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Everything posted by hacks

  1. link here https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-twlsavetool-v1-0.412887/ this allows you to dump restore and edit ds game saves with 3ds but if your using it with home-brew you need dream rader or transporter if you don't have those or want to buy them and are on 10.30 or below you can downgrade to 9.2 install cfw then install the twl cia
  2. so i injected mebers card into pokemon diamound but it seems to not be working
  3. could you add an overworld 3d model randomnizer
  4. ok i swaped Brendan with the playable charcter of x and y and it goes black screen when i load my save file
  5. but when he sends the pokemon out its the ones that where on the stater selction in ep 1
  6. how did this guy randomize staters then
  7. how do you do model swaps
  8. could you update it so it can load romfs because if you want to use it on hans you need to dump the full rom which you cannon do on newer firmwares hans workings on use the tool on that then decypt to get romfs that does work on hans but people can't dump full on newer filmware
  9. from what smea has said the actual exploit it self is very unlikey to be patched but some of the entry points can the ones that cannot be is oothax and ninjahax since they cannot be force updates and can be bought as a physical game. But its a downside to people because if they just found out about this and are on lasted frimware the only way they can install it is though ninjahax
  10. well it blocks theme hax and browser hax but if you have the old version of ironfall or oothax or ninjahax it will still work
  11. i have the physcal copy of the game so heres what happed i backed up my x save so i could do an egglocke i back up the egglocke save then put my main save back on it says its courrpted it oped in pkhex but heres what it looks like http://prntscr.com/8lod9t i had other backups they load fine in pkhex but when i try to restore those it still says its courpted
  12. i have a question why does it not have to send the save to a sever like cyber gadget and power saves to dencrypt the save file
  13. problem with it though is i can't move my save from the save data backup folder to another folder on sd i keep my save back ups in and every time you go onto it using the windows explorer and you cannot move files around to diffent folders on sd card way you have to refresh for every time you browse a diffent folder on sd card its annoying and i think winscp is better still
  14. is their any way to open the save from the ftp sever instead of having to copy save to pc to edit it
  15. very useful for if you want to start a new game with out losing your current one but yeah the problem is this doesn't work on the digital copy's because of the anti save game restore if you want to do an egglocke. If you want to do an egglocke i found this https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_kyHe1NaTdVWG13dnpiV0x1V0k/view go in tools in pkhex to import the eggs into your file
  16. does the secure value only apply to eshop version of the game because i have the game card version and can import old saves
  17. i have a question how does it decrpt the save
  18. is there a way to edit the game file of super mario 3d land as there is no save editor for it
  19. what happens if you import a pokemon x save into oras
  20. so smea got his pc corrupted so he cannot release tdvs https://twitter.com/smealum/status/638542089014284288 guess we are stuck with sdm
  21. can Nintendo ban you for using it since they arent getting any money off you with the in game purchases
  22. got it to work i have heaps of jewls but every thing in the shuffle shop is greyed out
  23. it will not work unless your save pal i live in a pal regoin so i need some one with a pal save
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