2ds)

    Pokémon teams based on: 
    Headcanon Pokémon Teams and Timeline and Pokémon Protagonist Teams  
    (Useful Batch Editor tips
    In PKHex go to tools->data->batch editor->copy paste the text below:
    .OT_Gender= (0 for male; 1 for female) ; .OT_Name= (your name) ; .OT_Friendship=255 ; .IsNicknamed= (true/false)
    .Language=(1=Japanese, 2=English, 3=French, 4=Italian, 5=German, 6=Spanish, 7=Korean) (be aware of some event Pokémon being of a certain language; mostly English)


       (0 reviews)



  6. Pokémon Soulsilver

    All 493 Pokémon are available and legal, with a few shinies.
    Bags are always filled with 750 of all items.
    (Event Pokémon included, so that you can experience event cutscenes as well.)
    Pokémon SoulSilver: 
    Save 1: Beginning: Ready for a new Pokémon SoulSilver adventure! (Starter not chosen; Rival unnamed)
    Save 2: Johto Complete; Ready for the Kanto Region!
    Save 3: Postgame: Ready for the Gymleader Rematch in the Saffron Dojo. Ethan is on Mount Silver, ready to face Red!
    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: You want Gen 4 Online Features to work right now and receive Gen 4 Event Pokémon? YouTube Explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbsY_illQms
    (You need Hotspot from a Phone or PC and your 3ds/2ds)
    Vs. Red Sprite by ITheRealPikachuv2
    (Enigma Stone Available)

    Save 4: Silver Battle Frontier!: Ethan is one participation away from challenging each of the Battle Frontier Brains! He may be able to win all the Silver Symbols!

    Save 5: Gold Battle Frontier!: Ethan is one participation away from challenging each of the Battle Frontier Brains! He may be able to win all the Gold Symbols!


    Pokémon teams based on: 
    Headcanon Pokémon Teams and Timeline and Pokémon Protagonist Teams  
    (Useful Batch Editor tips
    In PKHex go to tools->data->batch editor->copy paste the text below:
    .OT_Gender= (0 for male; 1 for female) ; .OT_Name= (your name) ; .OT_Friendship=255 ; .IsNicknamed= (true/false)
    .Language=(1=Japanese, 2=English, 3=French, 4=Italian, 5=German, 6=Spanish, 7=Korean) (be aware of some event Pokémon being of a certain language; mostly English)


       (0 reviews)



  7. Pokémon White 2

    Bags are always filled with 750 of all items.
    I used Suloku's BW Tool, to Memory Link these files with Hilbert's Pokémon White Postgame File, but Memory Link did not seem to work...
    All Keys have been unlocked though!
    Pokémon White 2:
    Save 1: Beginning: Ready for a new Pokémon White adventure! (Starter not chosen, PC Box empty, Pokédex full).
    Save 2: PC Box: The earliest Point in the game, in which Nate can access the Pokémon Center's PC Box.
    (All saves from here on: All 649 Pokémon are available and legal, with a few shinies.)
    Save 3: Kyurem-Cannon: Team Plasma requires the DNA-Splicers, which are in the possession of Drayden and therefore Team Plasma freezes Opelucid City! (Nature Preserve accessible already!)

    Save 4: Final Battle: Nate is about to witness the final showdown. The Battle of Truth and Ideals has arrived!

    Save 5: Champion!: Nate has become the Champion of the Unova region! The PWT is ready to live up to its' name, Colress awaits at Route 18, A Zoroark awaits Nate on Victory Road, a girl appears to have lost her Xtransceiver in Nimbasa City's amusement park and a few towns are left to be seen within Unova.
    Save 6: Postgame:
    Yancy has been called and will return a call upon another defeat of the elite four. (In this save file, Yancy's number can pop up on your Xtranceiver upon visiting:
    Route 7, Mistralton City, Route 6, Driftveil City, Route 5, Nimbasa City, Route 16, Lentimas Town, Undella Town, Lacunessa Town).

    All the Pokémon World Tournaments have been unlocked! Including the Pokémon Champions Tournament!
    Also, all teams from the past are back! Battle in these tournaments using the teams of the champions!
    FireRed - Red; SoulSilver - Ethan; Omega Ruby - Brendan; Platinum - Dawn; White - Hilbert

    ("Red vs. Sprite" by ITheRealPikachu; "ORAS Brendan gen 4 style sprite" by Hyo-oppa; "Vs. Brendan Sprite" by Nephae)
    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: You want Gen 5 Online Features to work right now and receive Gen 5 Event Pokémon? YouTube Explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbsY_illQms
    (You need Hotspot from a Phone or PC and your 3ds/2ds)

    Pokémon teams based on: 
    Headcanon Pokémon Teams and Timeline and Pokémon Protagonist Teams  
    (Useful Batch Editor tips
    In PKHex go to tools->data->batch editor->copy paste the text below:
    .OT_Gender= (0 for male; 1 for female) ; .OT_Name= (your name) ; .OT_Friendship=255 ; .IsNicknamed= (true/false)
    .Language=(1=Japanese, 2=English, 3=French, 4=Italian, 5=German, 6=Spanish, 7=Korean) (be aware of some event Pokémon being of a certain language; mostly English)


       (0 reviews)



  8. Pokémon FireRed

    All 386 Pokémon are available and legal, with a few shinies.
    Bags are always filled with 75 of all items.

    Pokémon FireRed:
    Save 1: Beginning: Ready for a new Pokémon FireRed adventure! (Starter not chosen; Rival named Blue), TM Case will have all TMs once obtained)
    Save 2: Champion!: Red has become the Champion of Kanto!....but Bill is in Cinnabar Island's Pokémon Center and seems to have a request involving the Sevii Islands.....
    Save 3: Post-Game: After having successfully driven out the last Team Rocket Members of Kanto and having connected Celios machine to the Hoenn Region, Red can only think about the Cinnabar Mansions Entries' about the Pokémon Team Rocket created and the apparent appearance of legendary Pokémon on Navel Rock and Birth Island....
    (Bulbasaur and Squirtle are not available in FireRed in Cerulean and Vermilion, unlike in Pokémon Yellow)
    Aurora Ticket and Mystic Ticket available.

    Pokémon teams based on: 
    Headcanon Pokémon Teams and Timeline and Pokémon Protagonist Teams  
    (Useful Batch Editor tips
    In PKHex go to tools->data->batch editor->copy paste the text below:
    .OT_Gender= (0 for male; 1 for female) ; .OT_Name= (your name) ; .OT_Friendship=255 ; .IsNicknamed= (true/false)
    .Language=(1=Japanese, 2=English, 3=French, 4=Italian, 5=German, 6=Spanish, 7=Korean) (be aware of some event Pokémon being of a certain language; mostly English)


       (0 reviews)



  9. Pokémon XD - Gale of Darkness

    I would have filled the PC Boxes with all 386 Pokémon...but you only have 8 PC Boxes!  I added some useful Pokémon into boxes 7 and 8 though.
    750 the most important items are in your bag.

    Pokémon XD:
    Save 1: Beginning:
    Michael has once again proven his superior tactical skills in another Pokémon Battle Simulation, in which he defeated Battle Coach Losten's Metagross with a Salamence. 
    Losten thinks it's time for Michael to gather more Pokémon, than just his Eevee.
    On television, Michael saw an ONBS news report, in which the Captain and one Crewmember of the S. S. Libra claim, that it was stolen by 4 Helicopters and a mysterious Pokémon just off the Coast of Gateon Port.
    Michael's mother Lily cannot seem to find Jovi, Michael's Sister. Anon was playing hide-and-seek with her. He thinks she may have gone to Dr. Kaminko's Manor...

    Save 2: Rescue!:
    Michael has saved Professor Krane, but must now escape the Cipher Lab. Cipher Admin Lovrina is still somewhere in the base...
    Save 3: ONBS Attack!
    The Orre News Broadcasting Studio, run by the children the Under who helped Wes 5 years earlier against Team Cipher are now under attack by Team Cipher!
    Michael must save them and get Nett to decipher this Cipher DATA ROM, which was dropped by Researcher & Cipher Tekot during his and Lovrina's Escape!

    Save 4: S.S. Libra found.
    Having fought back the Team Cipher Attacks on the ONBS Station and Phenac City, Micheal has traversed the desert and has found.....the S.S. Libra.
    At least, what used to be the S.S. Libra. The mysterious Shadow Pokémon Team Cipher used was able to lift this vessel out of the water, transport it for miles and destroy it almost entirely.
    Shaken by this realization, but determined to follow in Wes' footsteps and defeat Team Cipher, Micheal realizes, that he must sift through the wreckage to understand their motives...

    Save 5: Counterattack!:
    After the Orre Region has been on the receiving end of Team Ciphers attacks, the opportunity for a counterattack is finally here!
    Micheal has defeated the remains of Team Snagem, within the ruins of their ancient base, that Wes had rigged to explode 5 years earlier.
    And now Micheal has begun infiltrating the Cipher Key Lair which is...A Pyramid? Another ancient Colosseum deeply rooted in Orre Tradition?

    Save 6: Gale of Darkness:
    In Michael's mind he was preparing for one Battle since the Beginning. He had not been certain, whether it would be one or two. He had prepared to fight and defeat Evice and Nascour.
    The same way Wes had done. But Wes had wondered, if both of them would be fighting him in one double-battle. This fact was cemented, when Wes fought Gonzap.
    But that preparation had been in vain as, deep in the Cipher Key Lair a screen flickered on and Michael saw the true Grand Master of Team Cipher.
    It had been him, a kind old man who had defeated Zook, whom Michael had developed a grudge against. Zook, who had threatened Jovi and had stolen Michael's Snag Machine.
    And now Michael stood here on the Citadark Isle, facing the kind old man, who was using XD-001. As Wes had caught Ho-Oh, Michael was determined to catch Lugia.
    (To purify Shadow Lugia, you need all Purification Chambers at max Tempo (not flow))

    Save 7: Miror B.
    Michael must fight against Miror B. to capture the last Shadow Pokémon!
    Pokémon teams based on: 
    Headcanon Pokémon Teams and Timeline

    (Useful Batch Editor tips
    In PKHex go to tools->data->batch editor->copy paste the text below:
    .OT_Gender= (0 for male; 1 for female) ; .OT_Name= (your name) ; .OT_Friendship=255 ; .IsNicknamed= (true/false)
    .Language=(1=Japanese, 2=English, 3=French, 4=Italian, 5=German, 6=Spanish, 7=Korean) (be aware of some event Pokémon being of a certain language; mostly English)


       (0 reviews)



  10. Pokémon Ranger - Guardian Signs

    (All saves have been given the Event missions through the Mission Injection Tool by sinbad.the.saile)
    Start them in the Main Menu -> Ranger Net -> Play a New Mission
    Save 1: Beginning:
    Ben was pursuing two Pokémon Snatchers, who were attempting to capture Latios! While attempting to save Summer, he fell off his Staraptor and narrowly escaped death.
    Ben must head north to return to civilization...a Pichu, native to the island waits for him...

    Save 2: Mission 1: Teakwood Forest:
    The Pokémon Pinchers have returned! Head north and then to the west to Teakwood Forest to stop them from capturing more Pokémon...

    Save 3: UFO:
    After the sudden Appearance of Raikou and Celebi, Ben returned to Cocona Village to repair Pichu's broken Ukulele. In the East of the village, a young girl wants to examine the "U.F.O's" the Snatchers were using...

    Save 4: Summer
    Despite the extreme success in the Old Mansion, Ben must negotiate a prisoner exchange with the Snatchers. Trade Blue Eyes for Summer.
    Although Red Eyes is playing fairly, many grunts may attempt to free Blue Eyes...

    Save 5: Volcano
    With an upgraded Ukulele for Pichu and an upgraded Styler for Ben, Ben is more certain of success than ever!
    Quickly! Ben and Summer must hurry to the summit of Faldera Volcano to rescue Moltres!

    Save 6: Surprise!:
    Head north to the Cocona Village Plaza to receive a surprise!

    Save 7: Chaos!:
    With the truth of the Snatchers revealed, Ben and Summer now face the ancient terror, that laid waste to Oblivia!

    Save 8: Final Battle!:
    Prepare for the final confrontation against "The Thinker" with his most powerful Pokémon!


       (0 reviews)



  11. Pokémon Colosseum

    I would have filled the PC Boxes with all 386 Pokémon...but you only have 3 PC Boxes! 😧 I added some useful Pokémon into box 3 though.
    750 the most important items are in your bag.

    Pokémon Colosseum:
    Save 1: Beginning: The headquarters of Team Snagem has been rigged by Wes to explode! He successfully infiltrated their ranks and stole the snag machine!
    Will he use keep it to prevent Team Snagem from using it or will he use it for his own desires?

    Wes has aided a girl called Rui escape from two kidnappers. Take Rui to Mayor Es Cade! Wes could also train at the pre-gym in the centre of Phenac City...
    Travel to Pyrite city and snag the distributed Shadow Pokémon from the Pyrite Colosseum Winners! The Pyrite Colosseum's Generator had a gear stolen...

    Save 2: Knockout Challenge!: Wes has captured the Shadow Pokémon of Pyrite Town and helped find the gear necessary for the Colosseum's electricity!
    Duking, the owner of the Pyrite Colosseum has asked Wes to participate in the Pyrite Colosseum battles! Win 4 times in a row to be the Pyrite Champ!
    Empty the Pyrite Team Snagem Hideout, and travel to Agate Village to learn more about the Shrine of Celebi...

    Save 3: Purification: Wes can now purify his Team at the Shrine of Celebi, which is located behind the cave, below the Pokémon Center.
    Duking has asked for help at Mt. Battle! Prepare to face Cipher Admin Dakim and his Shadow Entei!
    Explore "The Under", located beneath Pyrite City and defeat Cipher Admin Venus and her Shadow Suicune!

    Save 4: The Shadow-Lab: Having defeated Dakim and Venus, Wes and Rui prepare to enter the Shadow Lab, where the Shadow Pokémon are being created...
    Prepare for Cipher Admin Ein and his Shadow Entei!

    Save 5: Realgam Tower: This Tower seems to be connected to Team Cipher somehow...

    Save 6: The Final Colosseum: Wes must defeat the true Leader of Team Cipher!

    Save 7: Orre Region Saviour!: With Teams Snagem and Team Cipher defeated, Wes can now find the last remaining Shadow Pokémon in the Orre Region.
    Head to The Under, where Nett has the List of remaining 6 Shadow Pokémon...
    Save 8: Postgame: All 48 Pokémon have been found and purified. Team Cipher and Team Snagem no longer exist. Wes could challenge the Mt. Battle facility....

    Pokémon teams based on: 
    Headcanon Pokémon Teams and Timeline and Pokémon Protagonist Teams  
    (Useful Batch Editor tips
    In PKHex go to tools->data->batch editor->copy paste the text below:
    .OT_Gender= (0 for male; 1 for female) ; .OT_Name= (your name) ; .OT_Friendship=255 ; .IsNicknamed= (true/false)
    .Language=(1=Japanese, 2=English, 3=French, 4=Italian, 5=German, 6=Spanish, 7=Korean) (be aware of some event Pokémon being of a certain language; mostly English)


       (0 reviews)



  12. Pokémon Omega Ruby

    All 721 Pokémon are available and legal, with a few shinies.
    Bags are always filled with 750 of all items.
    Pokémon Omega Ruby:
    Save 1: Beginning: Ready for a new Pokémon Omega Ruby adventure! (Starter not chosen).
    Save 2: Champion!: Brendan has become the Champion of Hoenn and saved it from Team Magma! But a new threat emerges, as foretold by Lore-keeper Zinnia...
    Save 3: Postgame: After the successful destruction of the Meteor, that was about to destroy the World, maybe Brendan can relax at the Battle Resort...although it appears as though a man has washed up on one of the beaches...

    Pokémon teams based on: 
    Headcanon Pokémon Teams and Timeline
    Pokémon Protagonist Teams
      (Useful Batch Editor tips
    In PKHex go to tools->data->batch editor->copy paste the text below:
    .OT_Gender= (0 for male; 1 for female) ; .OT_Name= (your name) ; .OT_Friendship=255 ; .IsNicknamed= (true/false)
    .Language=(1=japanese, 2=english, 3=french, 4=italian, 5=german, 6=spanish, 7=korean) (be aware of some event pokemon being of a certain language; mostly english)


       (0 reviews)



  13. Pokémon White

    Bags are always filled with 750 of all items.
    Pokémon White:
    WARNING: Only 4 numbers are allowed in PC Box titles, so I recommend: replace 0 with O and 1 with I.
    Save 1: Beginning: Ready for a new Pokémon White adventure! (Starter not chosen, PC Box empty, Pokédex full).
    Save 2: PC Box: The earliest Point in the game, in which Hilbert can access the Pokémon Center's PC Box.
    (All saves from here on: All 649 Pokémon are available and legal, with a few shinies.)
    Save 3: Pre-Pokémon League: Hilbert is about to challenge the Unova Champion! ....who won their earlier fight? N or Alder....?

    Save 4: Champion!: Hilbert has become the Champion of Unova....and with the 6 sages still free, Hilbert has become the optimal candidate to aid the international police to catch them....
    Save 5: Postgame: Hilbert has led Looker to all of the 6 sages....Hilbert could still challenge Alder...
    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: You want Gen 5 Online Features to work right now and receive Gen 5 Event Pokémon? YouTube Explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbsY_illQms
    (You need Hotspot from a Phone or PC and your 3ds/2ds)

    Pokémon teams based on: 
    Headcanon Pokémon Teams and Timeline and Pokémon Protagonist Teams  
    (Useful Batch Editor tips
    In PKHex go to tools->data->batch editor->copy paste the text below:
    .OT_Gender= (0 for male; 1 for female) ; .OT_Name= (your name) ; .OT_Friendship=255 ; .IsNicknamed= (true/false)
    .Language=(1=Japanese, 2=English, 3=French, 4=Italian, 5=German, 6=Spanish, 7=Korean) (be aware of some event Pokémon being of a certain language; mostly English)


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  14. Pokémon Ranger

    Save 1: Beginning: Solana has arrived in Fiore and passed her tests to become a Pokémon Ranger! Escort Professor Hastings through Lyra Forest!
    Save 2: Summerland: Having aided the inhabitants of Fall City, now Solara must find clues about the Go-Rock Squad's doings in Summerland!
    Save 3: Jungle Relic: Solana, Plusle, Lunick and Minun have located the Jungle Relic to face 3 of the 4 challenges there! What they were not told, is that this is an ancient temple for Entei...
    Save 4: Wintown: The Time has come to infiltrate the Base of the Go-Rock Squad in the north! Solana is to provide a distraction, so that the mission succeeds!
    Save 5: Fiore Temple: Solana, Plusle, Lunick and Minun are about to face the Leader of the Go-Rock Squad atop the Temple of Fiore, the temple for the Eeveelutions and the Legendary Beasts!

    Save 6: Postgame:
    Rangernet: A hostile Deoxys has been discovered!
    Rangernet: A Celebi has been seen near the Lyra Forest Shrine being endangered by Go-Rock Squad Members!
    Rangernet: A Mew has been discovered and should be studied! (Use the help of Shedinja at the Jungle Relic in the North)
    Rangernet: A Manaphy Egg has washed up on shore!
    Go to the Fall City Ranger Base, to begin a sequence of events, that will lead Solana to Kyogre!
    Go to Ring Town to speak with Hayate, to begin a sequence of Events that will lead Solana to Groudon!

    Save 7: Rayquaza: Solana must head north to capture the Rayquaza atop Fiore Temple!


    (You should not need to do this, but here it is any way: After completing the game, enter any of these codes for the Manaphy Egg Mission!
    Activate the "Enter Password -menu in Ranger Net with: X+R+Left"
    US - P8M2-9D6F-43H7, UK - Mg35-Cpb8-4FW8, French - DY4g-k28S-QB9F, German - R3d4-cv2S-WC7W, Spanish - C58f-t3WT-Vn79, Italian - FH38-fwD8-5S2a)


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