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  1. Hello, I keep getting "Invalid: Evolution not valid (or level/trade evolution unsatisfied)." While trying to gen a shiny 3 segment Dundunsparce. File included. Please help! 917-01 ★ - WhyDoIExist - 289525BAA27A.pk9
  2. How do you Hyper train Pokemon in PKHex in the latest update?
  3. That makes sense, is there an easy way to do that? I have CFW if that helps.
  4. Hey everyone, I was curious, I saw this video: Was curious how to do this myself, I wanted to record some funny animations of other Pokemon using the Exclusive Z-Moves for a funny video. Will be recording the Animations with Citra.
  5. Hey everyone, With the new PKHex update I noticed a ton of my GEN 3-5 mons have some errors "Invalid: Encounter Type PID mismatch" and "Invalid: Can't have ball for encounter type. I've tried the latter with different Pokeballs and it still wont work, and I have read about using RNG Reporter and I downloaded it but I have no idea what to do with it, can anyone please explain how to fix my mons? I have like a hundred or so that need fixing. Also, will PKHex be adding the gen 3-5 algorithm?
  6. Hey everyone, I just updated my PK Hex to the latest version and apparently some of my mons are invalid with the following reasons, how do I fix this? Ive never seen these issues before. 1. Invalid: Unable to match an encounter from origin game. 2. Invalid: PID-Nature mismatch. 3. Invalid: PID should be equal to EC [with top bit flipped]! Please help!
  7. Why is the TID in PKHex not the same as it is on the webpage?
  8. Would like to know this as well.
  9. What is the SID for the Shiny Tapu Koko?
  10. Do you know what they would be? Cuz thats not in the error message im receiving.
  11. Hey everyone I keep getting this error in my legality for my Volcanion and my Ash Greninja (Invalid: Unable to match to a Mystery Gift in the database.) How do I fix this? Please help!
  12. I was editing my event. I may have gotten rid of the relearn moves by mistake. Edit* Thanks for the help! It works now!
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