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Everything posted by hacks

  1. Sine crystal has mainly the same save file structure im wondering if it would let you transfer from a crystal vc inject if you changed the tid of it to the same one as gold or sliver
  2. I meant title id if they included support for it early people could just make a gold sliver vc inject with the title id and transfer pokemon early
  3. yeah they could make it so certain country get the vc one and every one else just gets the one in there gen 7 game. so uk and japan get one in vc games just like mew. they would not add gen 2 support this early because people can data mine it and find out the title id of vc gold and sliver then change there vc inject to the id and transfer early
  4. they still could also have an event one in gs vc as well they had a mew event in xy and oras and there was a vc one to
  5. eh the id for mew was the release date of pokemon red and green in japan so maybe the id of celebi if theirs an event will be the jap release date of gs im guessing the ot will still be game freak and i don't think they are going to update transporter again just to allow celebi though so it may work on launch and you can use the coin case to change the id and ot. they have not added in gen 2 support so we don't know yet.
  6. idk if the vc emulator will work with coincase because of it not emulating the Gameboy properly has some one tried it on the injects. coincase ace did not work on pokemon stadium 2 gb tower or vba
  7. i know they won't work online early but aren't those unused Gameboy symbols for the gen 2 vc Pokemon
  8. I don't have a flash card but i have a 3ds with twl loader and i can use haxx station to send homebrew to a dslite but there's no gba wifi save dumper
  9. so i want to change this to cheat the global misson is it possbile to change this
  10. so i want to dump the other players team on sun and moon to know what set they were using
  11. how do you do this instead of having to cheat bottle caps in
  12. idk what the extra bytes are for
  13. is there any way to inject stuff into the save i have an old 3ds so i can't use ntr on the demo
  14. so my computer screens to small for the whole prompt window to fit so i cannot hit ok could you make it so it does not show the whole team text http://prntscr.com/cjrna3
  15. It uses same engine as gen 6 so it probs will have a similar save file structure to gen 6 like gen 4 and gen 5. So sun and moon will probs use a main file. Also it would be possible to use the browser ram dump thing as with cfw you can downgrade the browser and have the old one that works with ramsav.
  16. eh so im having trouble getting oaks letter and members card to work i can't really get any wonder cards to work
  17. the legal checker says its not vaild wondercard gift and i checked every thing on it to make sure it matchs the event
  18. support for gen 5 and 4 on the same app would be great as an easy way of tranfering pokemon maybe even to gen 6 saves and gen 7 when that comes out and save editing is figured out for it
  19. how do you do this with ntr cfw because i have a9lh and hans is obsolete if you have cfw sincle hans will not be able to play games over 9.6 crypto so no sun and moon hacks will happen with hans and plus ntr is best to use if you have a cfw
  20. want to get back in team flare hq what map number and cords do i use to get in
  21. i want an egglock save for pokemon hg
  22. pokegens bad with wc support i injected wonders with it and they do not work and it also does not let you delete wc we need a better editor pokgens outdated so this would be good
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