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  • Birthday 10/20/1994

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  1. @DestroyMagnet Bulbapedia has all Gen 2 PCNY campaigns documented, which if I recall correctly was taken from the old official PCNY website which would post about the events weekly. There is a lot we do not have: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Gotta_Catch_'Em_All_event_Pokémon#Distribution_weeks For Gen 3, Bulbapedia does not have all PCNY campaigns documented, only those which we have had pk3 samples surface of. The documentation is weak and pieced together as information turns up, as I don't think the offical PCNY website recorded any from this generation. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_PCNY_event_Pokémon_distributions_in_Generation_III
  2. Oddly I don't see those event flags on my latest version of PKHeX (Edit: oh you have 3-14, I have 2-14), but you should still check the event constants. I remember doing this manually a few years ago, it may help you out.
  3. Yeah, that varies from person to person depending on personal perspective. If you only acknowledge legitimacy as events that come from the original distribution period, then it's understandable if these are not for everyone. Personally, for me the only reason it matters in this case is the incrementing TIDs, as these are all low number and consecutive, which we will inevitably have lots of now. Those from the original period would surface online with random TIDs and show their place in history, even though we know of instances the machines were reset during some campaigns during the original period. So I do understand it in that aspect. If it weren't for the unique TIDs, it would not matter at all to me, just as distributing with the 10ANNIV software outside of the original distribution period. It doesn't make a difference to me, and I don't agree with terms like "replica". The software is official and untouched, we didn't rebuild it to distribute pokemon with identical results. Though yeah, that's a decision for each person to make for themselves. If it were easy to obtain more original period PCNYs, then it'd be different. However they are very hard to find and sold at artificial asinine prices, so at that point it is ludicrous and I could care less if we are distributing them again in modern day with the original hardware.
  4. One of the Slot A memory cards we obtained had a date range (3 Jan 2003 - 30 Jan 2003) written on the label that corresponds with the following four Gen 2 campaigns: When data is deleted from a memory card, it still remains hidden in the raw data until it is overwritten by new save data. That is the ONLY reason @Gridelin was able to recover Evolution Stone, Monster Week 1, and the Gen 2 campaigns from one of the other Slot A memory cards. Unfortunately for the memory card the original owner's ex gf overwrote, the save data for Phantasy Star was large enough to completely wipe over the raw remnant data of whatever was on that particular memory card, presumably what was on the label. So that is lost forever, unless the same memory card used at one of the other three kiosks turns up. That is why we have two memory cards that contain Campaigns 3, 4, 5, and 6 consecutively, and two memory cards that contain Campaign 1. They were from different kiosk stations (PCNYa/b/c/d). The rest of the campaigns were remnant deleted data from these cards. With the PCNY campaigns we do have, yes we have all the pokemon within those campaigns. Though we are still missing many of the other campaigns that were not on these memory cards.
  5. Naturally any time we upload pokemon here they will be downloaded and used by a lot of people, so it's not an issue to us. If it's not an issue for you personally, feel free to upload them!
  6. The "Mew Machines" distribute identical Mews, only with the TID's incrementing from 00001 with each Mew distributed. We always welcome more Gen 1 and Gen 2 event pokemon here, so it will definitely be appreciated if you can share them.
  7. The main post answers all of your questions, but if English is not your native language I can understand if there is confusion. I will try to clarify. These pokemon are legitimate, not hacks made in PKHeX. The photo was provided for that reason to provide proof. That photo is of one of the original machines used to distribute at the Pokemon Center New York. The machine recently showed up, and now ProjectPokemon owns it and is able to distribute these old pokemon with it. Let me know if you still need any clarification.
  8. I think @Sabresite was either saying or just assuming that Campaign 2 is the Pokemon Box Promo, but he can clarify. Yes, all Gen 2 PCNY egg distributions have special moves. Not the legendaries. These particular Gen 3 pokemon here don't have special moves, and most others don't, but there were Wish Egg distributions for Gen 3 at PCNY. The Wish Eggs were a distributed from a GBA devcart by sending a wondercard via link cable, like the Aurora Ticket. We may hopefully see that software surface sometime.
  9. I figured I should also make this note before anyone asks, about why the Johto Legend campaign has TID 00061. Well my save corrupted when I distributed TID 00050, so I had to restore my last backup from after TID 00049. It took me too much time to start over at that point over one little hiccup, so I went up to TID 00061 so 60 pokemon from the campaign were still provided. What we can learn from this is to reference what @Gold Ursaring said here, and assume it is arguably indeed true about the machine itself, and not kids pulling carts out at the wrong time causing the corruption.
  10. If you'd like to ship me your cartridge to dump for you, you can send me a private message. I'm willing to help. If you'd rather me send you the dumper I understand, though I'm actively using for the time being, so it'd be quickest with the former option. For credibility, I've done this before:
  11. I don't have any familiarity with Home, ithough f if it's anything like Pokebank when it first went online I assume the hack checks are a ludicrous mess. Bad hacks may easily go through, legit stuff may be a no go. Regardless, these are 100% legitimate pokemon events, so in theory they should go through with now problem. Does not matter what PKHeX says.
  12. PKHeX does not have most older events properly documented, so you will often see older events marked as illegal even though they are not.
  13. @theSLAYER I mentioned in the second paragraph that Gen 2 will be ideally uploaded in a few days, as it is still being filled up with pokemon. My limited free time, and the need to zero out the Gen 2 software's unique "one-pokemon-per-campaign" date flag in the save's hex between each distribution, all makes it take a bit of time. The reason I uploaded the Gen 3 saves now instead of waiting until I also had the Gen 2 save is because this link is needed before Saturday morning to go along with some further public documentation. Ideally I'll have the Gen 2 save uploaded by or on Saturday, but no guarantee. @TheSchilling Are you referring to the campaign data from the actual distribution machine's memory cards? All of the machine's software and data are totally unusable unless you have the original machine in your possession, so there's no point in anyone uploading them until we have an emulation or public hardware solution available. Which if you refer to my explanation in the main post, it will likely take quite some time. Don't worry, the data is in possession of enough people to where it won't end up being lost. It will eventually be public one way or another, I will make sure of that.
  14. 20496 downloads

    This page contains several savefiles dumped from cartridges that were distributed a plethora of event pokemon directly from the Pokemon Center New York PCNY distribution hardware that recently surfaced. Hopefully it provides enough public satisfaction for everyone, while the preservation team undertakes this grand and lengthy task of hopefully enabling the software to become usable via emulation, as well as hopefully producing hardware mods for a publicly feasible physical method of distributing. This is our most major project by a long shot and will likely take quite some time, however now that everything is permanently in Project Pokemon's possession, any roadblocks toward the final goals would be on the technical side. Luckily the best minds are at work on each aspect of this project, so without revealing any further details in regards to that, have patience and remain optimistic. -------------------- For Generation III, a full box per campaign was distributed, with the TID for each incrementing from 00001 to 00030. The Ruby savefile is a male trainer so the OT names are all blue colored, and was loaded using the PCNYc memory card in Slot B of the NR GameCube. The Sapphire savefile is a female trainer so the OT names are all red colored, and was loaded using the PCNYd memory card in Slot B of the NR GameCube. Seven Gen 3 campaigns were preserved from the Slot A memory cards obtained. Each box in both savefiles have at least a few of every pokemon from the respective campaigns. For Generation II, three full boxes per campaign were distributed, with the TID for each incrementing from 00001 to 00060. This Gold savefile was loaded using the PCNYc memory card in Slot B of the NR GameCube. Four Gen 2 campaigns were preserved from the Slot A memory cards obtained. Each box will have at least a few of every pokemon from the respective campaigns, even those with normally extremely rare unlikely odds. -------------------- Generation III: Evolution Stone Campaign: 30 Aug 2003 - 4 Sept 2003 Pikachu Lv50 - Thunder Stone 25% Gloom Lv50 - Sun Stone 25% / Leaf Stone 25% Staryu Lv50 - Water Stone 25% ----- Monster Week 1 Campaign: 18 Oct 2003 - 24 Oct 2003 Cacturne Lv50 - 25% Duskull Lv25 - 25% Shuppet Lv25 - 25% Shedinja Lv50 - 25% ----- Campaign 1: 15 May 2004 - 22 May 2004 Houndour Lv5 - 50% Mareep Lv5 - 50% ----- Campaign 3: 31 July 2004 - Aug 6 2004 Azurill Lv5 - 20% / Soothe Bell 5% Wynaut Lv5 - 25% Gorebyss Lv20 - 25% Huntail Lv20 - 25% ----- Campaign 4: 7 Aug 2004 - 13 Aug 2004 Zangoose Lv18 - 20% / Quick Claw 5% Seviper Lv19 - 25% Milotic Lv35 - 25% Kingdra Lv35 - 25% ----- Campaign 5: 14 Aug 2004 - 20 Aug 2004 Armaldo Lv40 - 25% Sableye Lv18 - 20% / Bright Powder 5% Mawile Lv18 - 25% Cradily Lv40 - 25% ----- Campaign 6: 21 Aug 2004 - 27 Aug 2004 Machamp Lv30 - 20% / Choice Band 5% Ludicolo Lv20 - 25% Shiftry Lv20 - 25% Golem Lv30 - 25% -------------------- Generation II: Silver Cave Campaign: 1 Nov 2002 - 7 Nov 2002 Synthesis Tangela Egg - Normal 17% / Shiny 3% Low Kick Ponyta Egg - Normal 17% / Shiny 3% Low Kick Doduo Egg - Normal 17% / Shiny 3% Hypnosis Misdreavus Egg - Normal 17% / Shiny 3% Rage Larvitar Egg - Normal 17% / Shiny 3% ----- Union Cave Campaign: 8 Nov 2002 - 14 Nov 2002 Twister Staryu Egg - Normal 18.5% / Shiny 3.5% Metal Claw Krabby Egg - Normal 18.5% / Shiny 3.5% Sharpen Onix Egg - Normal 18.5% / Shiny 3.5% Swords Dance Goldeen Egg - Normal 18.5% / Shiny 3.5% Future Sight Lapras Egg - Normal 11% / Shiny 2% ----- Johto Legend Campaign: 15 Nov 2002 - 21 Nov 2002 Shiny Raikou Lv40 - 33% Shiny Entei Lv40 - 33% Shiny Suicune Lv40 - 33% Shiny Lugia Lv40 - 0.5% Shiny Ho-oh Lv40 - 0.5% ----- Celebi Present Campaign: 22 Nov 2002 - 28 Nov 2002 Celebi Lv5 - 98.5% Shiny Celebi Lv5 - 1% Shiny Mew Lv5 - 0.5%
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