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Posts posted by jojo12100

  1. On 23/07/2017 at 6:34 AM, SwagKey said:

    TCRF just updated with two more Pokemon from GSC that have unobtainable egg moves, Bulbasaur and Snorlax, and both cases just so happen to be about the move Charm. Did the devs really like that move or something? First the Oddish and now these two!

    It shouldn't be that hard to get the moves on them since I'm sure there's a glitch to get Ditto to learn the move, or heck, we could even just breed with the Charm Oddish in the event gallery for the Charm Bulbasaur then use the Bulbasaur for the Charm Snorlax due to egg groups.

    This has to be done on Crystal version though, because according to Serebii Charm on Bulbasaur is a Crystal version exclusive egg move for some reason.

    Snorlax was painful to get and it s GS exclusive

    143 - RONFLEX - DBD5.pk2

    001 - BULBIZARRE - 411B.pk2

    • V-Wheeeeeel!!! 1
    • Amazed 1
  2. Did I ever mentionned that Unknown from Ruby Debug (tournament) can't be poketransfered?

    Plus @HaxAras I asked @StarsMmd for the codes.


    Now I have my top 3 most wanted:

    -XY demo (for the Mewtwo and the Sylveon)

    -BW demo (for the Zorua)

    -Emerald Debug version (for the Relicanth)

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    • Teary-Eyed 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, BlackShark said:

    It's more likely that those images where taken on a debug version of Emerald. So unless someone can get that we might not have luck finding the Relicanth.

    If so it'll be another ROM to get for our studies with all the demos we don't have.

    But is there a possibility that there are leftovers like in Gen 1/2 or is it more like the Pokemon Ruby Debug version according to you?

    Edit:According to TCRF Emerald have debugging functionnalities undiscovered more than the sound test, maybe we can check that?

  4. 7 hours ago, Poke J said:

    I was wondering if anyone has found evidence of a debugger Relicanth in Pokemon Emerald.  The only evidence I have for the possible existence of this Relicanth is from the english version of the Official Pokemon Emerald Guild on page 9.  According to the book this is the information for the Relicanth;

    • Name: RELICANTH
    • Gender: Male
    • Ball: Ultra Ball
    • OT: Debug P (Male Trainer)
    • ID: 65066
    • Ability: Rock Head
    • Nature: Naive
    • Met: Littleroot Town at level 2

    I have provided pictures of the book and the Relicanth if it helps at all.

    Humm, that's interesting, I heard rumours of Relicanth swarms a long time ago but that Debugger's Relicanth is quite unique.

    The problem is: is there a way to get it? I mean for Pokemon Crystal and Stadium2 we had debug modes and for Pokemon Red and Yellow we had leftovers but here for Pokemon Emerald I never heard something like that.

    According to its level it seems to not be a starter or an internal trade maybe a given pokemon at the beggining for debugging.

    Thanks for your contribution I hope some one will be able to help us.


    @HaxAras why didn't you send a PM to @starsMmd for that? I mean he was the one who uploaded them.

  5. 1 hour ago, theSLAYER said:

    Extended Trailer revealed that:
    1. Piplup knows Hydro Pump
    2. Lucario knows Aura Sphere

    I've seen the movie in Japan Expo so I can tell that:

    -Piplup knows Hydro Pump, Whirpool, Drill Peck and Bubble Beam

    -Ash Charizard knows Flamethrower, Slash, Seismic Toss and I guess Fire Spin

    -Lucario Aura Sphere and Bone Rush

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, theSLAYER said:

    I actually saw this too.
    The dates line up with present day, since 11-Jul is Tues (the 火 stands for 火曜日, which is Tuesday),
    and furthermore the image to the right shows Ash it wearing the I Choose You Movie hat.

    Right now, one of the twitter handles are asking karendaru1989 for source link.

    I'm trying to read if any part of that image means distribution, but that remains unclear to me.

    I remember a theory about the fact that in the original anime the Ho-Oh Ash saw in first episode was a Mew transformed.

    And as I said for this movie: a Mew or a Ho-oh distribution.

    Plus, the only way for Japanese players to get it is via the VC distrib last year so it can be possible.

    Ok wait and see ^^

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