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Everything posted by RubyCarbuncle

  1. Like what Videomixer said, use Tinke for it. The thing is with the full mugshots there are two palettes in one file that lead to two separate sprites. (The top sprite and the bottom sprite) The problem is, BWME only reads one of those two palettes and therefore makes the legs match up to whatever palette is available to it. In laymen's terms, both palettes need to be replaced, but BWME only accesses the one. Proof that Tinke works for it:
  2. Interesting, I'm going to start practicing with stuff like this. I'm sure this will be a huge help. Thanks a bunch!
  3. I find it odd that Tinke is giving you trouble. I was able to do it using Tinke alone. When you pack it, I think it should still look open. Then just click save rom and it should work out just fine.
  4. Like what you did in the last image, you need to match it up with Nate's. The one of Whitney's you saw was made to replace Hilbert/Hilda's sprites, not Nate/Rosa's. As for the left arm, you need to draw that in yourself, like what I did below with my sprites and what Game Freak did with Nate's. Nate's: Travis's (My character's): Both at once: See how on the last image the body position and the arms all match up to each other? You need to do the exact same thing with Marlon's sprite so that it looks correct in-game.
  5. I've tried that before as well, except it was further towards the bottom of the sprite. The color order still messed up, somehow. By all means though, go ahead and try it, maybe there is something I missed last time I did it.
  6. From what I can gather about the program, the palette colors of each image are different. For example, The legs have less colors than the upper portion, causing it to glitch up like that. However, since the "sync palette" option breaks the sprites I don't see a way around it. I've had the same problem for quite some time with my own sprites, as well. As you can see from this video, I for one haven't figured it out just yet: I'm still looking into the issue, I think something may be able to be done up right when the file is inserted into the narc with Tinke, but I can't be sure on that just yet.
  7. So far, Fennekin is my choice. I personally like Fennekin's design better then the other two, Chespin would be my second choice at the moment though. However I didn't like Oshawott's design to much in the beginning (I'm still partial to him, but meh) I didn't care to much for Snivy or Tepig's final evolution, so I'm waiting to see the final evolutions and types to make a final decision. Hopefully that'll be revealed soon.
  8. You know, you could always use Google to find a B2/W2 rom, and then patch it yourself. People aren't always just going to hand you the answers on a silver platter, sometimes you just have to find it on your own.
  9. Why not just use his actual sprite? http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/File:Spr_B2W2_Marlon.png
  10. Probably not, at this point I have a lot of things to there and wouldn't be able to find the proper amount of time for it, I'll try and make it clear here, though.Look at this: If the image doesn't fit on your screen, here is a direct link to it: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/117/1/3/untitled_by_justinstockert-d636pv7.png
  11. The last post proved me wrong. Kaphotics said he solved it in his last post. I said that because when I asked he told me he didn't know. EDIT: Also, I reject the statement saying that I'm "too lazy to find them" I spent about a day searching through forums on this topic and found nothing. Got it? I also spent that same amount of time searching through Tinke and the list of narc files. I overlooked that narc in particular, thinking it was a bit more then just a narc of Trainer Sprites. Also, I said, "From what I can tell..." meaning I didn't know whether or not people knew. Just because someone states that they don't know something, doesn't show that they're lazy. False assumption on your part, my friend.
  12. Just thought I'd show that it worked, I just need to re-position him a bit. Thanks again, Kaphotics. EDIT: Changed the image, better sprite and better position.
  13. All I did in that video was change hex files for colors. In the image below, you can see that I still haven't learned how to change the sprite there. I recently asked the question about this in this thread: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?29338-B2-W2-Hero-character-flying-sprites-PWT-sprite-location-help. From what I can tell nobody currently knows where those are located.
  14. Wow, cannot believe I missed that. Sorry. Anyway, thank you for this. It's a huge help for me.
  15. Yes, but where are they located? If I could just find that out then I would be able to do the rest on my own.
  16. Okay, so, I need help here. I've looked around the forums and I can't seem to find a thread here about where Nate and Rosa's flying sprites are. I know that they cannot be accessed though BWOE (I've tried before and failed) so I'm guessing they can only be replaced through Tinke. I also would like to know where the Hero's sprite location for the PWT screen is, because with a custom character in the OW and Nate on the screen it just seems wrong. I'd really like to know where these are. Thank you for your time. EDIT: PWT screens has been solved. I also know the location of the flying textures now, I'm still looking into ho to replace them though.
  17. To edit Mugshot text go to .narc 0/0/2, (as mentioned above) then in that .narc go to file 368. They are encrypted, however there aren't that many of them. What I did was replace the encrypted names with numbers, saved the .narc, opened the game and found out which number went to which character's mugshot. For example, in this image Cheren's name is 1, meaning Roxie's would be 2, and so on. Hope this was of some help.
  18. Thanks for the info, I think I'm starting to get the hang of this. I've been following that you made for more insight on how to do this. As a test map I've decided to start editing that diner in Castelia. Hopefully, if I can get this working I can make my videos a lot more interesting. Learning this, as well as DS map hacking (I know, so far the tool released only supports Gen IV), might just motivate me to make my own game one day. Thanks again for the advice, I'll post here again with either more questions or my success on this.
  19. I would like to know how to be able to add a new Trainer to any map in the game. I know that this has probably got a lot to do with Hex editing, but I'm willing to give it a try. Learning how to do this would be a huge step forward for me. So if there is a forum topic that I looked over then I'd love to be able to read it. Thanks.
  20. I figure, since I'm signed up here now, I might as well post this here. It's a tournament against me and friends in a group called "SG-1 Plays" (a bit obvious where we got our team name from ). Anyway, here is a video that shows the tournament in progress as well as the link for the download. Download the tournament here
  21. Hi, my name is Justin. I'm an amateur at hacking B/W and B2/W2, but I do what I can with the tools provided. I'm currently making hack battle videos on Youtube that seem to be something people like a lot. You can view a few of them here: I'm also an amateur sprite maker and (for lack of a better word)artist. You can see the sprites that I made in the videos above for my OC named Travis and his rival Edric. A few of my drawings can be found below. Drawings: Travis Kate Edric As I said, I'm still an amateur at all this, so I've still got a lot to learn, especially when it comes to Hex editing. Anyway, I look forward to making an attempt to become active on these forums.
  22. Actually, all my battles (as of 2013) take place in B2/W2. In BWTE there are several "no data" trainer slots. These "No data" slots either have no sprite animation or the old sprite animation that Cheren and N used in B/W. I use the same editing process that I showed with Red's battle, except with the "no data" set to the Trainer instead of "Red".
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