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Everything posted by greenDarkness

  1. Great suggestion! Would really like to see this feature added!
  2. .PID=$rand will work on gen 5 Pokemon and up. HT_Name is tied to the Latest(Not OT), but I'm not sure how you would delete the value. Does anyone know if this sort of batch edit is supported? .CurrentLevel=Met_Level If so am I doing something wrong?
  3. @theSLAYER @Sabresite Thanks so much guys for the information!
  4. So wait, does that mean that Eggs marked with a "Fateful Encounter" do not retain this when they hatch? Also, for the Pokémon Center 5th Anniversary Eggs I can't seem to get this one to read as legal. Even though the PID is from method 2; Am I doing something wrong? 280 - Ralts - 890E875733CD.pk7
  5. This is a really awesome website! If I uploaded a box as locked, how would I go about unlocking it? Thanks!
  6. http://www.romhacking.net/utilities/606/
  7. Thanks for the update. It was really informative. Soundhax seems extremely useful for those who are yet to obtain custom firmware. Sighax sounds amazing, as downgrading is horrifying.
  8. So Sanity is just an un-encrypted byte?
  9. What exactly is Sanity? In PKHeX's Batch Editor there is a command to edit Sanity, and I'd very much like to know what it does. If anyone could provide an explanation/point me to a place where I can read about it, I'd really appreciate it. Cheers!
  10. Have you tried this one yet? https://gbatemp.net/threads/fixes-for-all-gba-pokemons-save-issue-with-agb_firm.390508/ Ah, I see. Well if some point you end up reinstalling, and playing through (since the save error message is harmless after the agb_firm patch) I'd very much like to know if you have the same issue. Best regards!
  11. Do you still need this?
  12. Hello there, This might help to provide some inspiration. https://filetrip.net/3ds-downloads/other-3ds-files/download-agb-firm-save-fix-pack-for-pokemon-gba-games-1-0-f33538.html This patch fixes saving, but does not disable the save error message. On a side not, have you tried flying in Fire Red when injected into the virtual console? If so did it work for you? Do you have a N3DS, or an Old3DS? Cheers!
  13. Here you go. Sun Ultra Beasts.rar
  14. I'm assuming these are for ORAS since Pokebank isn't out for Sun and Moon yet. Anyway, I have them ready. Put a Cascoon or Silkoon on the GTS for a lv 100 Ditto. Afterwards we'll trade via acquaintance.
  15. Don't feel bad, I had the same problem haha. Cheers!
  16. Well, you're in luck if you wanted to install Homebrew. Although officially OoThax says it only supports 11.0 it has been confirmed to work on 11.2 https://github.com/yellows8/oot3dhax
  17. I understand. I don't know of a way around the region locks other than by spoofing, and that would require Homebrew. I don't suppose you own Cubic Ninja, Freaky Forms Deluxe, or Ocarina of Time(+You need Powersaves for this path)?
  18. If you have access to Homebrew, you could probably use HANS to region spoof in order to redeem the event.
  19. I made a post about this here. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/issues/591 I tried the .Stat_Level= command with my Moon save, and had the same problem. Edit: Kaphotics says CurrentLevel is the property you are looking for -- even though current level is a derived property, PKHeX can calculate the required EXP for you when you set the value. Stat_* are party stats which are not stored in the box format.
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